
BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
Seems like everyone these days feels the need to get drunk EVERY weekend. I don't see the need, I can have fun on my own without using alcohol to help. I'm 19 and have only ever drunk 3 or 4 times in my life.

Is there something wrong with me?
Is there anyone else out there who just does not enjoy it? I don't like the taste, it makes me feel sick and dizzy.... I don't see the need? :S

Not saying that people who DO drink alcohol are bad, but I just don't get what all the hype is about :S


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    good for you. dont feel pressured to drink if you dont want to. there is alot of hype. has alot of empty calories!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I stopped drinking as well. Its such a waste of money to drink.
  • coulter74
    I agree with you and the above comment, you can have fun with out it, and still lose weight with out all the extra calories :)
  • mtrible
    Not only empty calories, but alcohol causes your blood sugars to be unstable and your more likely to binge.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Why Yes, there IS something wrong with you.

    You need to understand that in today's society the trend is moving towards less individual responsibility, less maturity, and lower intelligence. By not going and and getting wasted you run the risk of being a mature, responsible, intelligent individual. You may miss out on your opportunity to participate in a rehab program. You will lose the "I'm an alcoholic" card as an excuse for your behaviour. Not sure if you are willing to risk it. :bigsmile:
  • KittMahan
    It's easier for some than for others love. Celebrate that you're not prone to drinking; it's a good thing.

    Don't look down on those who are. They may be made in a way that makes it difficult to stop or control it. They may also be going through very difficult issues that you don't see, and it's a way of coping. An unhealthy way perhaps, but a way.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    It's easier for some than for others love. Celebrate that you're not prone to drinking; it's a good thing.

    Don't look down on those who are. They may be made in a way that makes it difficult to stop or control it. They may also be going through very difficult issues that you don't see, and it's a way of coping. An unhealthy way perhaps, but a way.

    *sigh* Again, I am not trying to bash anyone here or put someone down here I am genuinely confused...
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Haha... every weekend??? Oh man, I'm to old for that!

    I used to do that, but honestly, I would prefer to never get drunk anymore. Its not worth it. A few drinks every once in a while is good for me. But I guess I've turned into an old fart!

    Some people just don't like drinking --- and good for them. My bf is one of those people. I am not so much into the getting drunk all the time, but I do like my beer. lol. Just now, one is good and I'm done.
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I've gone through phases. In my teens I liked to party on the weekends. Then I had my son really young, at 19..and hardly drank. After I turned 21 and all my friends hit the bar scene, I started going out on weekends with them, then that got old and expensive. Quit again after having my 2nd son, and after I had him, when I wanted to drink, I drank at home, after the boys were in bed. Then I started to lose weight, and I'm kind of over drinking. It just doesn't do me any good anymore. Thanksgiving I had some wine, and it really wasn't even worth it, just gave me a tummy ache. Other than thanksgiving, I haven't drank in 2 months..and honestly I don't regret it at all. Drinking is fine in moderation, and going out is def.something to experience after turning 21 but like everyone eventually realizes (most anyways) it's all kind of overrated.
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 21 and I have never been drunk in my life :) I do like some very sweet types of alcohol like Baileys and Amaretto, but I drink those because I LIKE them, not because I want to get drunk. I agree that it is just a waste of money (and memory sometimes apparently :P) and I'm actually usually even sillier without alcohol ;)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I've gone through phases. In my teens I liked to party on the weekends. Then I had my son really young, at 19..and hardly drank. After I turned 21 and all my friends hit the bar scene, I started going out on weekends with them, then that got old and expensive. Quit again after having my 2nd son, and after I had him, when I wanted to drink, I drank at home, after the boys were in bed. Then I started to lose weight, and I'm kind of over drinking. It just doesn't do me any good anymore. Thanksgiving I had some wine, and it really wasn't even worth it, just gave me a tummy ache. Other than thanksgiving, I haven't drank in 2 months..and honestly I don't regret it at all. Drinking is fine in moderation, and going out is def.something to experience after turning 21 but like everyone eventually realizes (most anyways) it's all kind of overrated.

    whoops forgot to add, not EVERYONE on this site is in the same country. legal DA in australia is 18
  • KittMahan
    It's easier for some than for others love. Celebrate that you're not prone to drinking; it's a good thing.

    Don't look down on those who are. They may be made in a way that makes it difficult to stop or control it. They may also be going through very difficult issues that you don't see, and it's a way of coping. An unhealthy way perhaps, but a way.

    *sigh* Again, I am not trying to bash anyone here or put someone down here I am genuinely confused...

    Not judging you love. You asked so I was saying.

    It's hard for anyone to understand another's weakness? I see people who binge eat and I think "wow, how could that happen? I can't stand the feeling of eating too much food." Or I see people hung up on porno, and think "there's something wrong with that person, how gross and stupid."

    We all fight our own demons. I'm glad that you don't fight a desire for alcohol. I do, so I'm very glad for you.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    It's easier for some than for others love. Celebrate that you're not prone to drinking; it's a good thing.

    Don't look down on those who are. They may be made in a way that makes it difficult to stop or control it. They may also be going through very difficult issues that you don't see, and it's a way of coping. An unhealthy way perhaps, but a way.

