How many calories is safe?

I'm going for a high calorie day today to zig-zag my calories. Anyone know how many calories "over" is safe? My daily goal calories is around 1350.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've never zig zagged, but I have generally tried to stick to not being more than 200 calories under or over my goal number.
  • slimthingspecial
    I zig-zag all the time! - mainly because life is like that! I always try to keep to my weekly goal though, usually through exercise :) It's really working for me! Just make sure you don't eat under 1000kcal and try not to go over maintenance...

    Good Luck! :)
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    One free day a week is good to shock your body I just don't worry about it and eat whatever I want with no care for how much or what.
    And I lost 62 lbs!

    Just have a great day and worry NOT!
  • Mekob25
    Mekob25 Posts: 88 Member
    Throughout my journey I would eat around 1100 cals regularly. When I started zig-zagging I would do 1400 or 1500 and it helped a little bit. Then one day I went out with some friends and had a crazy day that was close to 2000. I found that I lost 2 MORE lbs b/c my metabolism had to rev itself up higher to process those extra cals. So after that I would eat around 1700 cals on my zig-zag day (one day out of every two weeks) and it worked for me. Hope this helps. :happy:
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    Throughout my journey I would eat around 1100 cals regularly. When I started zig-zagging I would do 1400 or 1500 and it helped a little bit. Then one day I went out with some friends and had a crazy day that was close to 2000. I found that I lost 2 MORE lbs b/c my metabolism had to rev itself up higher to process those extra cals. So after that I would eat around 1700 cals on my zig-zag day (one day out of every two weeks) and it worked for me. Hope this helps. :happy:

    good stuff...
  • cniskasari
    cniskasari Posts: 4 Member
    that you know how to zig zag your cals says you know how to do this weight loss thing! yay!! :) about 300-500 cals above your goal should be good. i do 500 to shock my body and rev my bmr up! i love my cheat days!!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    1350 cals for someone that is over 300lbs is ridiculously low. somewhere in the 2500 range would be more then adequate to lose weight at
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    1350 cals for someone that is over 300lbs is ridiculously low. somewhere in the 2500 range would be more then adequate to lose weight at

    hahah You'd think so! But my muscle mass is like ...laughable. (Well, laughable if it wasn't so sad :P ). Muscle mass burns a lot more calories than fat mass and most of my weight is, sadly, fat pounds. I have hardly any muscle mass. I know for a fact (due to meticulous meal planning, weighing, measuring, etc that I used to do) that I actually gain weight if I eat what this site considers "maintenance" calories for me. 2,500 calories is apparently WAY above what my body needs calorie wise and I gain weight on calorie counts that high. ...unfortunitely. :(