New Year, New Me!



  • Alright, lovely mfp peeps! Tomorrow is our Week 1 weigh-in already!!! Hope we've managed to burn through some of those Thanksgiving calories and get back to our serious business of turning our bodies into a healthier form!

    So far, I have starting stats for Maria/mobskee, Joy/ratsyroo, Sandy/ssbarfarkle, Dave/henney16, Mimi/BalancedLife, andStephanie/sm423. Anybody else want in?

    As soon as I have a majority of our weight for tomorrow, I will post our first spreadsheet. Best of luck to all tomorrow!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    During the workout hard working muscles use glucose (usable energy) and glycogen (stored energy) for energy. As such, there is a point at which blood glucose levels (available energy) and glycogen levels (stored energy) get so low that intense exercise can't continue. There just isn't enough available energy for your muscles to use.

    So what happens is that the hormone cortisol is secreted, this is your body's "stress" hormone and it has very catabolic effects. What cortisol does is eat up muscle tissue for protein and convert it into glucose. A process called gluconeogenesis ensues, producing glucose from these amino acids in the liver. The net result is a loss of muscle tissue.

    The post-workout shake prevents this. It also allows insulin to be released, this is, as most of you know, one of several anabolic hormones in the body (if you are a natural trainer especially, you want to maximize the release of all your body's anabolic hormones through all available methods).

    So, whey protein is your best protein source at this time because it is absorbed quickly, what is the best carbohydrate source? Well, we want a high glycemic carbohydrate source. This term refers to carbs that are high on the glycemic index (70 and above rates as high).

    The Glycemic Index is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar and hence insulin levels. Normally, it is best to eat lower glycemic foods so as not to initiate an insulin spike (55 and under rates as low). But post-workout, the exact opposite is true.

    Thank you for the advice!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Alright, lovely mfp peeps! Tomorrow is our Week 1 weigh-in already!!! Hope we've managed to burn through some of those Thanksgiving calories and get back to our serious business of turning our bodies into a healthier form!

    So far, I have starting stats for Maria/mobskee, Joy/ratsyroo, Sandy/ssbarfarkle, Dave/henney16, Mimi/BalancedLife, andStephanie/sm423. Anybody else want in?

    As soon as I have a majority of our weight for tomorrow, I will post our first spreadsheet. Best of luck to all tomorrow!

    I managed to gain 4 lbs over the weekend but it's been coming off slowly...excited to see where I end up in the morning. I'm thinking of doing the gazelle but my head is pounding cause I have a cold. Argh!
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Yay! Excited we're all doing this again! Thanks to everyone for all of their support and encouragement.

    I'm Kelly, 42, living in Socal for the last 6+ years, working for a large software company. I'm married with two miniature schnauzers.

    Originally from Chicago I lost 50+lbs 6 years ago and then moved to California where I regained 40lbs by 2007. I'm now down 40+ lbs and striving to lose 20-30 more and keep it off for life.

    I want to live healthy my entire life and just be an active person overall. I want to be able to take on new physical challenges and be able to complete and even excel at them (running events, obstacle courses, rock climbing, SUP,etc.)

    As best I can I try to eat whole foods, nothing processed and as little sweetners as possible and no grains. So far, it's been really working for me and something that is highly sustainable and enjoyable.

    I'm up six pounds from my lowest MFP weight so I'd like to get back to that. It was 158. I'm at 164 now.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome Sandy!!
  • My name is Jess, I'm a toddler teacher in a preschool. I'm getting married this coming year and I really want to look my best on our big day! As of right now I weigh 146.7lbs and by the new year I would LOVE to weigh 140lbs
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, my name is Stephanie. I would love to join the group. My current weight is 186, I'm hoping that's due to the Thanksgiving holiday, I was at 180 prior to the four day weekend. *yikes, six pounds* My goal for the end of the six weeks would be a ten pound weight loss. I don't know if I should go off of 186 or 180, but since the scale says 186 I will go with that. So at the end of this challenge I would like to be 176.

