quitting feels amazing!

I tried herbalife for a month and decided to quit. My weight loss coach had me on two shakes a day, ONE real meal and a couple snacks. 1300 calories a day.

What really upset me is that she's a friend of mine who happens to sell the stuff. I asked her to dinner so we could talk about herbalife cause I wanted to see if it could benefit me. I'm 5'2 135 lbs. Not a big girl, just have a few curves.. lol. She didn't even question whether or not I needed to be on an aggressive weight loss program. She just automatically put me on a program. And me, being the people pleaser, bought into it.

Anyways, I tried it out for a month and it was so hard! I like to chew my meals and experience multiple flavors in one meal... so one dimensional shakes to replace two of my meals was just ridiculous seeming.

When I talked to her about how I quit to pursue a whole foods lifestyle, she has the audacity to tell me that those are the kinds of foods that got me to the point that I was at before herbalife.

All I know is that I am so much happier eating real healthy foods! I am logging my foods in the diary because I really do want to clean up my diet. Prior to herbalife, I ate a LOT of fast food.... big macs being a favorite (so awful I know.)

Its like I've gone from one extreme (fast food junkie) to the other(shake sipper), and am now working to find a balance. Anyone wanna take a look at my food diary and tell me areas you think I can improve?


  • RunningRachel2012

    My advice would be just to try to eat as many foods that you have to prepare yourself (i.e. not get out of a packet) with a good mix of protein, complex carbs, fruit, veggies and fats. I'm afraid I can't shed much light on your food diary, as I am from the UK and I don't recognise a lot of the brand and foods that you eat, but at a glance it looks as though you eat a few ready meals, maybe you should try cooking all meals fresh? (sorry if I read your diary completely wrong haha).

    To me herba-life sounds really stupid as it gives you 1300 calories a day. It is so easy to eat 1300 calories of healthy foods which give you energy to exercise. I have never really understood why people follow restrictive diets!!

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If Herbalife worked long-term, the world would be full of skinny people and the supermarkets would be full of Herbalife competitors, all selling those shakes and pills at lower cost.

    Any time a product has to be sold by that type of multilevel marketing, it's going to be overpriced and overhyped. There are too many companies more than willing to meet that market demand through the usual food/drug distribution channels if it were sustainable.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Drinking calories does not work for me. As soon as you stop you gain it all back.
    I think it's better to educate yourself on healthy eating and correct portion size. My food scale was the best thing I did for healthy weight loss.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm slowly learning to listen to my body so I can learn what foods fuel it best. I can work out for different lengths and different intensities depending on what I ate that day, or if it's early, the day before. There's a huge difference between what I can do when I eat, say, a home-cooked hamburger or a steak, and what I can (can't!) do if I skipped meat that day.

    Throwing that out there in case it could help you, too.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Seems like you need to quite that "friend" too...
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I am glad that you have found that you like the real foods better! I eat one meal replacement shake a day (Shakeology). I am not sure how people drink more than one meal a day but I guess it works for some :) I like the one meal replacement just because it's or breakfast and I drink it when I get to work but I can't imagine drinking a shake for dinner :)
  • BBKFnut
    BBKFnut Posts: 3 Member
    Way to stick up for yourself!!! ^5
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    WOOOOOOOOW that shake diet #$$#%@$#$^#$ sounds like it could kill someone. What a retarded weight loss program its like teaching you to be anorexic lol IM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR STOPPING THAT HORRIBLE DIET!! GOOD JOB !!!!