New to running!

I've always hated, hated, HATED running!! But my Dad just bought me a pair of boss running shoes so I figured I would put them to use. I have an ap on my iphone to help me train for a 5K in 8 weeks, which is pretty nice with the music in the background but I have some issues:

1) Serious lack of motivation - once I'm out the door and down the street it's okay. It's just getting to that point of getting out the door I have a hard time with. Any motivational tips?

2) Super out of shape - probably a sub point of number 1. But I feel really discouraged by the other super fit, can run a mile without stopping, training for marathon runners in my neighbor hood. I know the stamina is supposed to get up eventually, but how long till I'm supposed to notice a difference?

3) Treadmill v. outside. Which do you prefer??



  • slateo10
    Well, first of all congrats that you have taken the step to start making running apart of your life: ) It truly is addicting and is a lifestyle. I run division one cross country/ track and field so if you ever have any question feel free to ask me, I will most likely have an answer because I have been doing this whole running thing since the 4th grade.

    Number one, BE PATIENT. There are gonna be days where you hate it. Trust me. Its a love hate relationship. Be easy on yourself since you are just starting. Make sure you start with mileage you can handle. Try something like this for your first week

    Monday - Run 15, walk 5, run 5 : Tues- Run 10, walk 5, Run 10: Wed- Run 15, walk 5, run 7 ; Thursday- OFF... try to get on a bike or elliptical and do about 45 minutes of straight cardio; Friday- Run 20, walk 5, run 5; Sat- Run 20, walk 5, run 10; Sunday- Run 25, walk 5, run 5.

    Every week try to up your minutes... make sure its gradual. You can do it, it will be tough to get in the running mode... but once youre in it i PROMISE it will be impossible to stop: )
  • CharityEaton
    I'm fairly new to running too! I also lack the motivation sometimes! I just run when I really feel the urge to since I am trying to make myself learn to like it.
    I was running outside but with the weather getting colder I am running on a treadmill now. I like it because I can push myself a bit harder and know that I don't have to turn around and run back home. If it gets too hard to keep going I can push stop and die on the floor if I need to...not so easy if I am a mile or so from home! For me it comes in spurts. I run like crazy for a few days and then I dread it for a few days. No matter what, (since I have a treadmill) I at least walk 2-3 miles 3-4 times a week.

    Good Luck. I hope it gets easier soon. :flowerforyou:
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    Congrats on starting to run!
    Remember, you are running for you, not anyone else.
    I have to tell myself this at the gym.
    I'm a big guy and people probably expect me to lift tons of weight. I can't, but I don't worry about, tell myself that I don't care what they think, and get on with my routine. It makes me sweat and huff, I'm getting a good workout and I'm moving up in weight.

    I've found when I started running on trails, I've had some of this "ultra-fit" people give me a thumbs up or "way to go" as we cross paths. Now that I've lost 80lbs, I don't, but I make sure to pay it forward to those that might be just starting!


    A second note is to run when you feel motivated. Silly maybe, but I know I feel more motivated to run at the end of the day sometimes, and not so much in the morning.
    On point 3, I WAY prefer to run outside, but with the weather, I've started doing the treadmill/bike/elliptical at the gym.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I just started running too. It gets better, trust me.

    Start off by just running as far as you can. You dont have to sprint, pace yourself. Go for as long/far as you can, then stop. Just walk for a while. Once you've caught your breath, start jogging/running again and repeat. Pick a short path you want to start off with, like a mile, and then just practice with that until you can jog the whole thing.

    Dont forget to push yourself every day though. If its getting easy try to run it faster, or run a farther distance.

    I like to run outside if its going to be for an extended period of time. I get bored really fast on the treadmill. Though its a lot easier on a treadmill since its perfectly flat.

    I like to listen to upbeat music to stay motivated. Not to mention knowing that this is going to help me get in shape. Which is always motivation for me. Because i really want it.
  • julieinomaha
    I have never ran in my life and I am starting now as well. I was having trouble with motivation for working out in general. I signed up for a 10K on st. paddies day that ends in a green beer bash, I figured how scary can that be. Knowing that I have that out there is getting me to exercise 4 days a week which is an improvement. Having that goal out there is going to be good to get through the winter. I also joined my fitness club's running club and as I was jogging at 5 miles an hour the gazelle next to me was cruising at 8.5 mph and not breaking a sweat. And I was fine with that. They are happy to give tips and encouragement for all runners of all levels and that is cool. This is my second week and I am thinking that the run club accountability and socialization is going to be very good. So long story short I would recommend signing up for a race to get a goal and then find a running buddy. LIke the other lady when I run I feel like I really have done something good. Yesterday I ran 4.5 miles which is farther than I have ever run and that makes me feel like I am making progress. Keep to it and I hope it becomes your zen!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I've always hated, hated, HATED running!! But my Dad just bought me a pair of boss running shoes so I figured I would put them to use. I have an ap on my iphone to help me train for a 5K in 8 weeks, which is pretty nice with the music in the background but I have some issues:

    1) Serious lack of motivation - once I'm out the door and down the street it's okay. It's just getting to that point of getting out the door I have a hard time with. Any motivational tips?

    2) Super out of shape - probably a sub point of number 1. But I feel really discouraged by the other super fit, can run a mile without stopping, training for marathon runners in my neighbor hood. I know the stamina is supposed to get up eventually, but how long till I'm supposed to notice a difference?

    3) Treadmill v. outside. Which do you prefer??


    1) As far as motivation goes, having a challenging race scheduled (at this point, for you, maybe a 5K; when you get past that, sign up for a 10K, etc.) and a day-by-day training plan to get to that race is what motivates me (I'm training for my first marathon now). I know what I want to do and I know that getting out the door is what it takes to get there. You can also visualize race day; or think about how good you feel knowing that your run for the day is done (I use that last one to haul my butt out of bed at 4:30 AM to get my runs in).

    2) Just pace yourself (I struggle with that one sometimes!), run when you can, and walk if you need to... you'll find that, the longer you keep at it, the less you'll revert to walking. And I like Slateo10's suggestion for you, too - planning on a set run/walk combo is a really common strategy.

    3) OUTSIDE!!!! I get super bored on the treadmill; I love running outside, people watching, seeing the scenery go by, etc. - guess I'm just nosy! :laugh: Unless there's ice on the ground (and its associated risk of injury), I run outside... through rain, snow, or sun, just layer on the right clothes and off you go!

    Best of luck to you!
  • anearlybird
    anearlybird Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips!!! =D