Meal replacement shakes



  • I use body by Vi. It tastes amazing! I have never been so energized. The great thing about it is that they come with flavor packets. So everyday you can change the flavor or just drink it plain. Either way they are so yummy. I drink one for breakfast and one for lunch. I have lost 10 pounds so far. You can get a 30 day supply for about $47.
  • Thank you everyone for helping. Personally I do love the way I feel with Shakeology. I don't LOVE the flavor like everyone would hope for but that is because it isn't loaded with sugar (only 11g) or Cholesterol (only 10 mg) and has 15 g of protein.

    From what I know,

    Shakeology packs a huge punch with 70+ healthy ingredients all in one packet therefore you can eliminate your mulit-vitamin and feel great with just one shake a day for (Bag is $120 with 30 servings -=$4 or $120 for 24 packets = $5)

    Herbalife believes that you should get your vitamins with each meal therefore you have to take their vitamins 3 times a day to get a full dose and you drink their shakes 2 times a day. Their Healthy Meal shake only has 20 vitamins, 0 cholesterol, and has 9 g of protein. I can’t find how many servings are in a canister but the packets are $1.71 per packet x 2 times per day so that is $3.42. And you will need the Mutlivitamin for $20.95 for 30 days = $.70 per day. So $4.12 per day

    I am really trying to learn here...Some people believe that your body can not absorb all the vitamins at once there you "waste" most of them. The price difference is comparable so I am trying to decide which is actually BETTER FOR my body.

    I will be honest that I haven't looked into Body by Vi, GNC, or Optimum Nutrition brand but I do think that the shake that you choose varies based on your goals.
  • I love love love Visalus... you save money and get just as much nutrition if not more than what you have listed. 75gr of sodium and 90 calories? You are not stuck in one flavor.

    Soy protein is a lot better than just whey. Visalus is Soy Isolate with a bit of whey and it is just like cake mix. Love it.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Soy protein is a lot better than just whey.

    Whey has a much greater bioavailability and a better amino acid profile.

    Pimp your **** somewhere else.