Palmer's cocoa butter formula for stretch marks?

Has anyone used this? I'm trying to reduce my stretch marks from pregnancy and even out my skin tone the best I can without surgery. My sister told me to get Ambi because it worked for our cousin, but I got Palmer's instead (I have used Palmers cocoa butter stick on a 2nd degree burn that I was recieved on my arm, and throughout the healing process the burn reduced by a good 75%...probably wouldn't have a burn if I would have just kept using it) SO I figured I'd try this stuff out. It's supposed to help with scars, stretch marks, dry damaged skin, uneven skin tone, and aging skin.

Has anyone used this? It's a skin therapy oil.


  • vmastudios
    some odd reason it worked with my scars, but not my stretch marks...I dont have the "dark colored" kind of stretch marks...mine are not the red or purple colored kind, but rather the "stretched out" kind...the kind that looks like zipper marks lol,... they are slight but thery are there. I hear that if you have the dark colored ones, that stretch mark cream helps...but if its like mine, which are just the flesh toned "stretched skin" kind of stretch marks, then its pointless. because you cannot repair the damaged tissue w/o surgery...hope this helps
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    never used that one but I am using lotions with cocoa butter and Vitamin E, after doing research a while back here are things I have come across that are supposed to help with stretch marks. I oxfoliate everyday with sponge after workout&use the lotion, they're no longer red/purple and seem to be getting better. It takes time though!

    Here are a couple things you can do daily than will help make those stretch marks/scars fade away/reduce:

    Use Skin Creams and Lotions with some of the following:
    • Cocoa butter (this is big +)
    • Rose hip oil
    • Emu oil
    • Jojoba oil
    • Castor oil
    • Shea butter
    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin C

    Massage the area with stretch marks three or four times a day with moisturizers that contain cocoa butter as a prime ingredient.
    Apply self-tanner. It will help minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Exfoliate beforehand for best results.

    Wheat germ oil - may help improve stretch marks in their early phase (this is great for the red ones, you can get rid of almost completely if they are still in red color stage).

    Vitamin C - certain formulations might increase collagen production, but they'll only help with early-stage stretch marks; for best results, combine the vitamin C gel with glycolic acid; taking 500 mg of Vitamin C supplements three times a day may also help.

    Exfoliate daily with loofah or scrunchy

    Apply Vic’ Vapor Rub, it supposed to help a lot!

    Hot Bass and Massages (increase circulation around scarring)

    Vitamin E Gel Pills: break open and apply