    *sigh* Again, I am not trying to bash anyone here or put someone down here I am genuinely confused...

    I totally agree. At 19, I drank little to nothing. At 20 I was married, by 24 had 2 kids. I rarely drank, maybe in social situations.

    At 35, life totally changed. The s*** hit the fan, and bad and sad things happened. Some people use food, I used alcohol. It is only at 60, that I lost my taste for wine. Now, I am fearful to drink as I live alone and have had mishaps. You are quite young, No offense but you have only begun live life. Try not to criticize other as they may criticize you.PS..The drinking age is 21 here.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    It's easier for some than for others love. Celebrate that you're not prone to drinking; it's a good thing.

    Don't look down on those who are. They may be made in a way that makes it difficult to stop or control it. They may also be going through very difficult issues that you don't see, and it's a way of coping. An unhealthy way perhaps, but a way.

    *sigh* Again, I am not trying to bash anyone here or put someone down here I am genuinely confused...

    I totally agree. At 19, I drank little to nothing. At 20 I was married, by 24 had 2 kids. I rarely drank, maybe in social situations.

    At 35, life totally changed. The s*** hit the fan, and bad and sad things happened. Some people use food, I used alcohol. It is only at 60, that I lost my taste for wine. Now, I am fearful to drink as I live alone and have had mishaps. You are quite young, No offense but you have only begun live life. Try not to criticize other as they may criticize you.PS..The drinking age is 21 here.

    P.P.S. Forgot to add... I live in australia... legal age limit is 18 here.
    Although in saying that, it has gotten pretty bad... I have seen people as young as 11 drinking. Where are your parents?
  • BenderFitness
    Seems like everyone these days feels the need to get drunk EVERY weekend. I don't see the need, I can have fun on my own without using alcohol to help. I'm 19 and have only ever drunk 3 or 4 times in my life.

    Is there something wrong with me?
    Is there anyone else out there who just does not enjoy it? I don't like the taste, it makes me feel sick and dizzy.... I don't see the need? :S

    Not saying that people who DO drink alcohol are bad, but I just don't get what all the hype is about :S

    I don't drink. I think I average about 2-3 drinks per year. I don't like it, I don't think it tastes very good, plus it's a waste of calories. I actually hate the feeling of being drunk too. I think it's great that you don't drink. :)
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Sounds to me like you are a pretty smart 19 year old!
    I had a friend once tell me that alcohol has no place in her life... seems to cause nothing but sadness. I think she's pretty smart, too.
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I've gone through phases. In my teens I liked to party on the weekends. Then I had my son really young, at 19..and hardly drank. After I turned 21 and all my friends hit the bar scene, I started going out on weekends with them, then that got old and expensive. Quit again after having my 2nd son, and after I had him, when I wanted to drink, I drank at home, after the boys were in bed. Then I started to lose weight, and I'm kind of over drinking. It just doesn't do me any good anymore. Thanksgiving I had some wine, and it really wasn't even worth it, just gave me a tummy ache. Other than thanksgiving, I haven't drank in 2 months..and honestly I don't regret it at all. Drinking is fine in moderation, and going out is def.something to experience after turning 21 but like everyone eventually realizes (most anyways) it's all kind of overrated.

    whoops forgot to add, not EVERYONE on this site is in the same country. legal DA in australia is 18

    Okay so just change everything I said to turning 18 instead of 21.. I drank when I was16, probably shouldn't have but whatever..the point I was trying to get across anyways is that at least to me, it's overrated and gets old after a while, but it can be fun as well. If you don't like drinking, then don't drink. =)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    At 19 I wasn't interested in drinking either, but I was a mother by that time. I spent my 20s a mother to two small children, so I only drank like once a year on New Year's Eve or something. My kids are 14 and 11 (going on 12 soon). And nothing makes me want to wake up and begin drinking like waking up to those maniacs fighting with each other. :wink: Kiddin'. At 19 I'm glad you're not infatuated with boozing it up. You have time to like what you're going to like and not just for the sake of being drunk. Or you might not care for it at all. Time will tell.

    As I got older I began to appreciate alcohol for its individual uses. Wine makes me feel mellow, comes in so many different flavors, tastes different with different foods. Whiskey makes me your best friend. Vodka and cranberry is for drinkers with UTIs, and tequila means I won't remember you tomorrow. :tongue:
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Some people drink, some people eat, some people do drugs. No one is perfect. Just stay true to yourself. Make friends who are more interested in health then booze. If your friends ask you to go to a bar or a party, politely say NO, TY.

    Try NOT to use any substance that is not healthy for your body...booze, food drugs...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    No, you are not alone. I don't drink. I didn't start because of my religion, but now I have a bigger reason - alcoholism runs in my family. I've always known that my great-grandfather was alcoholic, but I recently found out that my mother is a recovering alcoholic (sober for 20+ years now, YAY for mom!!). I have that kind of personality, and I'm afraid that if I ever drank I'd be alcoholic too. I don't want to do that to my kids.
    Besides, we can have so much fun sober, and even remember it the next day :laugh: Why waste the money on something that the body processes as a poison, damages the liver, and impairs your judgement?