super duper frustrated.

let me preface by saying that i know my eating hasn't been 100%, BUT, that seems only to be partially to blame.

i am gaining weight. and it's really really killing me. but the more i think about it, i wonder if it's NOT just my food. what do you think?

1. i ran a marathon in october (23rd), and two halfs (nov 4) (nov 19) without much recovery between
2. i went off the pill after 10 years (it's been one month)
3. before the pill, i was diagnosed with PCOS (i wonder if it's rearing it's ugly head???)
4. i stopped taking zoloft (about 3 weeks ago)

thoughts? experiences? HELP!

i absolutely do NOT want to resort to unhealthy starvation tactics. that is certainly not how i lost 100+ lbs.


  • charmainecurrie
    I think that you are doing amazing!
    the closer you get to your goal weight that harder it is....
    give yourself more time :)
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    thank you. :-) i'm trying... but it quickly adds up...... i was at goal.... and now the lbs are creeping.
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    You have done so amazing! What does your diary look like? If you are running a lot, are you eating enough? Also, any hormone change, going off the pill, can result in weight changes. It will usually balance out with time. Try to eat really clean for a few weeks, and see where that takes you. You really look good in profile pic, and 90 + pounds is nothing to feel bad about!
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    You have done so amazing! What does your diary look like? If you are running a lot, are you eating enough? Also, any hormone change, going off the pill, can result in weight changes. It will usually balance out with time. Try to eat really clean for a few weeks, and see where that takes you. You really look good in profile pic, and 90 + pounds is nothing to feel bad about!

    thank you! diary is "okay" definitely room for improvement lately. it gets to be a cycle of "why care when i have done so well and i still gain weight" type of thinking.

    i was running a lot but have now slowed.... won't run more than a couple times a week and i am going to start a 90 day program soon. i feel i may have been over training.

    i'm hoping the "hormones" will balance out. i am so proud that i hit the 100 lbs mark.... and i feel like i am slipping backwards. i know eating clean will help, and i am planning to clean it up consistently so there is NO question about the weight gain....

    any tips on cleaning it up? go-to meals?

    i usually do well with this, but sometimes get bored. and lately processed crap has snuck in.
  • JenniCH
    I know how ya feel... Last May I was 5lbs away from my "goal weight" and it's now 7 months later and I've gained 15lbs, so now I'm 20lbs away from my "goal weight." It's incredibly frustrating but I've realized how easy it is to slip back into old habits and slack on exercising consistently... I'm just glad I only did 15lbs worth of damage - I could have done A LOT worse in a 7 month period.
    The past few weeks it's really been hitting me how I need to get back to being 100% honest with myself about my eating and exercise habits. I decided to do a cleanse for an undetermined amount of time and just hit the 're-start' button! I am still slipping up a bit, but not anywhere as bad as I was and I'm back to exercising consistently 5x a week - I know I'll get to where I want to be it just takes persistence, patience, motivation and hard work - you'll get there - don't ever give up on yourself!