    I am the mother of three, two boys and a girl. I have two mastiffs. My husband is in the navy and we currently live in Hawaii. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I am just ready to be healthy and enjoy this journey that I am on, even if it does cause a few tears. ;)

    Hi Stephanie, welcome!
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    My name is Mimi. I'm 46 and an engineering manager at a semiconductor company. I'm pretty good about exercising -- I do 45 min (~6.6 miles) on the Stairmaster every day, and if I have time I try to get in 2 full body weight training sessions each week as well as some calisthenics. But work gets in the way a lot of the time, and a lot of the time I end up having to cut back on the weight training and calisthenics. But my Stairmaster workout is sacred! :smile:

    My big problem is stress related binge eating, and earlier this year I gained back ~20 of the 24 lbs that I had lost last year because of all the stress. I was doing really well on getting the binge eating under control after I joined the Thanksgiving Challenge (which Mandy also organized) because Mandy did a great job of keeping everyone motivated, and because it was really motivating to work on the challenge with such a great group of people. I started the challenge at 136.8 lbs, and my goal was to lose 7 lbs and be 129.8 lbs by the end of the 7 week challenge. I did much better than I had expected, and by the end of week 6 I had lost 8.8 lbs and was 128 lbs!

    But the day after the week 6 weigh-in (which was ~2 weeks ago), my boyfriend and I decided to break up. We've been together for 9+ years (we've been living together for the past ~8 years). We've tried for a long time to work out various problems, so it wasn't a surprise, but making this final decision was emotionally devastating and my eating went completely out of control. Since then I've been struggling with stress related binge eating, and have had bad binges on many days during the past 2 weeks. The only good thing is that I managed to keep up with my exercise routine on most days.

    Earlier last week I had started to get the binging under control, but a few days ago some stressful things came up and I ended up having bad binges every day for the past few days. As of this morning I was 136.8 lbs -- which was my exact weight at the beginning of the Thanksgiving Challenge! :( Though my weight is probably 4 - 5 lbs higher than actual due to water retention from the binges during the past few days, I suspect that I did regain ~4 lbs from all of the binging during the past ~2 weeks.

    So my starting weight is 136.8 lbs, and my goal is to be at 129.8 lbs by the end of the challenge (this is the same goal weight that I had for the Thanksgiving Challenge). Right now I'm struggling with getting my eating stabilized, and I'm hoping that focusing on this challenge will help me do that.

    Glad you're back for this challenge! :) Sorry to hear about your issues. We're here to support you. Thank you for being supportive of us.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    My name is Jess, I'm a toddler teacher in a preschool. I'm getting married this coming year and I really want to look my best on our big day! As of right now I weigh 146.7lbs and by the new year I would LOVE to weigh 140lbs

    Hello Jess - welcome to the group. I think you'll enjoy this group as we all do what we can to encourage and motivate each other! Look forward to the New Year New Me Challenge!

  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hi Mimi,

    Glad to see you in this challenge again. I'm sorry that you're going through hard times...stay strong! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
    Thanks Maria! I really appreciate your support. :flowerforyou: Doing this challenge with you and the others is actually the thing that's helping me the most right now, and seeing everyone's progress inspires me and helps me to hang on. :smile: I've still been struggling with the eating all week, and only managed to exercise 1 day this week because work has been so busy, but I'm going to try to get back on track with both eating and exercise tomorrow.

    Mimi - we are here for you, hope you keep pushing along and doing what you can to stay strong. I've been struggling with my eating since the weekend before Thanksgiving, but have been busting my hump to try and break even. My biggest thing is I eat a little more on the days I work out, and usually I workout at night. Lately I've been pushing myself at the gym and come home super hungry and eat (usually a few bowls of cereal). My buddy who just hit his 100 pounds lost mark suggested a protein shake at night after I workout. Not a ton of calories, and it seemed to fill me up tonight. Here's hoping I get out of my eating funk!
    Dave -- thanks so much for the support! It helps a lot. :smile: I sure know what you mean about struggling with the eating! Even if you don't consider any other factors, all of the holiday food makes it really easy to lose momentum and also makes it a lot harder to stay focused. Great job on persevering with the eating and the exercise! If you did a hard workout, its no wonder that you feel hungry afterwards. From what I've read, a protein shake after working out is ideal, so it looks like you're doing the right thing! Here's what Tom Venuto (my favorite fitness guru) says about post workout nutrition:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hi Mimi,

    Glad to see you in this challenge again. I'm sorry that you're going through hard times...stay strong! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
    Thanks Maria! I really appreciate your support. :flowerforyou: Doing this challenge with you and the others is actually the thing that's helping me the most right now, and seeing everyone's progress inspires me and helps me to hang on. :smile: I've still been struggling with the eating all week, and only managed to exercise 1 day this week because work has been so busy, but I'm going to try to get back on track with both eating and exercise tomorrow.

