Christmas for the elderly... hmmmm

So we all know about toys for tots which is a great program to help provide Christmas gifts for needy children. I came across a wish tree today that really got me thinking. It was a Christmas tree that had the little gift cards hanging off of it with "wishes" made by the elderly at a low income senior center in L.A. county. The wishes on this tree really made me sad, there were many wishes for a hat and gloves, scarves, someone even had shampoo on their wish list. It just really made me realize I had never thought about just how many elderly people spend the holidays alone and don't get a gift, a card, or even a phone call in a lot of cases. The wishes on this tree were mostly for necessities. So I know times are hard out there but if you have any extra money or maybe you don't have money but you have some time to spare, check in with your local senior centers or nursing homes. Maybe you could grant a wish tree wish or stop and visit someone who would just love to have someone to talk to. Remember we will all be old someday.....



  • MomsDumpling
    MomsDumpling Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, what a great post! This really hit home for me this year due to dealing with elderly in-laws and being in and out of various hospitals and nursing homes to visit my father in law. Thanks for posting and the tree is a fantastic idea! I hope that you get something you are wishing for this year!
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    I work for AGE UK in Nottingham England. We are a National Charity who support older people in this country of ours, and I agree that each year this is the case with a lot of elderly people, not only at christmas but all the year round.

    We provide Christmas hampers to our clients thanks to the generosity of local companies etc. They do need help especially during the cold weather so if you have an elderly person or couple who live near you, pop in and say hello, it will make their day and who knows you may be able to provide them with a pair of gloves etc, a tin or two of soup to keep out the cold and perhaps other items that we younger people take for granted. Enough said by me.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Great post! I just had this same discussion with my husband the other night and I will be going over to our local Nursing Home Monday morning to volunteer my sad to think of the many people who spend Xmas alone.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Great post!

    I was volunteering in a nursing home many years ago and I remember walking around with Santa one Christmas as he handed out presents. One of the residents received a bag of plastic combs someone probably picked up at the dollar store. She cried because she was just so happy someone thought of her.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    May husband and I were talking the other night about how blessed we've been this year and wanting to give back. We were thinking of sponsoring a family for Christmas, but to be honest I think that I would like to do this instead. It seems everyone always forget the elderly and I think this would be a great way to give some back. What a wonderful way to spread the love and warmth at Christmas. I'm already forming everything in my mind. I have a brother who looks exactly like Santa, beard and all. He could help me give the presents out to the men/women. I'm going to talk to my husband when I get home from work. Thanks for a wonderful post!!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    wow this is so sad to think about and it is such a great idea. i just dont know if i could talk to a lonely elderly person or a sick child without crying.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    That is super awesome! When I was a teenager we use to go to the nursing homes in our area around the holidays and visit the people there. So many of them do not have anyone come and see them. Many times a visit means more then anything material. They also love children (most of them) so if you have little ones call ahead and see if its ok and take them in for a visit. You could really make someones' day :)

    On the same note, in a way, I saw a thing on the news a couple of days ago that said that Santas are being asked to LOWER childrens' expectations this year because parents don't have any money. They did a poll and more children then not are asking for socks for themselves and gloves for their moms. It made me feel horrible. If they KNOW that there are areas where kids are asking for these things why can't they get the dept. stores to donate several bins of socks and gloves and give them out to the kids along with their candy canes? That is a pretty simple gift and sad that there aren't more corporations (because they DO have the money) helping in these areas where these little kids are so selflessly asking for such simple items.

    Great post Brandy! You are such a thoughtful person. :)