Food Addict..HELP!

I am an emotional eater. Am I supposed to stop feeling to stop eating out of control? It seems that carrots and the good snacks don't help. I will crave the not so good stuff to feel satisfied. If you have any advice I would greatly appreciate it! I know I need to make these changes, I just don't know where to start.


  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    i am also addicted to snacking.....what i do is grab a water bottle and drink everytime i want to eat....eventually it gets to the point that i am so full of water i can't think bout food
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Nope you don't need to stop feeling. You need to identify your triggers. Being overweight didn't happen because you woke up one day and said, "I think I'd like to be overweight and miserable." Something has triggered it. So what is it?
  • donworybhapy18
    I struggle with the same stuff. Lately when I feel like eating my feelings, I've been trying to take deep breaths and focus on my breathing. So far that's worked to ward off cravings, but I don't think we can fix these things overnight. Exercising off my feelings can also work, as long as I can get motivated to do so. Good luck!
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    I used to be a huge emotional eater when I was younger. To break that habit, I would make myself eat something healthy instead of the thing I really craved, which usually was chocolate, cookies, etc. If you keep on making good choices you will see that it almost becomes a habit and your need for unhealthy food will go down.
    I also stopped emotionally eating by just not eating. You're not really hungry, it's just an urge to consume. Do something you enjoy instead.
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    I am an emotional eater as well (mostly when I am bored)...One tip that helps me...drink lots and lots of water! I find after I chug a couple of bottles/glasses of water, I am not as hungry or compelled to eat. Also, try and leave some extra calories for the evening in case you do get a craving and have to have something. That way there is a little wiggle room. Also, going to the gym or just moving around can help too.
  • sas94086
    sas94086 Posts: 2 Member
    Can you go for a walk or other activity that distracts. It takes 21 days to form a new habit...
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I find a big apple is very filling. Wish I had an apple right now... im starving for some reason.
  • myshell26
    If you are emotionally eating you may not be mindfully eating. For example you may be eating while watching tv, or playing on the computer. This causes the foods you eat to not feel satisfying. Make sure that regardless of what you eat, you do so without distractions and really savor it. Instead of eating when your emotions go wild, try going for a walk, drinking a lot of water, or journaling. If I have a craving I can't shake, I will grab a cup of fat free milk and put a tablespoon or 2 of sugar free hershey's syrup and take small sips every time I get the urge to eat. Good luck!
  • KrimsonFury1
    KrimsonFury1 Posts: 9 Member
    I recently quit smoking in addition to being on this diet. I came to realize that I was eating out of the hand to mouth habit (that same one excercisedsmoking). I also have a very complacent desk job. So I bought a tall can of Planter's Almonds with Sea Salt & a bag of peppered beef jerky. I count out the portions for caloric content. The almonds work like chips or candy... small pieces... it kindof tricks my mind to thinking I'm snacking like I would chips, but it's much better for me and the high protein content make both the jerky and the almonds more filling...
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    Nope you don't need to stop feeling. You need to identify your triggers. Being overweight didn't happen because you woke up one day and said, "I think I'd like to be overweight and miserable." Something has triggered it. So what is it?

    This is 100% what your focus should be on. Creating new habits will actually be the easiest part if you can identify what it is that has lead you to being an emotional eater. We could all be basic and just say, "I love food." which can be true too (haha), but ultimately it's a comfort and it's filling a void for something else. Figure out what the void is... fill it, work on it, do something to try and alleviate the cycle of turning to food for comfort and then you will start to find ease in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Also, when you do start to add in healthy habits don't just think that means physical habits like eating carrots or exercising... it also means MINDFUL habits like knowing that you are giving your body the fuel it needs to run like a well oiled machine. Take it step by step and really become aware of why you feel the need to over eat. Taste buds will adjust you just have to stick with it to notice a change.

    I could go on and on about this subject, but I hope that helps a bit :)
  • taraatwood
    I spoke to my doctor about this... simple carbs (which most junk food is) basically gives you an immediate rush... it sends a chemical directly to your brain that is a "feel good" spot. It'd be the same as taking some type of anti-depressant drug. She drew an entire graph for me on it which I recall but not all the medical words she stated. It was really interesting. That feeling only lasts for 20 minutes or so, therefore, when you come back down you crave that feeling again and again, that is where the addiction comes in. I agree with what others say, you need to figure out what to do that makes you get that feel good feeling other than food. Sometimes people are already depressed about something so food is there feel good. Have to get to the room of the problem. If there is no problem, then it's just a cycle of feeling good, going down, feeling good, going down.. that's why people are addicted to drugs it's literally the same effect. After 2 weeks of no sugar or simple carbs your body will no longer crave this crap. Believe me, I did it, and I don't have cravings like I did. I do notice, the minute I go off my normal diet and resort to crap like simple carbs and sugar than my body starts craving it all over again and then it's SOOO hard to get back into routine. So i try to not go back to that... only around holidays for 1x and then I get back on track. Good luck.
  • melismm
    melismm Posts: 1 Member
    thanks for all of your posts! I feel the same way. I am an emotional eater. This is my first post ever and am glad i found this site.:smile:
  • Cosmos40
    Yes, you can say this started from something in the past. I will need to focus on fixing it rather than shoving my face with cheeseburgers and pizza. All the advice makes sense and has really helped! Thanks friends!