Weekend Sabotage :(

I have a problem.. I have a busy schedule I go to school and work two jobs. During the week my diet is tight . I eat five to six small meals a day, I go to the gym 5 days a week, I lose weight and I feel fantastic. Once the weekend rolls around, there is always something I seem to binge on, so that by Monday I've gained 2-4 lbs.( I think it's important I mention I work in a kitchen) I'm left feeling terrible and doing damage control that week. I am 14 pounds away from my goal weight ( well 19 now with my 4 lb weight gain this weekend) and I feel like subconciously I'm sabotaging myself. Please ,Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Plan your weekend meals ahead.... set up a reward so that you say "if I don't binge this weekend I can do/buy/have on Monday". I feel your pain, I am up 2.5 since Saturday morning.
  • Glad you asked this question. I find I am doing the same thing myself. ARRGH!
  • just remind yourself how hard you worked for it during the week and TRY to control the impulse. maybe grab some cut-up veggies or a handful of raw nuts ..or even drink TONS of water. i also have this problem. during the week .. no problem, but once the weekend comes, a big UH OH. i prepare myself now in these situations. water has been my best friend! its a vicious cycle until you stop it. you can do it!!!
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    why is it at the weekend? Ie what makes the weekend any different? Are you at home bored, or are you around friends/boyfriends/temptations more etc?
  • I could have posted that myself! I also work 2 jobs, go to school and do great during the week.....I got stuck about 5-7 pounds above my goal. What worked for me was making a conscious decision to break my weekend habit. Mostly that meant moving to different spots to study--my desk is built into my kitchen so it makes snacking WAY too easy! I also started sipping decaf green tea instead of munching, and when I'm overcome with the desire to munch I whip up some airpopped popcorn. I am now at my goal weight and have been able to stay here for about 5 weeks so far (even through Thanksgiving!) I do allow some extra calories on the weekend, though. I've found that I can maintain and still have one "cheat day."
  • I wish I had some advice but I have the same problem. I live with my mom and my little brother and sister are elementary age and on the weekends my mom buys insane amounts of desserts and fast food/delivery and I cant resist indulging. I also do it when I go to visit my boyfriend who lives in a different state. We see each other 1-2 times a month and he and I binge and he has way more weight to lose than me. I know I need to stop but I have an issue withwillpower when food is placed right in front of me.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    My problem on the weekends is partying. I drink red wine and this past weekend had Italian food. I had a great time and think I may have gained a pound. Just work hard this week to shed what you gained. Are you sure you gained 4 real pounds? That's a lot of extra calories. Each pound gained is 3500 extra calories. Some of your gain might very well be sodium related. Just jump back on track today and stay within your goal limits all week. Don't look back, just look forward. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just know you are not alone. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • dcain2
    dcain2 Posts: 102 Member
    I have this same problem. My friend mentioned to me this weekend that her weekly weigh in day is on Monday morning. She said she did that on purpose so she won't go overboard on the weekends. This might be just enough to make me control myself on the weekends.....I hope!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Try making some of your gym days on the weekend. You can have a really intense workout so that you can eat a little extra on the weekend. That and make sure you are keeping busy and planning ahead.
  • trailblazer888
    trailblazer888 Posts: 33 Member
    Im learning weekends can be brutal, but thank you so much!! Im going to take your advice:)
  • trailblazer888
    trailblazer888 Posts: 33 Member
    I I work the weekend in a kitchen and there are always cakes, and other temping foods around.
    So on the weekend I snack a lot at work on the wrong things. During the week I plan every part of my day , I haven't been doing the same on the weekend though
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I feel your pain as well! I feel off the wagon this weekend too, and I do believe it ran over me a couple of times, stopping to back up and hit me again! Hated seeing the number on the scale this morning and the sluggish feeling I have today is yucky! I just have to get it in my mind to NOT DO THAT again this coming weekend or any others for that matter. We have family functions, parties and such coming up every weekend thru the new year and I am damned and determined to NOT GAIN any during this time! I would love to loose some but will be happy to maintain my current weight (after I undo this weekend's gain) until the new year. Gonna ramp up my exercise on weekends since I will not KNOW exactly what is in the food I will be eating sometimes since it will be homemade and made by others, but will try my best! I lost a wee bit during the Thanksgiving holiday so I know I can! I know you can too, but you just have to have the will power to get it done! Good luck to you and Happy Holidays!