Why is decipline so hard?

Does anyone know a method of self dicipline i can use?

ive been on and off diets and im getting sick of gaining loosing and gaining again. Ive realised i dont just have to lose weight, i lack self dicipline. But why is it so hard to just decipline myself.

When im at work it is easy to stick to my eating plan but if i dont have a lunch box i end up running to the caffeteria to grab something which i will never know the calories because it doesnt have a food label.

At night it gets worse sometimes because i will have my planned supper then after 2 hours snack.

What can i do to stop these bad habits from hindering my weightloss journey?


  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Take weight loss as a journey and set small, attainable goals for yourself to meet. This is what will create the discipline you need. The goals could be simply writing down everything you eat, or adding an extra fruit or veggie to your meals. Make a goal to exercsie for so many miniuites today. Realize that making small changes over a long period of time is more effective than big changes all at once. Big changes all at once sets us up to fail, while small changes over a period of time sets you up for a routine.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Sometimes it's easier when someone else holds you accountable. I talk to my mom every morning and she asks me about my work out/what I ate the previous day. Helps keep me on track. Good luck!
  • Irish2002
    Irish2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I have found that if I say I am on a Diet it makes it harder for me to follow, I started to tell myself that it is a life choice which means I choose everyday to stay on track. I don't always give in to my weakness, but when I do I just get back on track the next day. Small goals are great also. I love chocolate and could eat and entire lb. a day so to control that carving I freeze it in small bits. That way it takes longer to eat and I have found after the first piece i am satified. I started this journey August of 2010, I have only lost 21 lbs. but I am keeping it off and now I don't feel bad about myself. I hope this helps a little. Just remember everyone has choices and that is my biggest, choose to do it everyday.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have found that if I say I am on a Diet it makes it harder for me to follow, I started to tell myself that it is a life choice which means I choose everyday to stay on track. I don't always give in to my weakness, but when I do I just get back on track the next day. Small goals are great also.

    I agree with this completely.

    I never dieted, I just changed the way I ate. I try to do my best and exercise and eat right everyday. Sometimes that doesn't always happen, so when I have a day where I have eaten terribly or didn't exercise, I start the next day fresh and don't beat myself up about it.

    A few things have kept me going successfully:

    1. Plan. Like you said, when you don't pack your lunch you end up making bad choices. Don't put yourself in that position-plan your food ahead as much as possible. On days you have to go to the cafeteria, make good choices. Most cafeterias have salad bars or sandwiches or other things that aren't loaded with fat. It is up to you to make the choice to eat something healthy.

    2. Set mini goals. It was too daunting for me to start and have the fact that I needed to lose 30 pounds staring me in my face. I started out at 175 pounds and my first goal was to get into the 160s. Once I did that, it was motivation to get into the 150s, then the 140s. Small 10 pound or less goals gives you reward much more quickly and helps keep the motivation up, the motivation to make the right choices every day.

    3. Rely on friends. My MFP friends have been invaluable in keeping me motivated and accountable. No one I know in "real life" is trying to lose weight, so going it alone would have been tough. It is great to connect with people on MFP with similar goals, similar struggles, etc.
  • I feel its just the human condition. Previously it was hard to get our hands on food so if you wanted to eat, you'd have to work for it. These days, food is everywhere and it really isn't in our capacity to say no to food all the time. Its just the way we were made.

    I find what works for me is to create a motivating factor for weight loss and remind yourself of it everyday. It has to be something deep like keeping yourself alive to see your great grandchildren or something like that. It certainly helps for me as I always ask myself if that extra bite is working towards that goal. It can be tedious what my self-discipline is also quite weak.


    Ryan Parker
    Zdiets.net - Lost 170lbs - Hypertension GONE! - High Cholesterol GONE! - Pre-Diabetes GONE!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i pre-log all my foods the night before. i usually go over by some calories, but its not big deal since i usually know that i'm going to be taking a few things off.

    btw, i hope you calorie goal is a reasonable number, to lose 1lb per week. if its more then that, it can be hard for you. also, remember that you want to come as close as possible to that number. plus or minus 100 calories is not that big of a deal.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i pre-log all my foods the night before. i usually go over by some calories, but its not big deal since i usually know that i'm going to be taking a few things off.

    btw, i hope you calorie goal is a reasonable number, to lose 1lb per week. if its more then that, it can be hard for you. also, remember that you want to come as close as possible to that number. plus or minus 100 calories is not that big of a deal.
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    DiScipline.. with s
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, sorry as a grammar person I am, and intending to be writer one day, I need to let you know that there is no such word as dicipline, but DiScipline with S. At first I thought it was a typo, but when I read the whole thing I've noticed the lack of "s" on all the words. I just don't want people to think this is a lesson, I just wouldn't like you to think you spellt the word right, and then doing the same mistake time and time again.

    So as to answer your question, below there is a sentence from Wikipedia, which helps explaining my point.

    In its original sense, discipline is referred to systematic instruction given to disciples to train them as students in a craft or trade, or to follow a particular code of conduct or "order". Often, the phrase "to discipline" carries a negative connotation. This is because enforcement of order – that is, ensuring instructions are carried out – is often regulated through punishment. Discipline is also believed to be one of the main pillars of our modern life.

    To be honest, I'm a very chaotic person myself, very undisciplined in the sense that I can never get myself to follow a routine, unless it's a naughty routine (a chocolate a day, lol). But straight to the point:

    Basically, hardly anyone in the world cares if you're eating unhealthy and what you are doing to your own body, because after all they all thing "thanks god it's not me" and they all have their own body concerns, anyway, only if they need to show a pic of their family or taking them to places is when they wish their parents, their children or their other halves looked fit and healthy. So in this world, you ought to stick to your own rules to get fit, because no-one will punish you for it, unless you go to a hospital where people get paid for it. But what you need is determination to do so. :D
  • they all thing ???? 9/10 for effort
  • I would not even give MrsNoir a nine. Spelling errors, run-on sentences and speculative advice. Guess there are no glass houses in MrsNoir's world.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I would not even give MrsNoir a nine. Spelling errors, run-on sentences and speculative advice. Guess there are no glass houses in MrsNoir's world.

    she is born in spain and living in england. her english is fine.