Really struggling with deciding what to set my calories to

stephabef Posts: 936 Member
I change it almost every day, but I really want to figure out what's healthy for me. I know this is different for everyone, but I'm having trouble determining what is right for ME.

My TDEE is 1965 and my BMR is 1429, according to Fitness Frog. MFP lists my maintenance at 1830. I weighed myself for the first time today (my scale at home is so inaccurate that I'm afraid to use it) and I weigh 134 pounds at 5'4". I'm 22, work out 5-6 times a week, and have a fairly demanding job waiting tables and bartending. My goal weight is around 115, so approximately 20 more pounds. At the same time, I want to build muscle, so I realize that I may actual gain some weight and settle at a higher weight, which I'm cool with.

Again, I know this is highly variable, but any help with a ballpark figure would be nice. I'm currently set at 1400 calories, which is a .9 loss a week according to MFP. My #1 goal is to steadily lose weight, not lose muscle, and be on a sustainable, lifelong fitness regimen.

Thanks, everyone :)


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    1400 is half or so of your exercise calories...dont stress it so much....stress doesnt help are doing fine with all the exercise and busy job...make sure those 1400 calories are GOOD calories...have fun
  • Luckydrd
    Luckydrd Posts: 56 Member
    The last 20 will be hard to take off. Also, you commented on building muscle while losing fat. Chasing two rabbits is difficult, not impossible.

    What are you doing for exercising?
    I'd like to see what your daily caloric intake actually is, food wise. Are you drinking alcohol?

    There's a thousand plans out there.

    Here's what I recommend based on what you said.
    --Calorie Intake - 1600 a day
    -Lift weights (Compound Only) 3 times a week for an hour each session
    -Cardio Optional

    After 2-3 weeks, if your weight hasn't gone down lower your calories to 1400.
    If that doesnt work, we may talk about upping your calories to 1800 a day.

    Check out this article
  • km47
    km47 Posts: 34
    I am hoping that you all can help me. I am 47 years old Peri menapausal and have been working at losing weight for ten years unsuccessfully. I have been very focused in the last 6 weeks, going to a gym for a specific work out that includes 30 minutes hard and interval cardio where I burn approx 400 cals a session. I do this 3-4 times a week without fail. In addition, I have been following a 1300-1500 cal diet that is working to have 80-100 grams of protein. I have been very true to this diet in terms of calories not always in terms of eating 5-6 small meals of 300 cals each. Sometimes my demanding job or things with my four kids get in the way of eating every three hours, but overall, I really feel I am compliant and yet, for all my trouble, I am still at 240 pounds, my starting weight. I lost three pounds, then gained one pound then lost a pound, then gained two. I am exhausted and frustrated and cannot understand why the lack of progress. I have used this site to record my food and exercise to keep me honest and I can't see what I am doing wrong. Can anyone offer any insight? Much obliged.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I generally meet the fat requirement, go over the protein requirement, and don't quite reach the carb requirement. If you'd like, I can open my diary. I drink alcohol 1-2 times a week - never more than two drinks at any given time. I do my best to cook at home; I eat out for one or two meals in a week. At 1400, I always eat back my exercise calories.

    For exercise, I run 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week and lift (granted, the biggest handweights at have at home at 10 pounds. Saving up for a bench if/when I find a cheap one on Craigslist) 3 times a week. Sometimes I opt for pilates one day a week. I usually take one rest day.

    Thanks, I'll definitely check out the article!
  • dunes5
    dunes5 Posts: 3 Member
    Get this book: Syndrome W by Dr. Harriet Mogul. You are not alone with your frustration but this may the key, it worked for me.
  • dunes5
    dunes5 Posts: 3 Member
    Ignore my last post: I thought I was responding to someone on the comments. I am very technologically impaired. sorry about that
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I generally meet the fat requirement, go over the protein requirement, and don't quite reach the carb requirement. If you'd like, I can open my diary. I drink alcohol 1-2 times a week - never more than two drinks at any given time. I do my best to cook at home; I eat out for one or two meals in a week. At 1400, I always eat back my exercise calories.

