No love from the scale

Hi - I've been on for almost 50 days (hard to believe, it's gone so fast!) and I've seen fantastic results from my clothes, some of which I've already had to retire to the "fat" pile. Unfortunately, I see NO love from the scale! I purchased a brand new one about 30 days ago and it has not changed. Quite literally, it is weighing me exactly the same as when I bought it. According to that darn thing, I haven't lost a single ounce. Meanwhile, the clothes I wore a week ago are already looser than they were on Thanksgiving. My jeans slide on and off like sweat pants. It's fabulous.

But what gives? Why can't I get any love from the scale? Muscle can only account for so much. Shouldn't I be showing SOME progress on the scale? I've taken to weighing myself only once a week because it's just too upsetting to see no progress. Very discouraging. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • cowgirllisa86
    cowgirllisa86 Posts: 57 Member
    Losing inches and building muscle... I have reached my goal of size 4, and still am exercising/eating right but yet the scale hasnt moved in a few days but i can see/feel a difference cuz im toning :) GD LUCK and congrats on your progress !!!
  • Haz89
    Haz89 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I have been doing my exercises for about 25 days now and I have not seen any change from my scale either. I have seen changes in my clothes and looking at certain areas on my body it does seem different. I have done some internet searches and most sources suggest since you are losing fat and building muscle. This is great! Keep going and eventually you will see changes on the scale. Ignore the scale for now and take your inches. It may help, whatever you do, don't stop your exercises! Also switch it up a bit. You are on the right track. Congrats on coming this far.