Stay at Home Mommy and Newbie looking for Friends!

I was a MFP member before and reached an ideal weight. I thought I could maintain on my own, so I deleted my account. But now I'm back again!

My girls are at school most of the day now and I can't help but to snack out of boredom. No more excuses, I know I can't do this on my own! I need someone to hold me accountable!


  • skyle954
    skyle954 Posts: 27 Member
    you hold yourself accountable, we're just here as back up....:laugh:
  • cgilton
    cgilton Posts: 1 Member
    I know what you mean about accountability, MFP definitely provides that. I have lost 14 and have 20 to go. Can't wait to make my goal weight!
  • Hi, I as well started this back last year and lost 50 pounds. Then I fell off the train and have gained 8 back and still need to lose 70. My thing is that I get bored now because I lost my job in the economy and sit at home and watch kids and snack constantly. I need someone to help me keep myself accounted for. :)
  • 2blossom
    2blossom Posts: 27 Member
    Trust me, I know about the snacking.... :smile:
  • welcome back we are here for you!