Is no news good news in this situation?

Maya_Erin Posts: 51
edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
I had a interview with Geico Wednesday of Nov 30th. Everything went well I passed the multitasking/typing test and the interview went well. After talking the recruiter left me in the room for about 5 minutes. When he came back he said he wanted me to speak with a manager but they were all busy and they would be in touch in 3-5 business days.. now it's only been 2. I spoke to another girl who was also into testing room with me and passed but applied for a different position she said her recruiter told her the same and that they would be in touch. Is this a good sign?


  • I wouldn't say its good or bad. I do know that the hiring process can take much longer than anticipated so if it goes over 5 days don't start to worry either.
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    I wouldnt worry yet. I just started a new job last month and the hiring process took about 2 weeks.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I hate to say it, but you're just going to have to be patient.. Hiring takes awhile, especially if there are other applicants.

    ETA: But I know how you feel. Try to keep yourself distracted in the meantime.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I wouldn't really worry... it took a month for me to find out about my job. It wasn't a totally huge deal as I was still in school and was applying for a job that was going to start in 3 months. But still.... when they called me to offer me a job, I had actually forgotten about it.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    It's neutral. Too soon to tell. Just wait. Try and take your mind off of it (almost impossible I know).
    I had an interview at one place back (a couple decades ago). I didn't hear back so I took a different job a week or so later. The first place (better job by the way) called me back **5 months** later and offered me the job. I went for it and instantly started making about $2,000 more per year. (A lot of money back then!)
  • Thanks guys!!
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