how to supress food appetite?



  • StellinaFish
    Cinnamon. Researchers have found that cinnamon may also triple the effectiveness of the natural insulin your body makes. Cinnamon itself has insulin-like activity....a bioactive component that is believed to have the potential to prevent or overcome diabetes. So put it in your food.

    Apples - I consider this the best fruit to use as a snack. Each apple packs 5 grams of fiber while having the fat-fighting chemical pectin in it. 3 a day and you'll be happy!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Eating good meals and snacks on a regular basis. I normally only feel hunger when it's time to eat. If it's not time for a meal or snack, I chalk it up to wanting to eat for emotional reasons (sadness, boredom), and talk myself out of it.
  • rjmlb86
    If you're like me, I'm constantly thinking about my next meal and my next snack.

    Even if I'm ridiculously full, I'm thinking of something sweet. So filling up on water as suggested is not going to work for me.

    That and drinking tonnes of water at once is dangerous. Please don't forget that.

    So the best way to suppress my appetite is to keep myself busy. I work at home so I'm always ranging the cupboards… but if I have a small breakfast and go out (to non-food shops, or to gym, or for a walk) then there's no temptation anywhere in sight and my mind is distracted. I then find I come home and it's usually 15 minutes until lunch time, stopping me from snacking in between meals.

    I've also found that the more sugar I have the more I want. I've been on MFP since start of October slowly reducing the sugary things I eat. Now I'm not as tempted when I see a chocolate bar. It took a lot of time though, and I totally understand dieting is really hard especially when there are so many nice things on offer.
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    You should "budget" your calories for something you enjoy. I am not going to spend the rest of my life not having a treat in the evening, such as a glass of wine or a small bowl of ice cream. If my treat is 150 calories, and my calorie goal is 1600, then I'm going to shoot for 1450 and then enjoy the treat. So, if I know I want a bowl of ice cream before bed, and I know I've planned for it, it makes it easier to pass up temptations throughout the day.

    Also, for the sweet stuff, I find that a small portion is usually enough to satisfy the craving.

    As other people mentioned, be sure to get enough fluids. The feeling of mild dehydration can be confused with hunger.
  • ahwells
    I feel I must warn you about Sudafed. Plagued with respiratory allergies for many years, I took Sudafed every day. One day my nose started to bleed and I couldn't stop it. Long story short, Sudafed had raised my blood pressure to dangerous levels and I've been taking b/p meds to keep it under control ever since. Please do check with your doctor before you continue your daily use of Sudafed or other decongestants.
  • 65PONY
    65PONY Posts: 68 Member
    Hi All, feel free to add me to your friends list as we all take this jorney...we can motivate each other! I agree with the Vote for Foods with high Protien...Burns slower in the body an you don't feel hungry...If you eat sugary foods it makes you feel hungry faster....

    My Motto: Keep the Focus & Finish Strong!

    Stay Healthy My Friends

    Cheers, Joe
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I think we all go through phases. I had two Thanksgiving dinners and ate quit naughty before that. I started noticing I was exercising less and my clothes were fitting snugger. So that scared me. Starting last week, I got up early every day. (Believe me I am not a morning person at all.) But I am actually enjoying it! Exercise in the morning seem to take away my cravings and the fatty food doesn't taste quit as good as it did. I just hope I can keep this change up. I do have late evenings taking my son to activities.
  • 65PONY
    65PONY Posts: 68 Member
    Hi All, feel free to add me to your friends list as we all take this jorney...we can motivate each other! I agree with the Vote for Foods with high Protien...Burns slower in the body an you don't feel hungry...If you eat sugary foods it makes you feel hungry faster....

    My Motto: Keep the Focus & Finish Strong!

    Stay Healthy My Friends

    Cheers, Joe
  • softsculptor
    Healthy food supresses the appetite for unhealthy food. Try lean protein and plenty of salad and veg.

    I wish!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I think we all go through phases. I had two Thanksgiving dinners and ate quit naughty before that. I started noticing I was exercising less and my clothes were fitting snugger. So that scared me. Starting last week, I got up early every day. (Believe me I am not a morning person at all.) But I am actually enjoying it! Exercise in the morning seem to take away my cravings and the fatty food doesn't taste quit as good as it did. I just hope I can keep this change up. I do have late evenings taking my son to activities.

