Starting Over....AGAIN

So I just found this app on my IPhone and think it will be good motivation to keep up. I back in September started south beach diet and I lost weight but due to injury i stopped my exercises and started slacking on the dieting. Now just with Thanksgiving I see I have gained some weight I lost and brought it back. I am 24 and stand 5 foot even on a good day and weigh in at 186. In may I was 228.8 so I am on my way to my goal of 135-140. I need help with motivation and staying on track, as of today 12/5 I will be starting back on phase 1 of the south beach diet and basicaly starting over. I hope to help some people keep they motivation as well!


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I know what it is like to start over. That is where I am now. You can do it. WE can motivate each other. Having the ap on your phone can help. I don't follow a particular diet so what I have found that helps is search the item you are planning on eating before eating it. You have no idea how many times I have eaten something then logged it in only to see I ate at least twice the calories I thought. Good Luck. You can do it.
  • IvaRai
    IvaRai Posts: 46 Member
    I too understand the start over program. Today was my start day! I have a goal of a half pound a week to 1 pound a week. I'm hoping that starting with small goals will help.
  • NilbyClark
    I'm a frequent flyer in the "starting over" department. A few years ago I lost 70+ lbs with weight watchers and got down to 155, I was 226 at my peak and I'm 5'7. I stuck with weight watchers for quite some time, then in the last year and a half or so I've completely let myself go. As of this morning I was 202.8 I've been using my fitness pal for a month or so now and lost 5 lbs, and I'm doing pretty well. It definately keeps me in check and works better then weight watchers because I wasnt doing very well on the points system after a while, it was too much work. PLUS this phone app is fantastic on my iphone, helps a lot. Best of luck to you, we're all in this together!
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm not new to the site, but I'm back on the bandwagon after being off for almost three months. So far this site is the only thing that has helped me and I'm determined to stick with it this time. Feel free to add me if you want :) I love friends.
  • chelsea_thatsme
    chelsea_thatsme Posts: 138 Member
    Yeah I am starting over too. I had the app before. Then gave up and deleted it. But I am feeling a little more motivated again so I re-installed it hopefully this will be the last time. But yeah we are all here for each other!!!! ;)