


  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    There's nothing wrong with you. If you don't want to drink don't. Not everybody likes it.

    I like it. I don't like getting drunk though. I like my drinks in moderation. Some red wine with dinner or a couple microbrews/cosmos/glasses of wine when out for the night. I can't drink more than a few beers anymore. It makes me feel gross - full and bloated - blah, no thanks!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i dont drink either, except maybe once per year (maybe 2 drinks)

    i simply dont have any draw to it haha~I used to like drinking when I was 15-16 because it was illegal for me to do so...but then I got over it XD

    I dont think there is anything wrong with you, nor those who choose to drink~

    It is simply a personal choice. Nobody has ever had a problem with me not drinking before so I would not worry too much~most places have cranberry and tomato juice anyway :)
  • I agree not worth the calories...focus on your goals. Have fun ndoing physical and mental activities in groups; Board game night, bike rallies, sports games, TV trivia shows, volunteering to help others and dances.

    I think most people drink at your age to loose inhibitions, be popular and feel "adult". So do it to escape from sadness true... You can have fun and loose inhibitions and get silly just as good with confidence. You can escape sadness and help others better by talking and spending time around those who are positive and love you for who you are. I applaud your ability to see what you want and how you feel.

    At your age all I was worried about was what other people thought and felt. I lived in a small town were were all bored all the time thus the "parties". I wanted to fit in so badly and I drank alot, Trust me it caused me alot of heartache. And, it also allowed other people to take advantage of me. Definately not worth it, especially when you over drink. IF you are going to do it,... my rule, drink rarely and never more than two....and NEVER when driving or with strangers.

    Have fun young one. YOUR WAY!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    There are people that only get drunk on the weekends? :noway:

    In all things do what is right for you,try not to let others actions affect your personal happiness and live and let live.:smile:
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    I only drink on the weekends and usually only if I am going out on dates, etc. I never drink at home and I never drink to get drunk. I think it is okay in moderation as everything else. I love martinis and think they taste fantastic! :glasses:
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    Nothing wrong with not drinking much.. if you're happy not drinking, and don't want to, why should you?
    I only had two drinks tonight (one was really strong though so I sipped it over 3-4 hours) but other nights I go through two bottles of wine easy. Depends on how I'm feeling, where I am, who I'm with.. So many variables.

    I think it's healthier to want to drink than need a drink every weekend. But I do have times where I really want a drink and will say I need a drink, but I don't actually NEED a drink.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    eh, I love to drink. I f you look at my diary you'll see I leave calories for a glass of wine every night and always put some kind of alcohol in there so I have the calories to drink it, but dont always (last night for example, i only drank about half of what I logged)

    In any case when I was younger I didnt drink much. Im in the states and didnt get drunk for the first time til I was 18. I spent a couple months in England with some friends who liked to drink, so I did too. My first year in college I went to the clubs and drank prob one night a week.

    My second year in college, I stopped. It was mainly because of a guy, his girlfriend before me was killed by a drunk driver, so he was not a fan after all. I had drank the year before, about once a week like I said, but still wasnt that into it that I had a hard time giving it up. I also, like you, didnt really like any alcohol at that point, so that made it easier to pass on too

    After i graduated, we broke up, and I moved to VA to start graduate school. I also started drinking again, stopped playing soccer, and since I was cooking on my own for the first time opted to eat at Taco bell alot. 30 pounds got put on pretty quick. Was the alcohol the reason for that? Definitely not the whole reason, but I know it didnt help. It was just that most of the social events we participated in included alcohol and it was easy for me to get back into it. I started to find certain drinks I liked (light beers, Merlot, vodka cranberry) and having them more often. You may find that if you were too keep trying different things over a period of time, you might find something you like - IM NOT SUGGESTING THAT and in no was trying to encourage you to start drinking, just saying that alot of young people drink to get drunk (not smart, but thats what it is), dont really like the taste of it, and are only doing it for how it makes them feel. Later on though people tend to acquire a taste or preference for certain things.

    So yea, thats my story about alcohol. Now, like I said, I account for alcohol in my diary most nights but dont always drink it. I like to have a glass of wine with dinner, because I like the wine, not because im trying to get drunk. I will however drink more in social occasions, such as the dinner/girls night out im attending tonight. I also will go months at a time without touching the stuff, especially if im training for a race. My ticker doesnt reflect it but I started out 157 a few months ago and with my official weigh in tomorrow should be mid-upper 140s (i cheated and checked my weight and it was 146 this morning). I know thats not really your question, but yes its possible to still lose weight while consuming alcohol. I know alot of people dont agree with it, but it works for me and I'm not going to give up something I like, just always count it/ do it in moderation.

    anyhow, no there is nothing wrong with you for not drinking/liking alcohol. My father doesnt drink because he doesnt like the taste and only has a few specific things he drinks and on special occasions. Some people go their whole lives without drinking, others try it and decide they dont like it, while others decide they do. Everyone is different, and none of them are wrong. Dont let people push you to drink if you dont want to. Its your choice to not drink, just likes its theirs to. Its definitely hard to see the draw of drinking if youve never done it/liked it, and unfortunately theres no way for you to understand it without experiencing it (again not saying you should). The best explanation I can give is that people like how it makes them feel, alot eventually like how it tastes, and young people around your age tend to like it as a social lubricant to make them feel less inhibited in a situation they are unfamiliar with. Don't feel bad if you dont understand it and i think its good that you are trying to, esp without trying to experience for yourself
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    If you don't drink, there are so many benefits. Always running at peak in the mind and body. The $$$ savings.

