Has anybody used the slim in 6?

I'm thinking about purchasing a fitness program from online. I have been looking at a few and the slim in 6 seams to be what I would use. Has anybody else used this? And please if you have success with a program please let me know. New to this website and going to loose weight so any help is appreciated!



  • Meatmanswife
    I'm thinking about purchasing a fitness program from online. I have been looking at a few and the slim in 6 seams to be what I would use. Has anybody else used this? And please if you have success with a program please let me know. New to this website and going to loose weight so any help is appreciated!

  • breezysoul
    breezysoul Posts: 159 Member
    I am in my third week of doing slim in 6. I bought this several years ago and did it then and decided to do it now, again, before summer. (not sure if they've changed the cds since then). I think it's a great all around workout. In 3 weeks of staying within my calories on MFP and doing slim in 6 everyday, I have lost 7 pounds. Keep in mind though - it's quite a commitment. Once you get to the 2nd and 3rd cd's, it's almost an hour a day with one day off a week.
  • mbmempireranch
    Hi Katy ! Great program ! But then again I've been doing beach body programs since 2004 ! I am currently doing Chalene Extreme ! With Beach body I have lost over 130 lbs ;) You can see my transformation at my beach body page

    You can also see my before and after photos on my profile here.

    I can't tell you enough good things about their products ! They have changed my life !! They have a ton of new stuff coming out late summer too, I cant wait :love:

    Good luck with the program if you decide to order it :)
  • Meatmanswife
    Thank you for the info, now I need to order it and get busy. I was also thinking about getting the Wii fit since we have a WII. Does anybody have any info on that?