    For exercise, I run 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week and lift (granted, the biggest handweights at have at home at 10 pounds. Saving up for a bench if/when I find a cheap one on Craigslist) 3 times a week. Sometimes I opt for pilates one day a week. I usually take one rest day.

    Thanks, I'll definitely check out the article!

    I would suggest first that you prioritize losing fat or gaining muscle. Your training procedures will remain the same (lift heavy) but you would then adjust your kcal intake accordingly.

    Since it sounds to me like you're still wanting to cut weight further, I would suggest eating in the neighborhood of:
    110 pro minimum
    45g fat minimum
    remainder of kcals in carbs but you may go past the above mins which would lower carbs.

    The above recommendation is for a steady intake where you do not enter in or eat back exercise calories.

    Monitor progress and adjust from there while lifting heavy.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    This is a cool tool!
    Not just as a leangains tool but for calculating everything else.
    Play with the sliders on the 4th step.
    Pretty cool stuff!

    Oh! And about the "How far dow is too far?"
    Judging from your photos you may not want to drop any lower till you get some lean mass.
    If its winter where you are try a slight bulk cycle for about 10-12 weeks.
    Set your macros correctly and cals at about 10-20% above maint till you get .5lb a week.
    Lift heavy on weight days and run hard on cardio days.
    Cut in the spring!
    That way you wont look like Golem from Lord of the Rings when you get that Body Fat % down!
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    Losing the weight you have in mind while building muscle needs to be a slow progress .it sounds like you exercise enough , just make sure you are doing quite a bit of strength training vs cardio. Your calorie goals @ 1400 may be a little low but if you make sure to stress protein and carbs and cut back on fat it could work . Don't let the scale be your primary tracking tool. Instead use the tape measure a couple times a week to judge your progress.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I generally meet the fat requirement, go over the protein requirement, and don't quite reach the carb requirement. If you'd like, I can open my diary. I drink alcohol 1-2 times a week - never more than two drinks at any given time. I do my best to cook at home; I eat out for one or two meals in a week. At 1400, I always eat back my exercise calories.

    For exercise, I run 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week and lift (granted, the biggest handweights at have at home at 10 pounds. Saving up for a bench if/when I find a cheap one on Craigslist) 3 times a week. Sometimes I opt for pilates one day a week. I usually take one rest day.

    Thanks, I'll definitely check out the article!

    I dont have awesome pics like Sidesteel but =D ^^^^^^This is the way to do it!

    I would suggest first that you prioritize losing fat or gaining muscle. Your training procedures will remain the same (lift heavy) but you would then adjust your kcal intake accordingly.

    Since it sounds to me like you're still wanting to cut weight further, I would suggest eating in the neighborhood of:
    110 pro minimum
    45g fat minimum
    remainder of kcals in carbs but you may go past the above mins which would lower carbs.

    The above recommendation is for a steady intake where you do not enter in or eat back exercise calories.

    Monitor progress and adjust from there while lifting heavy.

  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I would suggest first that you prioritize losing fat or gaining muscle. Your training procedures will remain the same (lift heavy) but you would then adjust your kcal intake accordingly.

    Yeah, I feel a bit confused about where to begin, but I suppose I should cut a bit more fat to begin with, then shift my focus to building muscle. I just want to make certain that I'm not doing anything to break down muscle while I continue to lose weight, since ultimately my goal is to build muscle. I'm in that awkward transitional phase; I'm fairly close to goal, but still have some more to go.

    You guys have been so helpful - thank you!!! I have a lot to think about, but I feel more secure and informed. I'll definitely be checking out these links and doing some more research, but for now I've upped my calories to 1500 and raised my protein and fat macros. I'll regroup in a couple of weeks.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    To maintain on a cut you have to eat 1g protein for each pound of lean mass.
    Lift heavy and frequently.
    3 times a week.
    Never work the same muscle group 2 days in a row to allow ample recovery.
    If you dont drink the proper water you wont keep muscle.
    If you dont sleep you wont keep muscle.
    Slow and steady wins this race!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I raised my calories to 1500-1700, lost 4 pounds this week, and already see some results from lifting heavier! Thanks so much for all of your suggestions. I can't believe how quickly I'm seeing change!
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