Running tips anyone?

So just to hear from some who run/jog, I can jog now without a break for 38 minutes, and do 3.5 miles... I know that's not great for time, but I am going for distance training so I can run my first half marathon in May. What's the best schedule to get to running/jogging for a full hour at least, so I can try for and accomplish at least 10k before i need a minute or twos walk break... And any other tips/hints for me to accomplish a not dismal failure time for the half in may? Anything and everything is a help!

Just for reference, I couldn't jog a minute without wheezing and having to stop the beginning of September and now I am proud to say I can jog without a break and am only going to keep trying to improve!


  • congrats on such progress! you should be so proud of yourself to be able to run so much and see so much improvement in yourself :) you're a great success story and i really hope you continue to do what you're doing!

    about the time thing. i really like making little 'games' for myself to make things more fun and take my mind off how much it's gonna hurt pushing myself to run faster when i'm so exhausted (but mind you, you'll feel so proud of yourself after) i kind of make goals for myself as to where i should end up by the time a certain part of the song i'm listening to ends, so for example "i'm going to be at that fire hydrant by the end of the chorus" and i gotta be there regardless whether or not i sprint at the very end or jog steadily faster getting there. and then make it a goal for yourself to choose landmarks that are farther away within a shorter allotted time frame :)

    haha hope that helped!
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    Some websites with good half-marathon training plans for beginners are:

    You may wanna check those out. I'd suggest you start with a 5K or 10K plan and once you complete that, start the half marathon one. I'm running my first half marathon in May as well (are you doing the Indy one?) and that's my training plan; a 10K training, a week "off" and then the 12 weeks of the half marathon training.

    Good luck!
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    I put on motivating music and blast it until I hit the second wind and after that it's usually easy - also try doing one run a week that is extra long - when I started doing long runs my endurance just exploded... (I started my first long run about 3 weeks ago and did 7.6 miles - now my longest run is 10.2 and my regular runs are 6-8 miles compared to the 5 I seemed to be stuck at 3 weeks ago)
  • Congrats on your progress so far. One way you can increase the amount of time run is to add in walking breaks every few minutes. You would be surprised at how far you can run with these little breaks. I know this isn't getting up to your hour of running or jogging without walking, but it is a way to build more endurance by spending more time running. Try going out for an hour. Run for 5 minutes and then walk for 1. Repeat this until you have been out for 1 hour. This sounds like an easier workout, but in the end you run for 50 minutes and walk for 10 minutes. Try this for a couple weeks and then you can make slight changes. You can follow the same plan, but increase the time to 75 minutes. Do that for a couple weeks and then bump it to 90 minutes. Once you finish a few weeks at 90 minutes you might switch to 10 minutes of running and 90 seconds of walking or 1 minute of walking.

    I know this is not everyone's favorite way, but it works.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I was thinking of doing it this way, as that's how I went from nithing to 25 minutes then just pushing myself to do more, so I will definitely add some walking breaks and see how much longer I can go in total!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member is another awesome resource!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    My one caution (from experience) is to not get cocky and add mileage too fast because it feels like you can. Follow a running plan (I use Hal Higdon's novice 1/2 marathon) plan and stick with it. Also incorporate cross or strength training and lots of good stretches.

    Adding mileage or speed too quickly can set a newer runner up for injury.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I started with the C25K plan, and have just been tryingto slowly build up my running time. I need to figure how long a run that one long run should be and how to safely bump it up each week.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    SO far this advice has worked, with taking a few walking breaks, I jog 60 minutes, or 5.23 miles like this...
    34:30 minutes 5.2-5.5mph pace (3.1Miles)
    walk for 3:00 3.5-3.7 pace (.15Miles)
    jog 15:00 5.2-5.6 pace (1.25mile)
    walk for 3:00 3.5-3.7 pace(.15mile)
    jog for 10:00 5.2-5.7 pace(.85mile)
    walk for 3:00 at 3.5(.15mile)

    I am going to do this for a two week span then up it again, and add to the jog intervals a few minutes each interval to slowly lengthen distance.

    Sound like a decent plan?
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    congrats to you! i can now run 37 minutes consecutively and it's 3.6 miles, so we're just about the same! i was like you - couldn't run for anything! i just started running about a month ago. i don't have any advice, just wanted you to know we're in the same boat! :smile:
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Yeah the greatest tip you can give someone is just to KEEP WITH IT! I got up to 12.4 on my longest run so far in around 7 weeks and it was because I just stuck with it no matter how frustrating it got.
    congrats to you! i can now run 37 minutes consecutively and it's 3.6 miles, so we're just about the same! i was like you - couldn't run for anything! i just started running about a month ago. i don't have any advice, just wanted you to know we're in the same boat! :smile: