Exercise calories on mfp..too high?

If I log in 60 mins on the treadmill at 5 mph it gives a total cals burnt as over 600 calories..yet on the treadmill I use ( admittedly a basic model which does not take into account your weight) it logs as around 300

( I vary the speed between 5 mph to 7 mph and usually have 10 mins on an incline of 4 which Mfp Doesn't take iinto account)

I usually input my lower calorie burn but how are they so different ..have had a quick search through the message boards and not seen a similar question so sorryif this is an age old dull question but I'm confused !


  • Wordsonapage
    Sorry as an addition I'm about 74 kg so not sure if mfp is working on that but it still seems way to high..would love it if it were true though !
  • Wordsonapage
    Sorry as an addition I'm about 74 kg so not sure if mfp is working on that but it still seems way to high..would love it if it were true though !
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    The basic models of treadmills typically don't take into account a persons weight. Do you enter your weight on your own treadmill?

    5 mph at 60 minutes is 5 miles. That would be about 500 calories. If you are on an incline, 600 is not out of the realm of possibility.
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    This is why so many of us use heart rate monitors that calculate calories burned, estimate vary wildly, a HRM set up for you, should give probably a more acurate guess!
  • Insinr8r
    I would strongly recommend using a heart rate monitor as the calculations given by MFP are incorrect and could have dire consequences especially for those that eat back their exercise calories. For instance, today i went kayaking, my hrm calculated 270 cals burnt as my heart rate average was only 80bpm but the MFP calculated at 770 cals burnt. Lucky I don't eat back my cals burnt as I would be the size of a house. MFP really needs to look at this and perhaps correct it.
  • Wordsonapage
    thanks all

    Looks like a heart rate monitor is going to be added to my Christmas list then!

    just as well I've been verging on the conservative re cals burnt ..

    tarnation ! Was hoping there was an easy way !!!