    I drank at College when it was flowing freely (read: I never paid for it, and my 'shout' never happened) - that was not good.

    Lost a girlfriend to impaired judgement by alcohol excess (not in a car either). Read the news, see what high-profile person stuffed up their life today.

    I have drinks about 3 times per year now ... all involve father-in-law and a talk lol. Last time I was with him I said no and he respected that ... (I add 1 self-control point !)

    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Christmas Eve I always enjoy a piña colada ... But, other than that I feel it defeats my purpose in all the hard work I put in ! Never had a beer in my life ... just choice, it smells really bad ! LOL ! Would love a Mojito every now and then, but not giving up the calories on that one !

    Cheers to staying healthy and remaining sober ! To each is own ... but at least I own mine ! Hee Hee ! :)
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    If you don't like or want to drink, don't. Who cares what people think? Saves more for me anyway.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    it's not weird at all. I like to drink, and I probably get drunk a couple of times a month. But I also will volunteer to sober cab some nights, and honestly it can be fun too because you just get to observe! It's easier to be a sober cab when your friends go to the bar as opposed to a house party, just because sometimes its awkward at house parties if you are shy and sober, but it is easier to blend in at the bar. Sometimes I will even go out with the people I drive for and just be a really fun sober cab - dancing with them on the dance floor, etc.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I don't drink alcohol to escape my problems or anything, I get pished at the weekend cuz it's fun! I mean maybe it's just because I live in Scotland, where our culture pretty much centers around alcohol from quite a young age, but I do genuinley like being drunk.

    I can have fun without it, of course I can, but some situations are definately improved with booze. I don't have a beer or glass of wine in the evening or with my meals, I only get drunk, I never drink for the pleasure of the drink (because alcohol tastes icky. Apart from baileys. Mmmm. Baileys. And maybe a cheeky cold WKD in summer), I get tispy/drunkish about once a week, more during holiday seasons or things like festivals/freshers week etc, but I only get like proper wasted every couple of months.

    I don't rely on drink and I don't let it interfere with my diet - I count my drink calories and don't binge eat when I get the drunken munchies.

    But yeah, in answer to the OP, people drink for many reasons
    partly for cultural and social reasons, "let's go out for a drink after work" or going to nightclubs etc
    sometimes for escapism
    sometimes just plain habit
    to rebel/show off/try to look hardcore
    to fit in with friends that drink
    sometimes people say it can improve a meal, eg the "right wines" or a beer with an indian meal xD

    or the main reason - for most people, it feels damnnnn good!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I don't think there's anything wrong with you. Like anything else, if you don't like it, don't do it! It's just not worth it to me to drink very often. The "good" feeling doesn't last long enough to be worth the $$ and calories-- I personally want those calories for food! I don't get many. Lol. I'm very thankful that I don't struggle with this, as many generations of my family have been affected by alcoholism.
  • koutwater
    koutwater Posts: 47 Member
    It's a waste of money, calories, and if you feel crappy the next day it's a waste of days of your life too!:)
  • I am very proud of you for not is a trap that is hard to get out of once you get into it!
  • Sometimes I drink because I'm in the mood for one, or not in the mood for anything but. Sometimes it's good for a laugh, but you have to know limits. There's no need to get hammered all the time, you'll forget how to have fun when you're sober. :')
  • alcohol will make you gain weight fast in some cases, but moderate drinking may actually be good for you in the long run. catch 22 basically.
  • NO YOU ARE FINE! I hope that my boys will not be pressured and be strong like you when they are your age, not to mention LOTS OF EXTRA CALORIES IN ALCOHOL!! Stay strong and stay forcused on your future, kudos to you!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Moderate alcohol consumption has actually been shown to have positive health benefits. Now that's moderate consumption, as in one beer, or one glass of wine, or one mixed drink, not getting totally hammered. I usually have one drink a night, but that's just me. I haven't gone out and gotten drunk in years.:drinker:
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Why Yes, there IS something wrong with you.

    You need to understand that in today's society the trend is moving towards less individual responsibility, less maturity, and lower intelligence. By not going and and getting wasted you run the risk of being a mature, responsible, intelligent individual. You may miss out on your opportunity to participate in a rehab program. You will lose the "I'm an alcoholic" card as an excuse for your behaviour. Not sure if you are willing to risk it. :bigsmile:

    LOL <3 this! don't forget the glamorous mug shot after a DUI!

    There is NOTHING wrong with you, I had to fire some friends cuz that is all they do, all day on the weekends. They are drunk from Fri night (well m-thurs nights as well) to Sunday night, go to work with hangovers and then get up and do the same thing. I USED to be one of them. I am quite a bit older than you but I know how you are feeling. Oh and it didn't help that I realized that all we had in common was drinking... When I sobered up I didn't like them very much as people. Drinking in moderation is fine though, but its good you don't NEED it to have fun.

    You don't have to fire your friends or anything but you certainly don't have to drink all the time like they do! You are a wise person!

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