Unhealthy relationship with food

I think i suffer from it-since food is not just the fuel for me, i dont need to feel hunger to eat. I enjoy eating maybe too much. My nicest memories, like my childhood, are filled with my favorite candies and mom's and grandma's cakes.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I have a pretty busy life and a lot of friends and family, so i don't need to "eat my emotions" or whatever you call it.
I don't like most of the food, like meats, milk... But I love sweet things, fruit, cookies and chocolates, and they're like weird sort of "friends" to me.
I just think about food too often and like it too much.
Does anyone else have the same problem? Is there a cure?
How can I start thinking about food only when I'm hungry?
(btw this was kind of embarrassing for me to post) :)


  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I'm the same way with cheesecake, pie, cake, and other desserts. Everyone who knows me well knows that I gotta have my desserts before my main meal. People know if they come over during the weekend, they better bring me a pie or cake. I'm always thinking of desserts when I'm eating other foods like fruit or salad.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I know what you mean. I am often thinking/obsessing over food. It kind of sucks. I wish I could be one of those people who just ate when they were hungry and didn't care the rest of the time. I have learnt to accept it and realise the only way to manage my weight is to watch what I eat to the degree that I do.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    So I guess you guys understand what i'm talking about. It's not just mindless munching that made me gain weight, it's loving the food.
    So if there isn't possible way to avoid such thinking, maybe I should accept it as well.
    Also I noticed, it's not just food I'm eating, it's the act of eating, i have to eat ALL THE TIME.
    I don't mind if it's apples or cheesecake. But too much of anything can cause weight gain :(
  • rsayler
    rsayler Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for sharing, as I'm sure this was difficult for you. As a person who struggles with food thoughts as well, I've found _Skinny Thinking_ by Laura Katleman-Prue to be a good step in the right direction. I would highly suggest reading it, and seeing if some of her ideas resonate with you. For me, it has been the start of moving food from the pleasure to fuel aspects, and reprogramming my thoughts about food.
    Best wishes!
    Google product search: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=pfwe&cp=12&gs_id=1f&xhr=t&q=skinny+thinking&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=653&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3133954879816613446&sa=X&ei=JTjbTsXJNPCcmQW_ueTkCw&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQ8wIwAg
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    wow thanks, im definitely interested in this book! :)
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I,m terrible for Haribo and any jelly sweets and cant believe i actually cried well sobbed like a little kid because i couldn,t get any one night as the shops were shut! So embarrassing lol :0/
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    me too. maybe this comes from my childhood, i have a brother and we used to share candy, it was always "who gets more". I used to cry when I thought he got a biscuit more than i did. And also my mom didn't buy us too much sweets, she didn't want us to get fat and to ruin our teeth.
    Unfortunately, now it all comes with consequences. I don't need to share my candy anymore, I live alone and there's no "what if my brother eats everything in the drawer before I get it?". I can have all the chocolate I want, but my butt is growing as well when i eat like that.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I have so much trouble when it comes to sweets. Seriously I have to avoid the bakery section at the grocery store and have come to realize if I do buy some treat, I'll end up eating 80% of them. I allow myself all the sweets I feel like once I've ensured I have the protein/fats I need. I crave sugar/sweets all the time. Sugar free Jello Pudding and Skinny Cow ice cream bars are frequent. I know how it is, I don't think I'll ever be able to eat "clean" because of it.
  • I'm so glad you posted this, I feel the same way. What I've started to realise is that that kind of relationship with food is doing us no favours. Now, I tend to ask myself - Why do I want to eat right now? before I take the plunge, especially with bad food. If its just for the act of eating I take a second to think and walk away. But sometimes I still fall victim to the temptation. Its a learning experience more than there being a cure, I think.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    good to know that there are people like me out there :)
    i come from Serbia, where people love food and eating, but nobody seems to obsess unless they're hungry.
    Like, when my girlfriends are hungry, they don't eat veggie salads without dressing. They eat pizza or something like that, but when they're satisfied they stop eating and forget about it.
    and they're all skinny.
  • Reiral
    Reiral Posts: 20
    Hi! Me too! My comfort food are definetely fried food like potato chips, fries, nuggets..been trying to opt for a better alternatives like banana chips instead and just making sure these food are not in my sight. Drinking lots of water helps too. If I ended up buying (which I sometimes still do), I will finish up every mouthful without a doubt. I've always manage to eat what I want but now that my metabolic rate seems slower, I put on weight. I've heard of a diet tip from a japanese show where this woman actually keeps eating her comfort food for days before she is sick of it and finally doesn't crave for it. So she will put on weight initially but eventually loses it all.
  • Hello

    I don't really like sweet things - my downfall are cheese and crisps. I'm afraid my willpower is so weak that the only way I can control my eating of them, is not to have them in the house! If I have a block of cheese in the fridge I will just keep going back to it and slicing off one sliver, then another, then another, until the whole lot is gone! Or another alternative (if you are the sort of person who can taste a little and not want more) is to order a portion of your banned substance in a restaurant, so you are forced to only eat the slice they give you and can't eat a whole pack!

