Exercise/Running - How long after surgery/GA ?

I am currently training for a Half Marathon on March 11th. I have ran the distance before but I kind of stopped training regularly in favour of other exercise over the summer so I only started back up again in about October.

This time my aim is to build up my mileage really slowly as when I have done it before I have done crazy things like running 5 miles one week and 9 the next etc

At the moment I am up to 5 miles and hope to have done 10K in a couple of weeks.

The problem is I am having 3 teeth extracted under general anaesthetic on Dec 21st (4 days before Christmas- great) so I know I will be out of action for a while. I know teeth have nothing to do with legs but the pain, and the effects of the GA are bound to keep me from exercising for a while.

How long do you think I will realistically be able to wait until I can exercise again, and will I be able to pick up where I left off if I had say, a week off? Is a week too short/too long? Or has anyone else experienced a similar situation?


  • WalkWell
    Well- your teeth dont have much to do with anything you use to run- so i guess as soon as you are no longer groggy go for it. I mean if you were having knee surgery, or having a knife taken to your ab muscles or something that would be different.
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    24 hours off for the general anesthetic should be enough but depends on how you feel but no reason not to run if you are well
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    I'd wait 2 days or 48 hours - otherwise the jarring effect of running might make the socket throb and that would not be comfortable at all... and taking care of those sockets is priority ONE after the extractions or you could end up with complications you do NOT want.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Give it a few days then run a small distance...I think you'd know by then within yourself xx
  • Wimpey
    Wimpey Posts: 64 Member
    Well is a great occasion to take it easy at Xmas! ;-)

    You can go for a walk the next day and see how you feel, you will not loose much in taking off 3-4 days if you need.
    Play by ear: if you thinking of running after 48 hours do not plan a hard or long session and allow for the run to be cancelled half way through if you are not feeling well.

    If you can only complete a 50% of your normal plan in the week after your op then you are not going to loose anything.
    Make sure you are comfortable and play safe. Doing too much too soon may lead you in loosing training time for longer.

    Best of luck.