opposite of an nsv...

I know everyone is different and we all start at different places, but when I read success stories from someone my height or taller and they mention they are almost too embarassed to post the before pics cuz they were such a huge disgusting fat cow cuz they weighed 145 I just want to cry and quit. My lowest weight ever is 145 and my current goal is 150. Even with differences in body type etc, it's difficult to accept that my goal = someone else's awful disgustingness...


  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    I feel the same way sometimes =/ try not to let it discourage you though, like you said everyone is different. I'm working my way down to 150 right now and i would be ecstatic to be at that weight and compare my 229 lb pic to my 150 lb pic =) its a drastic change that i would definitely be proud of. You look like youre doing wonderful! Keep workin at it and you'll get there! Lots of hugs! =)
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    That's their opinion of themselves at that weight. My highest non pregnancy weight was 164, but that's a goal for someone else. It definitely makes you more aware of how someone else might feel about something we say and a reminder that we should be sensitive with our words. Don't let it deter your goals or how you feel about your success so far. You do you.
  • Figuringoutme
    My goal is 150.

    I hate when I see people say they are disgusting at _____.

    But then I remember I felt like that @ 280 lbs someone might get to that weight and be amazing.

    All perspective
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I think there's a lot of folks trying to be too skinny, personally. I favour a happy medium. I don't aim to look like a Victoria's secret model or a fitness model or anyone else, just like a medium sized me, instead of a large/ XL sized me. That may be 'disgusting' to some, but I think they're wrongheaded. That's okay - we can think different things and be happy doing what we want with our own bodies.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    Motivation to get healthy and lose/gain weight is about NOT liking the size that you are and wanting to do something about it - the more you want to be a different size the more you are going to tell yourself how much you don't like how your body looks.

    This may spill out sometimes into being embarrassed or thinking that your current size is unacceptable - that's what drives us to improve.

    I have a goal in my head of 140 according to my height (5 2") it should be much less than that - but being 10 stone is as far as I am able to think about at the moment as the huge figure that I need to get down to under 100 is too daunting - but I can understand that it's all relative and what is ideal for me is very different to someone elses standards, goals and what they see as unacceptable.

    Other's may think that the 40lbs they want to say goodbye to means they are "disgusting" just now but thats what is driving us all - to some extent. I will eventually be there for my last 40lbs and I will be looking at my starting picture and thinking that it was bad that I let it get there.

    I love the diversity on this site that there are people bigger than me, smaller than me, people trying to gain, trying to lose or maintaining and even sporting impressive 6 packs, taking part in events and inspiring others. None of us have the exact same goals and motivations and I hope to learn from the people as I go along my journey :)
  • Kipper66
    Kipper66 Posts: 17 Member
    When I started on my journey I just wanted to maintain, I was very happy at 140lbs, but with exercise and eating sensibly my shape has changed dramitically (yes i have lost a few more lbs) but at the end of the day it is just a number. Your ULTIMATE goal should be to be happy as you and feel comfortable in you own skin. We all percieve our shape, size and weight differently. At the end of the day it is you that is important and how you feel about you. Good luck with your journey, you will be amazed at what you are capable of, above all else enjoy yourself. :wink:
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    I agree with this. When I first started on MFP, it seemed like it was all about health, but I've been seeing a lot more ED-esque posts and sentiments lately. Sounds like what you're describing might fall into that category.
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I think the best thing about MFP is that everyone is supportive of each other, no matter what their goals are!

    I think the important thing to remember is that when someone describes their weight - they are reffering just to themselves and only themselves. They genuinley would not think anything less of you if you weighed double what they did (or half what they did!)

    People should be left to make their own mind up what is best for them and what weight will make them happy. We can all just help by cheering them on until they reach that goal!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    Don't get down about it. Some people do not realize that the things they say affect other people as well. And obviously don't have a healthy mindset if they find 145 lbs disgustingly fat! YOU can do this!
  • rochey1098
    I agree that often people don't know the impact of what they're saying. 9 times out of 10 they're a bit absorbed in their own moment so don't take it to heart too much. I think they're just trying to add to the drama a bit :laugh:
  • JulieBoBoo
    I'm 230lbs and I feel beautiful and sexy and attractive. I'm so totally into myself right now it's not funny and I love it (so does my husband). I was 330 when I was started and if you'd asked me what I thought about myself then I'd have told you that I was attractive and funny. I have no trouble finding "before" pics because I never hid from the camera... why would I? I was super cute!

    I think it's a lot more to do with self-confidence than it is to do with the scale number. Me personally? I rock the nice clothes and jewelry at any size. I'm just looking to get healthier. Sure, I fit the standards of beauty a bit better now, but I never really cared about standards one way or the other.
  • pattynava
    I'm 230lbs and I feel beautiful and sexy and attractive. I'm so totally into myself right now it's not funny and I love it (so does my husband). I was 330 when I was started and if you'd asked me what I thought about myself then I'd have told you that I was attractive and funny. I have no trouble finding "before" pics because I never hid from the camera... why would I? I was super cute!

    I think it's a lot more to do with self-confidence than it is to do with the scale number. Me personally? I rock the nice clothes and jewelry at any size. I'm just looking to get healthier. Sure, I fit the standards of beauty a bit better now, but I never really cared about standards one way or the other.

    I agree:flowerforyou: I feel like I'm fine at any size and so does my hubby, but I am doing this for ME....KUDO'S to you for such a great attitude!
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    You are doing this for YOU!!!! Try not to worry about what other people say. We are each on our own journeys!!! But you can do this, and when you reach your goal you are going to feel fantastic!!!

    Don't give up!!! We believe in you!!!!!!!!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    My goal weight is 150lbs. Yes, it's kinda high for someone my height; however, I reached this number as a goal from working with my dietitian based on my training goals as well. I'm still 22-ish lbs away from that number and I'm already really happy with what I see. I'm doing things slow and sure, and exercising for the first time in my life. As I'm losing the weight, I'm showing muscles and tone that I never knew I could have.

    Don't worry about where someone else thinks they need to be.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member