    Good luck with your fitness plan - hope some of the advice you have received works for you!

    PF x
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    It's normal for people to enjoy food. What you described doesn't sound abnormal unless you're thinking about food a LOT. Most people do not have a clinical view of food as only an "energy" source and only eat what is most healthy for their bodies regardless of taste. Many people have warm fuzzy feelings of certain foods their mother or grandmother made or certain treats they eat during the holidays with friends and family. It's natural and in no way an unhealthy relationship with food. Food should be enjoyed. But just don't make it your main focus, of course. If you're thinking about food more than around meal times and snack times then you might have an unhealthy attitude about food (depends on how much you're thinking about it or how much control you feel food has over you).
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    What I do when I get cravings for deserts etc I will go on a run or do some weights :)
  • RachStevens06
    RachStevens06 Posts: 10 Member
    In my many tries with dieting I have learned if you have a sweet addiction, don't deprive it. You will get overwhelmed and binge and then it makes you feel bad.
    I somehow managed to overcome my addiction to sweets but taking it slowly. Cutting back on my sweets little by little. When I do crave it, I have some... just not a lot. Thanksgiving was rough because I got a free apple pie from my husbands work. He doesn't eat it so it was all on me because quite frankly, I can'y throw out a decent pie, haha. So I cut it into 8 slices and ate 1 SLICE every other day. I made sure on those days that I knew I was going to have a slice, to take it easy and eat as good as a can. Then... i took a SMALL tea plate and a olive fork (you know the small ones with 3 prongs) and I took 20 minutes eating my pie. I enjoyed it and didn't feel bad. nor did I punish myself for eating it the next day. Did I walk a little harder and longer, yes but I didn't starve myself and run 15 miles to burn it off.
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Its rough. Sugar is a drug, you can seriously have a sugar addiction. There should be a 12 step program for quitting sugar.
    And yes, if you have a craving and just can't get to candy or whatever, eat fruit. It has natural HEALTHY sugar. Easier said than done, I know.
    Best of luck :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    No, I totally know what you mean. I hate how sometimes I feel so obsessed over food and exercising, but, I'd rather feel that way than be who I used to be....not giving any thought to what I was putting in my body. However, I can totally relate to this! Sometimes I will just start thinking of random food, and how good it is, and how much I want it. I hate it! I'm not too big on salty stuff like chips and what not...but occasionally I do. I am more of the cookies, cakes, brownies, cheesecake, etc. type person.

    I try to occupy my mind with other things, keep none of my downfalls in the kitchen, or I have a small treat. Once a night I have a Weight Watchers, Smart Ones, or Skinny Cow dessert, and once a week I treat myself to frozen yogurt, a candy bar, or something like that. I am also not good with portioning sweets. If I have a box of Oreos, it will be gone in two days...I'm not the type of person who can just take one serving and be done. So, I never buy items in bulk...same with ice cream and stuff, I get individual servings. :)
  • I'm type one diabetic so I've learnt to equate food with 'feeling better'. Tired? Just eat it away! Sick? Have some food...
    I wish it was as easy to associate unhealthy carb-laden foods with feeling sick, but I don't really. I guess because the effect of eating something bad and getting sick is less immediate then eating something and getting better....

    I know it is an unhealthy attitude to food, but sometimes I feel that it's more healthy then some other people my age. Because other people aren't affected immediately they don't use food to cure/ prevent illnesses like I do. And food DOES help, it does give you energy and sustenance and vitamins and minerals and it is vital you replenish the ones you are lacking....
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    I know the feeling, dont be embarrassed many others can relate, thats why we are all on here to help each other. I will always love food and have this weird relationship to it like you were describing but for me the most important part is to balance and remain in control. Let myself indulge in the foods i really love once in a while and try to stay with my heathy foods that i know are good for my body the majority of the time. Keep up the good work, you look great!
  • I think about both food and exercise almost non stop. I have been this way for years. I watch cooking shows on tv even though I rarely make anything I see on there and I watch exercise videos on youtube when I have no intention of doing them. I do exercise everyday I just don't use the things Im obsessed with viewing. I always figured it was pretty normal because so many other people I know do the same thing.
  • Ice cream is my downfall. Fortunately I found a good blender recipe for "ice cream" made with only bananas, strawberries and almond milk on pinterest.