Newbies! Lets be Friends!

Anyone else just starting out around here? Ive been looking around for friends, but many people are already so far along I feel a little If your new(ish) lets all be friends so we can help each other along our journey from start to finish!


  • Hi! Newbie here as well. I signed up months ago and admittedly never used it, but I'm back and ready to do this! Wishing you the best!
  • Hey there, I'm just starting out as well! Good Luck!!
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    I've been logging for about two weeks. It really helps me when it comes time to make a choice as to what to eat! Good luck on changing habits! I have quite a few to change too! :)
  • radcow
    radcow Posts: 23
    yay! This is great, were all just starting out, and it seems pretty daunting from here...but I so appreciate your support and friendship, I think it will make all the difference, so thanks!
  • radcow
    radcow Posts: 23
    redbird, you lost 6 lbs in the first two weeks! thats awesome, that my goal for next week did you do it? what habbits are you beginning to change? and to any of you... the same question. I have gone gluten free, and thats the method im trying. so far, my bloating and gas issues have just about dissapeared, and the weight loss is nice too.
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    I have tried to be more active, for one thing. I have several health problems that limit what I can do, so I am trying to find some activities that I like and will do! Wouldn't you know it, now that I am getting serious about a lifestyle change, my recumbent exercise bike goes on the blink! Aggravating.

    I am also eating three main meals and three snack meals a day, so that I don't ever get really, really hungry. When I feel that way, I can't make good choices - I just grab! Planning ahead helps, but I don't necessarily stick to a plan I made the day before. But the framework helps.
  • You're more ahead than me, so feel better ahaha. But yeah, I've been logging about 2 weeks now so I'm technically a newbie. :')
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I'm new, too. My ticker almost makes me giggle-- it's looks a little pathetic (but I know it'll change!!). Feel free to add me.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    one more for moral support:happy:
  • Add me as a friend, I'm new too!
  • Count me in! I do like this site alot. It has helped me understan how many calories I truly eat and I am more motivated to exercise. Here's to good results and lots of support for all of us!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I've been a member for a awhile, but have never been active on this site (to be honest, I've never logged onto it via computer before last week and didn't realize all this stuff existed). I'd love some friends, so please feel free to add me!
  • radcow
    radcow Posts: 23
    oh wow, look at all the newbies! I hope you all are adding eachother too :)
  • radcow
    radcow Posts: 23
    a journey of a many pounds begins with the first pound... :P
  • mrsmarsh2b
    mrsmarsh2b Posts: 4 Member
    Im new-ish!! I want some friends though, please feel free to add me :)
  • BodyCombatGirl
    BodyCombatGirl Posts: 2 Member
    I've been logging my exercise and food for a few weeks now. I love this site!! My goal is to get to January without gaining any body fat! I usually gain weight at Christmas time with all the good food!! Now I'll have to be accountable and record every bite and every little bit of Christmas goodies that I pop in my mouth!
  • Mymag
    Mymag Posts: 83 Member
    i'm just starting out too, and i need friendssssss. the only friends i have are my sister and her friend and this other random guy that was trolling, and i thought he was funny.
  • lauerica
    lauerica Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on here for almost a month. It is nice to see all the support. Feel free to add me. I don't have many friends either. It will be nice to have the support. My weight loss goal is slow so that I keep it off. Have a great day.
  • I have just started. I have only been on for a few days already. I am trying to lose all the weight I have put on with all my pregnancies in the last 5 yrs. I am trying to conquer my biggest obstical right off that bat and that is my Pepsi intake. I have not had a Pepsi since Sunday 11/27/11 and the first 2 days were rough then it was ok but today has started to be a problem. I am really craving one right now!!! I am hoping that when I start up at the gym on Monday it will help with my Pepsi addiction by keeping my mind off of it!!! Well I wish everyone good luck and add me as a friend if you like!!! I am still trying to get a hang of this site!!!
  • hey guys i am a newbie too! i just started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 3 days ago! its tough, but i can already feel the difference in my posture and my endurance during the workout! there is a low carb low sodium diet that comes with the dvd which i am going to try to stick to (so far so good!).. i have seen people get such great results with this program and i cant wait to post my before and after pictures.

    if anyone wants to ask me anything about the program feel free!

    good luck
