Members from the UK-what are your low-call favourites?

Oh how I wish we had access to american supermarkets, there are so many amazing products we can't get here (like almond milk..never seen it in a supermarket). So, what are your UK favourites? Mine:

Linda McCartney sausages-100 for one
Discovery wholemeal wraps-106 cals for one
Laughing cow extra light-20 cal per peice


  • pig2twig1992
    sugar free jelly.
    a whole pint is less than 50 cals (and thats a LOT of jelly)
  • Alexabarocas
    When I get there in 17 days time I'll let you know! I'll be a mean, lean, healthy cooking machine!
    And I'll probably have to spend a bit more and go to M&S, since I'm sensing they'll have more of an option there...
  • Kali112
    Kali112 Posts: 87 Member
    m&s actually has less branded products than places like tesco or sainsbury-plus they are much more expensive. But their own brand food is delicious!
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Nairn cheese oatcakes - about 35 cals and v cheesy - I have one mid afternoon sometimes - slow burn keeps me away from the biscuit tin.
    activia fat free yogs 70 cals
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    Morrisons eat smart range. Particularly the fromage frais in place of creme fraiche/sour cream - makes a massive difference when I do mexican style food!
    Otherwise I try to stock up on plenty of veg - again, Morrisons is low cost for that. I'd agree that M&S is pricey, nice but expensive for what it is.
  • gillianrho
    just found ox cheek in my local Tesco 26 cal per ounce but so versatile. Braised it can be added to veg for a meaty broth or shredded over a salad.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Hartleys 10 Calorie Jelly
    Humous and a wholemeal pitta
    liver and onions
    Basa fillets

    Holland and Barrett sell Almond milk but it's not cheap! About £2.50 a carton if I remember correctly.
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    Nairn cheese oatcakes - about 35 cals and v cheesy - I have one mid afternoon sometimes - slow burn keeps me away from the biscuit tin.
    activia fat free yogs 70 cals
    Yep I love those cheese oatcakes, so nice they should be banned. Also waitrose love life soups, but only when price is reduced cos their stuff is expensive.
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    just found ox cheek in my local Tesco 26 cal per ounce but so versatile. Braised it can be added to veg for a meaty broth or shredded over a salad.
    Waitrose sell that too, and pigs cheek which is equally versatile .
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Sorry, but I am so glad I don'l live on the other side of the Pond. Here I can eat wholesome foods, with no added nasties.

    I do not buy so-called diet foods. I might choose a reduced-fat dairy option now and again, but everything else I eat is just regular, natural, wholesome foods: meat, veg, fruit, fish, be it frozen or fresh.

    My only "cheats" are microwave rice (because neither of us can cook dried-rice for toffee :laugh:), breaded fish and potato croquettes, coleslaw, mayo, preserves, canned/cartoned goods (beans, soups, chopped tomatoes, fruit, tuna, etc.) and of course herbs and spices, stock cubes, and such like.

    I eat exactly as I did before, only in smaller, more realistic portions, rather than the huge platefuls/bowlfuls as I used to.

    You don't have to diet to go on a diet :bigsmile:
  • thatlittlebit
    thatlittlebit Posts: 46 Member
    corn cakes (like rice cakes but made out of corn) - 16 cals
    alpro soya yoghurt - 46 cals for 100g!! woohoo calorie bargain!
    pink and whites - 50 cals
    options hot choc - under 40 cals and a multitude of yummy flavours

    I'll think of more and come back
  • sparklemummy
    My favourite ideal lunch is - 3 asda crisp breads (16 cal each) with 30g of philidelphia light garlic and herbs (47 cal) and cucumber (15 cal ish). With weight watchers soup ( 50 cal) and bag of low cal crisps (skips, quavers at 82-88 cal). About 300 cals total, depending on which crisps and soup. very filling. Less if I don't have crisps.

    Love tesco's light choices ready meals and some morrisons ones. Never done a shop at M&S yet.

    Missing cadburys choc though mmmm. Though I've bought an advent calender for me to treat myself once a day.

    Weight watchers food is nice and I love the muller light yoghurts. Less than 100 cals.
  • paulyarwooduk
    Bravo kyle4jem! Someone on here who is being realistic for once. As soon as you say "diet" that usually equates to "temporary" except for the minority. I eat what ever I want, including takeaway meals and pizzas, but I am realistic and eat sensibly and in smaller portions AND I do 30 minutes of intense exercise every day. I aim to lose 1lb a week and so far I have lost more than this.
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Fage total greek yogurt!!! (love it! low cal and loads of protein)
  • RunningRachel2012
    I love how cheap bananas are - I don't know if they cost more elsewhere in the world? I can get a bunch of 10 for £0.90p. LOVE THEM! x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    90p?!! were do you shop??? lol
    I love how cheap bananas are - I don't know if they cost more elsewhere in the world? I can get a bunch of 10 for £0.90p. LOVE THEM! x
  • RunningRachel2012
    I'm at uni in Swansea and we have a large indoor market, I generally get all my fruit and veg cut price in there. Most of the vegetables are locally grown - obviously the bananas are not though haha
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Ahhhh that makes sense then :p I miss the market from when i was at uni - we don't have one in Carlisle *grumble*
    I'm at uni in Swansea and we have a large indoor market, I generally get all my fruit and veg cut price in there. Most of the vegetables are locally grown - obviously the bananas are not though haha
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    an American product
    butter buds - bought in lakeland plastics they are sachets of butter flavour granuals (all the fat has been removed) and only 7 cals great on veg fish and jacket potaotes
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Fage total greek yogurt!!! (love it! low cal and loads of protein)

    Me too.:-)