Having Trouble Losing, Help?


I have been reading these message boards forever and always enjoy the advice fellow "MFP'ers" offer each other. I have been on here since Mid-September and despite tracking my food and exercising regularly the weight does not seem to be coming off. I will make my Food Diary public for the heck of it, but please forgive my not logging over Thanksgiving. I normally try to stay in my calorie budget of 1,690 unless I exercise and I normally eat at least some of these calories back. I am a runner and normally log anywhere from 20-30 miles per week. Any Advice would be helpful but I am not looking for Fad-Diets or Fast fixes. I am into the concept of eating whole foods but as you will see I do have a weakness for Goldfish and Wine.

Any Advice would be Great,
And Thank You in advance.



  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    Hi. I too struggle losing and have a weakness for certain high carb items (ie) wine. I had a dietician tell me once that I was "carb sensitive" meaning my metabolism doesn't deal with carbs well. When I toy with the Atkins type diet, I drop weight FAST! However, I know that I need carbs and I have to find the combination that works for me because going the rest of my life without carbs just isn't going to happen. Looking at your diary and your daily targets, the only thing I could suggest is going in and manually adjusting your carb numbers down by maybe 50. It seems awfully high to me, but that could be because MFP factored in how much you exercise. It's just a thought. Good Luck. I can sympathize with your struggle. I'm in the same boat.
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    Have you considered lowering your calorie goal slightly, to maybe 1450? It may be that your 1690 limit is closer to your BMR than you realise. Have you checked out your BMR just out of interest?
  • nyadnar17
    How long has your weightloss been stalled? Its possible your body has gotten used to your exercise routine and you need to shake it up some. Maybe try weightlifting for a while, temporarily add some tabata protocols to your workout, or maybe even a week of two a days to knock your body out of its comfort zone.

    It could also be that maybe calories are creeping into your diet without you being aware of it. I know Chalean of TurboJam frame recommends just considering that 200 of your daily allowable calorie intake blown on "hidden calories" (such as dressing, getting more than the serving size of things like cereal , etc).

    If none of the above work then you might just have to go the nuclear option and give up wine and Goldfish for a week and see how that affects things. My personal vice is stove cooked pop corn cooked in olive oil. Has caused me to gain and lose the same 5 pounds over and over again.