How often should I weigh in?

I'm just curious as to how often should I weigh my self and what time of the day offers the most accurate results? I have heard several different theories and am not sure what to follow. Thanks in advance for the help!! :bigsmile:


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    :smile: I weigh religiously once a week. Friday mornings work best for me, in my head it makes sense, so that if I have a not so hot weekend, I am able to recover during the week. Some weigh once a day, some once a month. I think the most important thing is to use the SAME scale, the SAME time of day, and the SAME clothing (or none)... to keep it consistant. Do what you feel is best for YOU. If I weighed daily I would drive myself NUTS! :bigsmile:
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,524 Member
    Once a week for me. Day to day things can cause wide swings, so for me it is once a week!!!!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm just curious as to how often should I weigh my self and what time of the day offers the most accurate results? I have heard several different theories and am not sure what to follow. Thanks in advance for the help!! :bigsmile:

    As far as accuracy I would suggest weighing after you've used the restroom and before you start eating for the day.

    I wouldn't weigh every day if you are neurotic about the number. Weight fluctuates and you'll often read posts on the forums where someone gains 3lbs of water weight overnight and then they have a panic attack.
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    After I read this:

    I weigh myself everyday about 6:30 am when I wake up. Its my daily reminder to lose weight. But if i stick to staying under my calories and exercise, I dont get upset if the scale doesnt move. Because I know their is factors like water weight, that can change. If i only weigh in once a week, I lose focus. You just have to find what works best for you, everyones different.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I weigh in once a week every friday morning. Weighing in first thing in the morning with no clothes seems to be the most accurate. But the important thing is to weigh in the same time, and wearing the same thing..........
  • cowgirllisa86
    cowgirllisa86 Posts: 57 Member
    I was weighing myself once a week up until i hit my goal size of 4's but now i just wanna tone a bit but even though im still exercising and eating right the scales havnt moved down (5 days) but im losin inches :) so even if the scale doesnt move, u could still be losing inches, which is awesome too. So even if the scales dont move dont get discouraged... Gd luck to u :)

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  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I weigh in every morning after I've emptied my bladder. I have a water retention issue so I do it to see if I'm retaining anything that day since I can put on over 5 lbs in a day. But that's just me. I think the standard is once a week on the same day at the same time kind of thing.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    sometimes I weigh myself daily, but I have only had one official weigh-in day...Wednesday. sometimes I'm just curious to see the day to day fluctuations....but I know that the scale number can fluctuate up and down on a daily basis due to factors outside simply eating well and exercising (i.e., fluid retention).

    best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom and before eating. You want a consistent measurement and this is really the only way to get consistency. If you wait until later in the day, its highly unlikely that you've done exactly the same things on each day that you weigh you're comparing apples and oranges to some degree. also, make sure you use the same scale for your official weigh-in.
  • I usually weigh myself every morning when I get up...but I only do an "official" weigh in on here once a week.
  • Buddhaboy
    Buddhaboy Posts: 60 Member
    I'm a Friday morning after my morning workout kind of guy
    I think once a week at the same time, is best
    And yes...if you can...weigh in naked
    Hey, if you're keeping score, every little bit helps!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I want to add that weighing in daily can have positive and/or negative results on your mind depending on your mental toughness. There was a period of time when I was doing well during the first 3-4 days after weigh-in Wednesday, saw solid results on the scale from my daily unofficial weigh-ins, and slacked a bit the rest of the week. The result on official weigh-in day was not as good as it could have been. Once I realized this form of complacency/slacking, I decided to try to weigh-in just once a week. Doing so has helped me stay focused and motivated the entire week because I want a solid reading on weigh-in Wednesday.....and I don't know exactly how well I'm doing during the week as far as scale weight is concerned (sure, I know whether I've had a good day or not...but that's not the sole factor in scale weight).

    I also agree with other posters...that scale weight isn't always the best indicator of success. You could be enjoying success that is best measured in lost inches, clothes fitting better, being able to exercise longer (i.e., better cardio) ... that is not always reflected in a scale weight right away.
  • I agree with Ready2BEthin! I do every morning because how are you suppose to be motiviated through the day if you dont know where you stand???
  • I usually do it once a week, friday mornings.
  • AubreysMommy30
    AubreysMommy30 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you all for your help! It seems the general consensus is once a week, in the am after peeing. Sounds good to me! I was weighing in daily for a bit at work however the scale here is C-R-A-Z-Y! One day I weighed in at one weight and the next day I was 35 lbs lighter... i wish!! So, needless to say, I don't put too much faith in this scale! Thanks again all!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, usually multiple times. (it helps me remember that my body can and will fluctuate and the drop of a it stops me from panicking throughout the week). The weights that I DO count are the one's done first thing is the morning, directly after I use the restroom. I also mentally chart the weights before bedtime, so that way I can see whether or not I might have stayed the same from too much food or sodium the day before, then I adjust accordingly.
  • I've always been told once a week (same day every week), in the morning after you've gone to the bathroom but before you've eaten or drank anything and that you should do it naked.

    I actually weigh everyday. I know a lot of people say it's not a good idea and you could become obsessive about it. But for me it works. I know immediately if something in my routine is working or isn't working and that I need to look at tweaking something. I know my weight will fluctuate and I don't freak out about it. But generally speaking from day to day if I haven't cheated my weight should be the same + or - 2 ounces. And usually by the end of the week and I'll typically end up at about 1.4 to 1.6 lbs lost. For me it helps me hold myself accountable every day.

    Also remember every scale is set different. You could weigh yourself on 6 different scales and come up with 6 different weights. It's best to use the same scale every time you weigh yourself, and under the same set of circumstances, i.e. naked, after having gone to the bathroom, same time of day, etc.
  • I weigh myself every day that I'm at the gym, so generally Mon-Fri, right after my workout and before I hop in the shower. I do it because I like knowing where I stand and being able to track the weight fluctuations. It also helps me keep track when I crack on my healthy eating and go grab some Wendy's. I can immediately see it in the scale.
  • Your most accurate weight is between day 7-10 after you start your period, so if you weigh once a month during that time frame, you won't have to deal with the emotional draining that goes hand n hand with daily weight fluctuations.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Every friday morning for me. Except last week we were on vacation with no scale in sight.
  • ok i weigh in once a week on tuesday night, but i think the most important thing is how your cloths fit. or at least the way mine fit. and do not obscess about the number on the scale.