Do you know what ugly dancing is? Sure you do... it's when you spontaneously bust out your worst dance moves. On top of a mountain, at work, in the car to the radio, because you're so full of life at that moment that you have to ugly dance. Because you never know when you might not be able to!

I'm vinylscratch and I just messed up my back because I'm overweight and haven't been taking care of myself properly. I graduated college and got a desk job, and haven't been exercising or being good to my body. Now it's upset with me and I'm on bed rest, and it might be a long time before I get to ugly dance again.

There are lots of reasons for weight loss, but I'm finally at a place in my life where appearance is not a motivator. I could care less what I look like because I'm beautiful, you're beautiful, we're all beautiful! I just want to have fun in my body again, and I can't do this alone. I'm an overeater and struggle with a mood disorder. So I'm here to offer support & motivation and be inspired by all you awesome people :) Add me & let's do this!

Oh... and if you're able... please bust out an ugly dance for me today! It can be when no one's looking.. it can be in the shower.. you can involve your best friend or partner... but just DANCE!

peace & spontaneity -- vinylscratch


  • Ha -- you have a fab attitude!! Thanks for making me smile this morning.
  • Amen... You tell a great story. Worded beautifully and inspiring... I have a saying of my own that motivates me to live a happy life, and that's "Life's too short to be pissed off all the time." I don't get mad when I look at myself in the mirror and remember how I used to be. I get motivated and positive that if I was in that good of shape before, I can definitely do it again with dedication. It's hard not to eat a lot! I know! Once I got the app for this site on my Android, and got it set up, I didn't pay much mind to it. Then a few days ago, my daughter had me up late, so around 2:30 A.M. I decided to have a mid morning meal of 1 frozen jack's pizza, and Yakisoba teriyaki beef. I drank a kroger brand can of dr. pepper with it, and remembered the app. I logged those items in, and it devistated me! That pizza alone was 1,200 calories, and my daily limit is 1,380! It was then I said to myself "Well, If I continue to eat like this, it's going to be counter-productive." I've not exceeded my calories since without activity to burn them off, be it standing, stretching, walking around the house with an infant or a toddler, or just doing moderate cardio and strength exercises. I am sorry to hear you are on bed rest. If it's any compensation, I do do ugly dances often! I do hope that you get off your bed rest soon, so that you can continue down the path of a healthier body, and ugly dancing your way back down to the body you need to enjoy the simple things in life to the fullest!
  • radcow
    radcow Posts: 23
    I tend to start spontaneous dance parties at my work. toinights dance party and ugly dancing will be in your honor, with an intention set for you to heal your amazing body and join us soon. booya!
  • I :heart: ugly dancing then! I didn't there was a definition to describe my dancing, other than I can't dance. Although so far, all we got are female responses. I am sure some guy will chime in about "as long as a girl is shaking her booty, there ain't nothing ugly about that." :laugh:

    Sure, I'll boogie down for you for 5 minutes today before I get winded! Hope you feel better soon and can do your own boogie-ing
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I was doing the running man earlier as a warm up! It's a good warm up! Ugly dancing rocks!
  • Great Topic! Your story is inspiring! I will be doing an ugly dance in your honor today! :)
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Haha I'll ugly dance now!
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    I just did an ugly dance for you. It took me a minute to get in the groove but then I danced for a while. Thank you for that.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    I didn't know there was a name for it, mine usually happens in the basement while doing laundry, especially with AC/DC or Guns n Roses or any other good 80's rock. Lol. Good post :)
  • metisgirl
    metisgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Ahhhh Finally a name for it...I usually do it to metallica, kiss or Pink....hehehehe
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    That describes what I call dancing! So in honor of you and knowing there are others like me, I'll ugly dance for you!:bigsmile:
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Thank you SO much for all the ugly dances guys! I think I'm feeling better already! Looking forward to sharing the journey with all of you!! :)
  • Ugly dancing here in Ohio! For you, for me, for ALL of us!!! :bigsmile:
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    love your post ! You're very witty....
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    awesome way to intro yourself......if I wasn't sick today I would dance, as I dance nearly everyday :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I shall bust an ugly dance move or two in your honor when I go out walking in a bit. It's dark, hopefully no one will see! But if they do, at least it makes me even less of a target for any would-be predators. Not only will I be too fat to easily subdue and cart away, I'll also look way too crazy. :bigsmile:
  • sandimack
    sandimack Posts: 136 Member
    Lmao I can just see everyone busting a move! This summer I was driving a pile of teenage girls around, cranked the tunes, belted out the lyrics, busted out some real real ugly moves than looked at car next to me laughing their *kitten* off, of course they didn't see all the girls! Thanxs for the giggles
  • redsdrift
    redsdrift Posts: 17 Member
    Ha i all ways do that lol
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Ha! I demand an official Ugly Dancing Day ^^
    The ugly dance for toay is done and dusted !
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Busted a move and it ain't pretty.:happy: