Pinched nerve - anyone else recovered from one?

Hi guys,

Back in early October, I somehow pinched the nerve in my groin. I didn't realise at first and kept running on it (8-10 km) for about a week. It got to the stage where I was visibly limping around and walking was very painful. I was then diagnosed with a pinched nerve. The doc had me on anti-inflammatories, which I took for about 2 weeks then stopped for health reasons. I was told no exercise until a week after it stops hurting.

Well, the pain isn't bad anymore, but it is still sporadically present. As such, besides one game of badminton (which hurt) and one walk I have been doing no exercise over the last 2 months. I am really sad, because my fitness improved so much in the 3 months since I started running (I went from couch to 10k, so to speak). I am worried that this will take any more months to heal and then I will be starting again from scratch.

Has anyone else had an experience with recovering from an injury? How long did it take to get your fitness back afterwards?



  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Yuppers. I messed my back and neck up royaly a few years back and had multiple pinched nerves. I did all the pt and drugs and all that jazz, but what fixed me was finding a wonderful woman who does reflexology/massage/body realingment. It did wonders for me...and my husband.and pretty much everyone else we have convinced to see her. :) Best of luck healing up! :)
  • rjensen0510
    rjensen0510 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel your to speak. I have plantar fascitis in my left heel, and I've been trying to recover from it so I can get back to running. I hate it. I've shifted to weight training and doing upper body exercise that generates cardio. For example, I spend 20-30 minutes on the Bowflex 3 -4 times a week, plus I fit in about 30 minutes of Wii Boxing (a fun workout ) several nights a week.

    I hope this helps, I was in the same boat, I finished a twelve mile race, got sick, then had the heel problem flare up. I'm training for another 12 mile event in March. Hate to see the progress go backwards. Hang in there, you can find something to do that will get your cardio and that can keep your muscles exercised!!!!

    Good Luck!
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    I was on steriods for a week, anti-inflammatories for a month, and physical therapy for 8 weeks to recoup from pinched nerves in my hip. It took about 3 months from the beginning for all the pain to really subside. I completely fell off the exercise bus (I played raquetball all the time) and didn't really get back into a decent routine for about 6 months after I started treatment. It wasn't the injuries fault, I just fell out of the habit and couldn't get back into it.

    I'd say if you can't focus on the running like you used to do, work on resistance training and strengthening exercises instead. That will help keep your muscles active and you can limit your focus to the areas that don't hurt. It should help keep you in the habit of exercising and make your shift back into running a little easier.