Not new to MFP but would love some friends :)

I'm 19 and have already lost 30lbs (21 since I've had MFP)
I'm currently 124lbs and want to get down to 115 so only 9lbs left! Need the last bit of motivation


  • Hey there! I am new too and so excited to find this program! Congrats on the 30 lb loss!!!
  • alphabetsoop
    alphabetsoop Posts: 2 Member
    that's really awesome! congrats on losing so much so far. :)
  • healthyamberB
    healthyamberB Posts: 47 Member
    Feel free to add me ^_^ i need more friends. And great job on the loss!
  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    Congrats girl! Feel free to add me anyone if you need anymore friends. uyent.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Congratulations! It must feel great to be so close to your goal. Keep up the good work!
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    Congrats!! Feel free to add me - I could use some more friends myself! :)
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    Your doing great! Congratulations !
  • Justin_1972
    Justin_1972 Posts: 25 Member
    Wow. Personally i would say you are just fine as you are but good luck!
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    wow congrats on all your hard work! you have done so well!
  • metallicafan81
    metallicafan81 Posts: 14 Member
    also not new to MFP but getting back on the wagon and could use some supportive friends
  • You've accomplished so much, don't give up. Feel free to add me I need more supportive friends as well! We can do this!
  • i have a womens only weight loss group on fb heres the link the group now has 72 divas
  • That's awesome! I'm always looking for friends to keep me motivated and me if ud like. We can fight the battle together
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    congrats, that's amazing! I'm not new either, but only started using the message boards and adding friends this week, so feel free to add me :] I'm 22 and at 113 at the minute, lost 13 lbs so far with mfp
  • Alison__
    Alison__ Posts: 107
    We have similar goals and I'm two years younger than you :) Feel free to add me!
  • dodger7977
    dodger7977 Posts: 108 Member
    Nice job! Feel free to add me too! I am also trying to build up a friend base and could always use a few more friends to motivate! :)
  • I am new and have no friends yet :( I don't know anybody that I know to do this with me so I would love to have anybody add me. I am a person who needs support! I love looking at people's stories because it helps me so much to stay motivated and see people reach their goals!
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    Im not new either but need some support too! Congrats on your loss!:happy:
  • starsjen24
    starsjen24 Posts: 19 Member
    awesome job! I cant wait to lose 30 lbs lol
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Congrats on your success so far! I'm 19 too and I'd like to get to where you are at now! how tall are you?