Eat it or throw it out?

I've been out of town since Sunday nite, and this evening I found FIVE Dannon Greek Yogurts in the fridge that expired on Nov 25...I would definitely eat them if they were only a day or two past the date, but six days?? Is that still ok? I hate wasting food (hence my extra 100 pounds!), but I also get nervous about expired foods.

Thoughts? Thanks!!!


  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Options long as it's been refrigerated the whole time, then smell it and base your decision on that :tongue: good luck with that!!!
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    I eat expired individual yogurts, I think it's fine a little longer because it's a sealed packet.
  • carolynmittens
    if it doesn't look or smell funny, i'd eat it. most foods are marked to expire before they'll actually expire, as an extra safety precaution, so you're probably good. i accidentally ate a funky muffin the other day but i'm fine :)
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    They should be fine. Most yogurt is stamped with a "sell by" date rather than an expiration date. The yogurt is usually good (unspoiled) for at least 2 weeks past this date.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Remember, by definition, yogurt is already spoiled to begin with. :laugh:

    If it looks and smells like it should, it's fine. Just make sure to check it out first.
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    I eat expired (and unrefrigerated) yogurt all the time - it lasts well past its expiration date. As long as it smells fine, you'll be ok.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    The best before date is there so the company won't get sued if you get sick from it. Most good lasts A LOT longer than you'd think past that date.

    For yogurt, all you literally have to do is smell it and look at it. If it smells like yogurt and doesn't look bad (even some water collection on the top is okay) you can eat it. With dairy products you can tell pretty quickly anyways when something has gone bad.
  • i accidentally ate a funky muffin the other day but i'm fine :)

    This made me laugh out loud!!!
  • Remember, by definition, yogurt is already spoiled to begin with. :laugh:

    My husband said the same thing!! :laugh:
  • Susan_Marie67
    Susan_Marie67 Posts: 23 Member
    I'd throw it out.. but that's just me. It's probably fine but I'm one of those individuals that pay attention to the expired dates on foods. I might eat it if it was a day...maybe two over the expiration date.. but even that is stretching it for me.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I'd throw it out.. but that's just me. It's probably fine but I'm one of those individuals that pay attention to the expired dates on foods. I might eat it if it was a day...maybe two over the expiration date.. but even that is stretching it for me.
    ^^^Yes this. I'd throw it out.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I eat things past their dates ALL the time, as others have mentioned, look at it and smell it. Yogurt especially is something that is good for quite some time past, and particularly the individual ones.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Eat it. I've eaten yogurt a couple of MONTHS past the expiration date. Yes, MONTHS. I know everyone thinks I'm gross now. Maybe the bacterial cultures were dead or something, but it smelled/tasted fine and I had no ill effects.

    As others said - don't worry about dates - trust your nose!
  • ttlavoie
    It says best before not bad after :) I would eat it
  • TeresaWash
    It's fine... yogurt is one of those things, like sour cream, unless it's green, it's good.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Yeah, yogurt will be fine. Just like other dairy (milk cheese etc) it is a "best by" date, the expiration is several weeks later.. and someone beat me to the "expired already" but the natural bacteria in yogurt will keep the bad stuff from growing..

    Plus yogurt is very acidic from the lactic acid bacteria so low pH, not much stuff (mold etc) will grow in it.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Open it... if it isn't green or black or yellow, then I'd say it's ok. The expiration date is not an absolute. Sometimes my bread turns moldy before the expiration date. Sometimes my skim milk last DAYSSSSS after the expiration date-I think it's because it's mostly water.

    Nothing is absolute, nothing is a guarantee.. I highly doubt you will die or get sick. But don't eat it tonight JUST because you are going to have to throw it out tomorrow. Don't waste calories because you don't want to waste foods. No kid is starving because you threw away a greek yogurt. People can get mad, but it's not like you bought that yogurt just to throw it away. You had every intention of eating it, but life gets in the way,,, don't let the additional calories get in the way of your weightloss.
  • TGomo
    TGomo Posts: 35
    While I am really careful about meats, etc., I will eat yogurt up to one month after expiration. Never any problems. As long as it has stayed in the fridge, you should be fine.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    what'd you end up doing? ate or threw out? CURIOUS!!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I would throw it out because I hate yogurt.

    But seriously if it's bad you will definitely know. And as has been said before, that is the sell-by date. That means it can be sold until Nov 25, obviously you aren't expected to eat it the same day.