Newbie looking for accountability partners

Hello, I'm joining here because I am in serious need of some weight loss. I'm 5'6" and 221 lbs and am tired of being over weight. I've been battling with my weight for the past 6+ yrs and have a hard time sticking to any diets or exercise programs. I'm currently working out with the beachbody DVDs and doing some mini workouts of my own. I am also semi following the beachbody meal plans, but just not as strictly as I was the past few months. I have all the tools to lose weight, but I need more friends that are like minded for support. If you would like to support each other, let me know. I think this website is going to help me stay accountable because I can track my calorie intake/burn from my phone and home computer. If there is anything you'd like to know, just ask. Thanks for reading.



  • i will be happy to help you! I am a certified Zumba Instructor as well as fitness trainer. I work closely with my clients and also do monthly challenges from time to time. We support each other like crazy and completely understand the necessity of a support group!!! Especially as we hit the crazy holiday times - and insane feasting of our family gatherings. We've got to get through it together! My fitness program is not just about losing weight - it's learning a new way of life. My people go through alot of sacrifices, challenges, struggles, pain - but end up with: Achievement, confidence, strength, endurance, happiness and peace. We keep each other going!
  • Hi there! ...and welcome! I am also new on mfp and am also looking for accountability partners! Hope we can help each other on this journey :happy:
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I am new here to so feel free to add me. I don't know if I am a good person for accountiability but so far MFP is holding me accountable because I let it post to my facebook and well that keeps me in line it seems and trucking along so far. I don't want the posts to stop and someone ask me "Did you give up already" so I push through and work on staying under my cal goal and working out as planned or making up for it when my 7mo old doesn't allow it :)

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • MMAsac
    MMAsac Posts: 191
    welcome to MFP, im here everyday, my fiance and I started back in January and have lost a combined 110 lbs so far.
  • Thats amazing. Its always nice hearing about couples losing weight and getting fit together. Keep it up!
  • jms615
    jms615 Posts: 3 Member

    I am also new here and looking for accountability partners. Since October 2010 I have lost 40lbs and need to lose about 40lbs more. Please feel free to add me and I would love to encourage you anyway that I can :)
  • Thanks everyone for your responses. I have about 80+lbs I want to lose in the next year and am just having a hard time staying motivated and inspired to go. I have inspirational and motivational quotes posted around my house along with a pic of someone's abs that I would like to have. I think this site is going to be the biggest help to me cause I can post from home or my phone to track my meals and exercise. I think once I start seeing my eating habits it will help me open my eyes to what needs to be done. I did a meal planner and lost 10 lbs, but then got sick and gained it all back. So I already know I need to get my eating and exercising in check and I will be good to go, but its just so hard.

    So here's to keeping me accountable and on target. I can and will lose this weight.