Can't eat all my calories!

bluekb1994 Posts: 32 Member
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I can't seem to eat all my calories when I've worked out and have extra. I just am not hungry and I don't want to just eat for the sake of it. I am almost at 3 weeks and haven't lost anything yet. Do I need to re-vamp my calories?
What to do??


  • bluekb1994
    bluekb1994 Posts: 32 Member
    I can't seem to eat all my calories when I've worked out and have extra. I just am not hungry and I don't want to just eat for the sake of it. I am almost at 3 weeks and haven't lost anything yet. Do I need to re-vamp my calories?
    What to do??
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    How many are you burning and how much are you falling short by?

    In case it's between 150 and 300, I just wrote this earlier today so here's a cut and paste ...

    Within 30 minuts of your workouts, have a glass of chocolate milk (8 oz is about 150 calories). It has the perfect protein efficiency ratio (4:1 = carbs:protein) which provides the critical building blocks for rapid muscle resynthesis (muscle recovery). But don't take my word for it. Google "chocolate milk recovery" and see what you come up with.

    You're probably drinking something after working out anyway; it might as well be something that will make your muscles happy and continue munching on fat cells long after your workout. If you're chronically short by 300, have 16oz! Your muscles will literally eat it up.

    If you need an extra 100, have a tbsp of peanut butter before working out. You can even wash that down with a half-cup of milk for another 50 calories and it's an excellent pre-workout snack (especially if you work out before breakfast) ... some banana works too, about 100 calories but a bit more filling.

    It's not eating for the sake of it .. refueling your muscles the days you have intense workouts are essential to weight loss.

    If you're still not losing after bumping up your calories, it's time to see a doctor and have your blood checked.
  • muimuimui
    muimuimui Posts: 113
    Just a small thing about the chocolate milk.
    I scanned over the study a bit and it comments on the fact that people should only go the chocolate milk route if they're hardcore working out. Long distance running, cycling and the like.

    You don't want to be filling yourself with more carbs when your body hasn't even burnt off the last batch yet.

    But as you're missing calories, I guess it's not too much of a problem.
    It all depends on how determined you are to eat your workout calories and what works for your body.
  • LaLuz
    LaLuz Posts: 6
    I don't eat all my calories when i work out.. i make sure i eat 300 less than what it states i should be eating.. if i ate them all i wouldn't be losing weight i'de be sustaining.. i work out heavily 5 X a week i don't know about the chocolate milk thing but make sure to drink coconut water to get in your potassium .. your body needs it
  • Hey taylorl,

    I'm having the same problem as you. I started this diet and excercise in early April and i have only lost like 2-3 kgs. Mind u i excercise 5x a week, running, swimming and aerobics. But i haven't lost as much as I want or should have. My calory per day is 2300-2500, but i eat only like 1500 max. I really can't eat more than that or else it makes me feel so bloated. I dont understand the complexity of the human body, eat leass, workout more, but still no result! But i appreciate the extra energy i feel and the inches i feel loosing on my body, regardlless what the stupid scale says.
  • Hey taylorl,

    I'm having the same problem as you. I started this diet and excercise in early April and i have only lost like 2-3 kgs. Mind u i excercise 5x a week, running, swimming and aerobics. But i haven't lost as much as I want or should have. My calory per day is 2300-2500, but i eat only like 1500 max. I really can't eat more than that or else it makes me feel so bloated. I dont understand the complexity of the human body, eat leass, workout more, but still no result! But i appreciate the extra energy i feel and the inches i feel loosing on my body, regardlless what the stupid scale says.

    If you're losing inches from your body, but the scales say you're not losing much weight, that means you're converting your fat into muscle. (This isn't surprising if you're working our 5x a week).

    Muscle is 4x heavier than fat. So you ARE losing fat, but your scales arent showing it as weight loss.

    Well done; if you feel inches coming off, and energy going up, you're doing it right. Go you! :laugh:

    In fact, if you go to your "home page" then click on the tab at the top that says "check-in", there's a little note on the side that says this:

    "Take Your Measurements
    Taking your measurements can be an even better gauge of your progress because when you burn fat and build heavier muscle, your weight may not change or even increase even though your body is tighter and smaller. We suggest taking your measurements every 2-4 weeks."

