need motivation and know what kind of diet is good for me

i'm tired i don't know how to use this for now noting working well i loose weight and oops i get it back and more, i try every diet they have on the planet and noting working for me. i need motivation and help to know how this place working and what kind of diet working for me.


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Step number 1) lLog your food - so you can actually see how much you are eating.....
    Step number 2 ) Did MFP give you 2000 calories a day - seems a tad high.....I would reset my goals if I was you...
    Step number 3 ) get going and do some exercise......
    Step number 4) Don't "diet" - eat good healthy food in moderation (and within your MFP calorie goal) and you will lose weight....

    No magic - just basic calories in vs calories out.....
  • kimbim60
    kimbim60 Posts: 59 Member
    You might want to start by getting your thyroid checked....I was working out 3 times a week and swimming (deep water aquacise plus laps) for months and didn't lose any weight, come to find out I had thyroid issues and now that I'm on thyroid medication I'm finally starting to lose weight....only about 4 lbs a month but better then not seeing any changes at all.
  • i did it every years my thyroid check and everything is ok
  • Maybe watch your carbs? If you're insulin resistant, it's not as easy as calories in/calories out. You have to limit the amount of carbs so your system doesn't flood with insulin and go into fat storing mode. I'm aiming for below 100 carbs a day and find that gives me plenty of veggies.