    I've been strugling as well this week! Work is settling down a little bit so I've had more time but now I got a yukky cold...excuses, excuses...right? There is always tomorrow...

    A quote I saw recently that really stuck..."I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday" :happy:
    It sounds like we've both been facing some challenges! Its good that work has calmed down for you a bit...but I'm sorry to hear that you caught a cold. Take it easy for awhile and give yourself time to recover, so that you can get over it faster. :flowerforyou:

    That's a great thought to keep in mind!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member

    Have you ever tried desert gum? When I want to eat late, I drink a full glass of water and chew on some apple pie desert gum...yum!
    Maria - that sounds good! I'd like to try the apple pie gum -- who makes it?

    My favorites so far are the Trident Layers Wild Strawberry and Trident Layers Green Apple gum.
    The mint chocolate chip ice cream gum is AWESOME!!!
    Joe - I agree! Is your gum made by Wrigley's?
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    During the workout hard working muscles use glucose (usable energy) and glycogen (stored energy) for energy. As such, there is a point at which blood glucose levels (available energy) and glycogen levels (stored energy) get so low that intense exercise can't continue. There just isn't enough available energy for your muscles to use.

    So what happens is that the hormone cortisol is secreted, this is your body's "stress" hormone and it has very catabolic effects. What cortisol does is eat up muscle tissue for protein and convert it into glucose. A process called gluconeogenesis ensues, producing glucose from these amino acids in the liver. The net result is a loss of muscle tissue.

    The post-workout shake prevents this. It also allows insulin to be released, this is, as most of you know, one of several anabolic hormones in the body (if you are a natural trainer especially, you want to maximize the release of all your body's anabolic hormones through all available methods).

    So, whey protein is your best protein source at this time because it is absorbed quickly, what is the best carbohydrate source? Well, we want a high glycemic carbohydrate source. This term refers to carbs that are high on the glycemic index (70 and above rates as high).

    The Glycemic Index is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar and hence insulin levels. Normally, it is best to eat lower glycemic foods so as not to initiate an insulin spike (55 and under rates as low). But post-workout, the exact opposite is true.

    Thank you for the advice!
    Ditto! Good info!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    My name is Jess, I'm a toddler teacher in a preschool. I'm getting married this coming year and I really want to look my best on our big day! As of right now I weigh 146.7lbs and by the new year I would LOVE to weigh 140lbs
    Welcome to the group!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    My name is Mimi. I'm 46 and an engineering manager at a semiconductor company. I'm pretty good about exercising -- I do 45 min (~6.6 miles) on the Stairmaster every day, and if I have time I try to get in 2 full body weight training sessions each week as well as some calisthenics. But work gets in the way a lot of the time, and a lot of the time I end up having to cut back on the weight training and calisthenics. But my Stairmaster workout is sacred! :smile:

    My big problem is stress related binge eating, and earlier this year I gained back ~20 of the 24 lbs that I had lost last year because of all the stress. I was doing really well on getting the binge eating under control after I joined the Thanksgiving Challenge (which Mandy also organized) because Mandy did a great job of keeping everyone motivated, and because it was really motivating to work on the challenge with such a great group of people. I started the challenge at 136.8 lbs, and my goal was to lose 7 lbs and be 129.8 lbs by the end of the 7 week challenge. I did much better than I had expected, and by the end of week 6 I had lost 8.8 lbs and was 128 lbs!

    But the day after the week 6 weigh-in (which was ~2 weeks ago), my boyfriend and I decided to break up. We've been together for 9+ years (we've been living together for the past ~8 years). We've tried for a long time to work out various problems, so it wasn't a surprise, but making this final decision was emotionally devastating and my eating went completely out of control. Since then I've been struggling with stress related binge eating, and have had bad binges on many days during the past 2 weeks. The only good thing is that I managed to keep up with my exercise routine on most days.

    Earlier last week I had started to get the binging under control, but a few days ago some stressful things came up and I ended up having bad binges every day for the past few days. As of this morning I was 136.8 lbs -- which was my exact weight at the beginning of the Thanksgiving Challenge! :( Though my weight is probably 4 - 5 lbs higher than actual due to water retention from the binges during the past few days, I suspect that I did regain ~4 lbs from all of the binging during the past ~2 weeks.

    So my starting weight is 136.8 lbs, and my goal is to be at 129.8 lbs by the end of the challenge (this is the same goal weight that I had for the Thanksgiving Challenge). Right now I'm struggling with getting my eating stabilized, and I'm hoping that focusing on this challenge will help me do that.

