any smokers here?

aside from being terribly unhealthy for you (i know all about the dangers etc its my choice at the end of the day and i will quit once some of this weight has come off-its my only vice for not binging at present) does it affect your weight loss at all?


  • Hayesgang
    Just a few months ago I was smoking a pack a day and now I'm down to about 8-10 and it came naturally for me. I happen to notice that a pack lasted me all weekend so now I just carry 10 with me for the day.

    For me, it hasn't stalled my weight loss (even before I cut back) in fact I think I'm losing more now since I can now run (slowly but it's faster then my walk) and I can push myself harder doing Insanity and yoga.

    Quit when you are ready.
  • kathas0trophal
    kathas0trophal Posts: 118 Member
    you should stop it. i smoked for about 14 years and thought i never could. now i am clean for 4 month and started the weight loss thing. and i can tell you no one needs to smoke . you are much stronger than you think. nd to be frankly, no one wans to be a smoker it is just a bad habit
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I used to smoke and to be honest when I was just calorie counting and eating at a deficit, smoking helped me eat less (I am a bored eater, so I smoked out of boredom too). However, I do not smoke anymore (about a year now) and can exercise more, which helps me get my deficit and still be able to eat a reasonable amount of (mostly healthy) food.

    I recommend "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr
  • WalkingZero1
    WalkingZero1 Posts: 42 Member
    I still smoke and like HonkyTonks said, I am also a bored eater so smoking kind of helps with the urge to just shove food in my mouth.Eventually I want to quit though, because when I get somewhere close to my UGW, I want to start running.
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    I smoke on occasion, and after I do I can tell a HUGE difference. It's like trying to breathe in and out of a plastic bag (after smoking) VS breathing clean crisp air (about a week after). It also raises my blood pressure and makes me EXTREMELY tired.

    I say if you can quit do it asap. Your eating habits will improve. Break loose of the crutch of smoking and replace it with Raw Vegs and walking. Sex is also a good sub for smoking. ;-) Just say!

    Thanks for sharing

  • elsg
    elsg Posts: 21
    I used to smoke and to be honest when I was just calorie counting and eating at a deficit, smoking helped me eat less (I am a bored eater, so I smoked out of boredom too). However, I do not smoke anymore (about a year now) and can exercise more, which helps me get my deficit and still be able to eat a reasonable amount of (mostly healthy) food.

    I recommend "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr

    I quit using this book too... 6.5 years down, and counting!! Do it!!! Even if it does put on a couple of kilos, isn't that better than not being around to count the calories??? Good luck. x
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I started vaping on Halloween of 2010 and haven't had a cigarette since.
  • Expatgirl
    Expatgirl Posts: 33 Member
    I live out in in Corn, Cattle and Tobacco country.
    I was driving with my young son, he looked over at the tobacco fields and asked,
    "What happens when the cows get into the tobacco fields?"
    I ruminated on that a moment and answered, "They become CAMELS!"
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Yes and I hate it