    I am sorry, I reported this on the wrong message board. Wow that was weird. :blushing:
  • Dub_runner
    I eat a few garlic stuffed olives when Im really hungry, that helps me. Also I am finding that cutting way back on carbs and sugar has really suppressed my appetite. If I eat carbs and sugar I am 'starving' hungry 3 hrs later.
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    Healthy food supresses the appetite for unhealthy food. Try lean protein and plenty of salad and veg.
    This ^^^^ is so true!! Went to Vegas, had no control of my food, I was so hungry the entire trip!! Came home got back into my kitchen and hunger pains are gone :)
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    more frequent small meals helps me. and going out for a walk when i'm hungry and it's not meal time yet!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I prefer to find natural ways to feel full. What's worked best for me:

    -- Drink a lot of hot tea. This really helped me yesterday. I ordered a hot mint tea at the Cheesecake Factory - delicious without honey or sugar, 0 cals - and focusing on the tea helped me avoid the bread they bring out. :) It helps me feel full at home, too.
    -- Drink low-sodium soup. Same deal. :)
    -- Drink a lot of water
    -- Find the non-starchy veggies you like, and eat lots of those - they fill up your stomach! :)
    -- Eat more protein & healthy fats - they fill you up much better than refined carbs do

    Healthy food suppresses my appetite for unhealthy food, too. Maybe it's different for different people, but it helps me a lot! I swear unhealthy food is all really addictive, so it works best for me to just stay away from it when I can in the first place! If I'm in my own home, away from junk food and other people eating it, I don't crave it. But, cravings come back if I start eating it, around others or something... one Coke makes me want more like 6 cokes, 10 potato chips make me want 40. :) But zero cokes and zero people drinking coke around me makes me want... zero cokes! Ta da! :)

    Good luck!! :)
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    Call this weird, but I find exercise curbs appetite, to a point. What I mean is that after a workout, I'm hungry, but after a good post-workout meal, I don't find myself getting the munchies as much as on my rest days.

    Edited to add: Something else I think about is the calorie density of the foods I eat. For example, almonds: while they are a very healthy snack chock-full of good fats, they are very calorie-dense. An apple, on the other hand, is less calorie-dense. If I'm snacking because I'm hungry, I try to reach for the less calorie-dense foods to help me keep feeling full.

    100 calories of almonds

    100 calories of apple.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My appetite has a huge impact on my weight loss.

    First of all, make sure your hormones are in balance, and read all the side effects on your medications. People think that calories in versus calories out is all there is to weight loss, but honestly, there are reasons why there are so many calories going in. If I'm hungry, I will eat. Why was I always so hungry? I have some hormone issues and I had some medications that affected my appetite. I needed some trips to the doctor to get that straightened out. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but I stand a decent chance at doing it now!

    Secondly, evaluate your food. Processed foods involve a lot more calories, and they digest in such a way that your energy from those foods involve a big high, and then a crash. If you find foods with more protein and fiber, you will stay fuller for longer, and you don't get big swings in your energy levels. It's more of a steady all day kind of feeling.

    If you still want some ridiculous processed food that you know is going to be horrible for your weight loss goals, don't deny yourself, because that will just make you obsess about it. That doesn't mean eat a whole bag of M&Ms by yourself. That means, eat a healthy meal, drink some water, and then have a handful of candy, or half a burger, or whatever it is that you are craving. You'll find that it will take less to make you feel satisfied once you've already had some nutritious food.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hi guys i wanted to know how it is possible to suppress food appetite? and basically have the discipline to resist unhealthy foods?

    Your replies would be greatly appreciated:wink:
    Vinegar. Pickles.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    This is a bit bizarre, but I take 2 Sudafed every morning for congestion. It has a secondary gain - it suppresses my appetite. I can tell a huge difference when I don't need to take it.

    Sudafed are similar to amphetamines, which make you lose your appetite. They are also addictive so maybe not a great idea to take them every morning.
    Yeah I wouldn't worry about taking them now and then, but every day doesn't seem right. Maybe try a neti pot for congestion.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Hi guys i wanted to know how it is possible to suppress food appetite? and basically have the discipline to resist unhealthy foods?

    Your replies would be greatly appreciated:wink:
    Vinegar. Pickles.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    LOL, sometimes if I have an appetite, and I know I have had enough food, I think of something gross to ruin my appetite! I hate vinegar and pickles. I can't have too much acid in my diet, because I have some issues with that... Anyway, last night my husband said he was soo hungry, but he didn't want to eat. I told him to think about poop. :laugh:
  • smithfive
    smithfive Posts: 42 Member
    Very unsafe!
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