NEW HERE and having mega success with app

Hey Everyone

Just wanted to introduce myself. LOVING myfitnesspal app for iphone. Id already lost 50 lbs this yr and hit a plateau at about 181 lbs .. even with a personal trainer!

I downloaded Myfitnesspal on the recommendation of a friend at the beginning of november and have lost 15.4 lbs this month alone!!! Its crazy how much tracking calorie intake and exercise can make a huge difference!

I learned to drop milk from diet PRETTY QUICKLY and substitute it with unsweetened almond milk ... so thats a tip for everyone ... as soon as I did I saw the pounds shed.

Would love to make some new friends on here so feel free to add me on the app!! username nikita_a

Hoping everyone the best of luck in their journey to becoming healthy and fit!!!


  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    Congrats on all your weight loss before MFP and continuing will not only love the app you will all the message boards too :)

    Good luck in the rest of your journey!
  • nikita_a
    Thanks! I really do attribute overcoming my plateau to this app ... not my $50/hr personal trainer ha ... thank god for free apps like this! Cant wait until they add a feature to track net carbs!
  • sandimack
    sandimack Posts: 158 Member
    I too lost a bunch of weight dropping the skim milk and switching to unsweetened almond milk, great job on your weight loss!
  • TRIMoses59
    TRIMoses59 Posts: 86 Member
    Congrats on your success! Feel free to add me as a friend! I lost 25 lbs. on my own the joined MFP the first of Sept and have lost 30 since. I love MFP.
  • nikita_a
    yeah its crazy ... I really had no idea how much sugar, carbs and calories were in milk ... blew my mind when I actually looked .. and here I was thinking it was healthy ... almond milk actually tastes better than milk I find anyway! So its a win win :)
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Congrats! I know the feeling, I was exercising HARD yet never seemed to be able to shift the weight! This app which i stumbled upon is how I have been able to start the journey to weight loss! Its amazing!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Its a good shock to the system isnt it! Good luck on your new findings!! Add me for support if you like, I have the app on my iphone too.. pretty addictive!

  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    where do u get almond milk from in the UK as i cant find it... they do rice milk is this the same?
  • victoria543
    victoria543 Posts: 51 Member
    Well done so far your doing great its hard when things come to a stand-still but keep going i know how you feel its whats happening with me at the min feel free to add me if you'd like some support good luck x:smile:
  • nikita_a
    Hey ... almond milk in uk not too sure but no rice milk is not the same ... i imagine rice milk to be high carb? as rice is high carb .... they'd better have almond milk in the uk bc Im moving there this summer hahah and I will be shattered if they dont! give me a moment to do some research and I'll get back to you!
  • nikita_a
    not sure where in UK you live but I do see you have wholefoods stores over there I'd call ahead and ask if they carry ... has to be unsweetened
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    where do u get almond milk from in the UK as i cant find it... they do rice milk is this the same?

    Hi there...

    I get mine, when I get it, from Holland & Barett... Its loads more expensive than the other milks but worth it... has a lovely taste..
  • nikita_a
    thank god! ha I contacted the brand here and they told me they only sell in US and Canada ... was a bit shattered for a moment! Are those stores located throughout London?