    Glad you're back for this challenge! :) Sorry to hear about your issues. We're here to support you. Thank you for being supportive of us.
    Thanks Kelly! I really appreciate your support. :smile: I'm also glad that we'll be doing this challenge together!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    12/2 Weigh-in = 227.8

    Scale was really acting up today. Normally when I weigh in I get the same thing over and over again. Today it was jumping around from 227 to 228.4. I got the most at the weight posted above. We will see next week depending on where I am at that point.
    Note to self - stop eating like crap just because you work out!

  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    First week weigh in at 148.2.
    Only a .2 loss but glad to finally see a loss after two weeks of losing/gaining the same pound! I'm thinking I might actually have lost more, but the sodium I had over the past few days have me retaining water. =o/ Gonna work hard this next week, watch my sodium , drink more water, and get back to my daily workout schedule.
    Hope you are all doing great this week! Looking forward to seeing all your successes! =o)
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    12/2 Weigh-in = 227.8

    Scale was really acting up today. Normally when I weigh in I get the same thing over and over again. Today it was jumping around from 227 to 228.4. I got the most at the weight posted above. We will see next week depending on where I am at that point.
    Note to self - stop eating like crap just because you work out!


    My scale was doing the same thing! When I first got on it, it was saying I was up a pound! But after four more times of getting a consistent number (of a.2 loss), I went with that. And I also have the same mentality--"I worked out hard today and burned lots of calories so I can go eat whatever! Get me a burger and ice cream!" Hopefully, we'll both stop this kind of thinking! Good luck this week =)
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200

    Maria - that sounds good! I'd like to try the apple pie gum -- who makes it?

    My favorites so far are the Trident Layers Wild Strawberry and Trident Layers Green Apple gum.
    The mint chocolate chip ice cream gum is AWESOME!!!
    Joe - I agree! Is your gum made by Wrigley's?

    It's made by Extra (Wrigley's) the same brand that the mint chocolate chip ice cream gum. It's kind of hard to find the apple pie flavor...brown packaging. I hope that helps!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    My name is Mimi. I'm 46 and an engineering manager at a semiconductor company. I'm pretty good about exercising -- I do 45 min (~6.6 miles) on the Stairmaster every day, and if I have time I try to get in 2 full body weight training sessions each week as well as some calisthenics. But work gets in the way a lot of the time, and a lot of the time I end up having to cut back on the weight training and calisthenics. But my Stairmaster workout is sacred! :smile:

    My big problem is stress related binge eating, and earlier this year I gained back ~20 of the 24 lbs that I had lost last year because of all the stress. I was doing really well on getting the binge eating under control after I joined the Thanksgiving Challenge (which Mandy also organized) because Mandy did a great job of keeping everyone motivated, and because it was really motivating to work on the challenge with such a great group of people. I started the challenge at 136.8 lbs, and my goal was to lose 7 lbs and be 129.8 lbs by the end of the 7 week challenge. I did much better than I had expected, and by the end of week 6 I had lost 8.8 lbs and was 128 lbs!

    But the day after the week 6 weigh-in (which was ~2 weeks ago), my boyfriend and I decided to break up. We've been together for 9+ years (we've been living together for the past ~8 years). We've tried for a long time to work out various problems, so it wasn't a surprise, but making this final decision was emotionally devastating and my eating went completely out of control. Since then I've been struggling with stress related binge eating, and have had bad binges on many days during the past 2 weeks. The only good thing is that I managed to keep up with my exercise routine on most days.

    Earlier last week I had started to get the binging under control, but a few days ago some stressful things came up and I ended up having bad binges every day for the past few days. As of this morning I was 136.8 lbs -- which was my exact weight at the beginning of the Thanksgiving Challenge! :( Though my weight is probably 4 - 5 lbs higher than actual due to water retention from the binges during the past few days, I suspect that I did regain ~4 lbs from all of the binging during the past ~2 weeks.

    So my starting weight is 136.8 lbs, and my goal is to be at 129.8 lbs by the end of the challenge (this is the same goal weight that I had for the Thanksgiving Challenge). Right now I'm struggling with getting my eating stabilized, and I'm hoping that focusing on this challenge will help me do that.
    SO glad to see you back with us for this challenge, Mimi! =) You can do this....just seeing you back for a challenge shows your determination. I know we're going to seeing great success for you this month! Hope things are getting easier for you as the days go by.