Serving sizes, proud of myself

liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
So, I have to say I am proud of myself, ive had some ups and downs, infact I had kfc last night and my body was like nope, you dont want this anymore and felt kinda nauses. However, this last week we orderd pizza, now normally id order a large with breadsticks, and id eat it all in one day. But I ate only 3 pieces and sent the rest to work with my husband. I realized then wow I really have changed some, I dont think ive even done that. Then today I made spagetti. I used my scale to make sure I had the right serving on my plate, at first I thought, this dosent look like much at all, id give this to my 3 yr old as a serving, I had only one cheesey garlic bread (instead of the normal 3 or 4. And 3 small corn on the cobs, for my veggies. After I had it all on my plate I thought well this dont look to bad, alot less than what i used to eat. My husband put a mound of noodles on his plate, which looked like what mine would IF id not of mesured it. I got halfway through my meal and was full. I felt amazing about that. I woke up at 7:30 on a saturday, made me some oatmeal and went on a long walk for exersize. 2 months ago id of probly slept til noon, not got any walks in, ate fast food for the day then go out and drink later that night. It took me till today to realize, I AM DOING A GREAT JOB! I cant believe how much my lifestlye has changed, I feel amazing right now :)


  • jadebvb92
    WAY TO GO!!! I also realized that i don't eat as much of stuff as i once did. It feels great to know that YOU made that change :D
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You should be proud. :drinker: Congratulations and continued success.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Keep up the good work! :)
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    proud of u chica
  • souly05
    good work !!!
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    Good job sweetie:) Isn't it great! We can retrain our bodies to know when its full!!! I now eat smaller portions and feel full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    That's absolutely awesome!!!
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks everyone, I apreciate all the support! my journey is so much easier thanks to mfp :)
  • jessifox10
    i feel the same way. I'm not dieting, i'm changing my life! before i would go on a diet that i would never be able to stick to, but now i can eat whatever i want just in the right portions and i can see exactly how much more i should consume for the day and decide if its worth it to get a second helping like i used to or to decide if i should even eat it in the first place. And congrats for you!!!
  • jessifox10
    i feel the same way. I'm not dieting, i'm changing my life! before i would go on a diet that i would never be able to stick to, but now i can eat whatever i want just in the right portions and i can see exactly how much more i should consume for the day and decide if its worth it to get a second helping like i used to or to decide if i should even eat it in the first place. And congrats for you!!!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Well done! great learning!
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