    Like I said: go you! :smile:
  • P.S,

    I'm currently eating 1600 cals per day (I've averaged my calorie intake over the last week, and it came to 1599!), but when I take into account my exercise, (i.e. I subtract from that the amount of calories I've burned), that drops to 1450.

    I'm 5"8 and a size 14-16 (76 kilos). Should I really be eating all the calories I've burned? I don't do "hardcore" exercise, I just counted up the calories I burn from walking to uni every day, and going for the occasional jog to the beach.

    I can do the calorie-counting bit, it's just the exercise bit that confuses me! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kirsty,

    Thanks a lot for that info. I never knew the fact that muscles are 4x heavier than fat. Now I understand better. I was really confused why the scale won't budge, it's very demotivating. Nevertheless, I'm really happy that I can fit nicely into my old clothes recently. Will take your advice to measure myself from now on. Thanks babe!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member

    I'm currently eating 1600 cals per day (I've averaged my calorie intake over the last week, and it came to 1599!), but when I take into account my exercise, (i.e. I subtract from that the amount of calories I've burned), that drops to 1450.

    I'm 5"8 and a size 14-16 (76 kilos). Should I really be eating all the calories I've burned? I don't do "hardcore" exercise, I just counted up the calories I burn from walking to uni every day, and going for the occasional jog to the beach.

    I can do the calorie-counting bit, it's just the exercise bit that confuses me! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A net of 1450 isn't bad. The concern happens when your net falls below 1200, as that's the minimum the body needs before it starts to slow down.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Just a small thing about the chocolate milk ... You don't want to be filling yourself with more carbs when your body hasn't even burnt off the last batch yet.

    Chocolate milk has 150 calories per serving. If you're exercising so much that you can't eat it all, you're burning a lot more than that.

    You don't have to be a long distance runner in order to deplete your muscles from glycogen. It's not a matter of burning carbs in order to drink it. You can't burn every carb in your body (your organs need it to function) so wherever source you found that ... keep reading.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I don't eat all my calories when i work out.. i make sure i eat 300 less than what it states i should be eating.. if i ate them all i wouldn't be losing weight i'de be sustaining.. i work out heavily 5 X a week i don't know about the chocolate milk thing but make sure to drink coconut water to get in your potassium .. your body needs it
    Uhmm..just wanted to comment on this. Thats actually exactly what I did. Since i've started here I have eaten every workout calorie I earned and have lost about 22 lbs doing so.. just an FYI because you said you "wouldnt be losing weight" You actually do, I am living proof and 22 lbs lighter specifically because of following the theory of eating exercise calories!! :)
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Uhmm..just wanted to comment on this. Thats actually exactly what I did. Since i've started here I have eaten every workout calorie I earned and have lost about 22 lbs doing so.. just an FYI because you said you "wouldnt be losing weight" You actually do, I am living proof and 22 lbs lighter specifically because of following the theory of eating exercise calories!! :)

    I'm losing weight eating every calorie also .. over 1800 per day. I actually wasn't losing much weight until I started eating those calories. And P90X (my exercise program) is extreme workouts 6 days a week with a stretch day on the 7th.
  • muimuimui
    muimuimui Posts: 113
    Chocolate milk has 150 calories per serving. If you're exercising so much that you can't eat it all, you're burning a lot more than that.

    You don't have to be a long distance runner in order to deplete your muscles from glycogen. It's not a matter of burning carbs in order to drink it. You can't burn every carb in your body (your organs need it to function) so wherever source you found that ... keep reading.

    This is the study that I read:
    Not the end all and be all, but pretty accurate.

    And I do not imply that you should burn every carb in your body.
    In fact, that's impossible.
    The study does not suggest this either.
    I only meant to say you do not want to eat -too many- carbs.
    Carbs aren't bad, but eating them in excess does not do you a whole lot of credit either.

    I already stated in the last post that it's probably nothing to worry about, as she's not eating all her calories anyways.

    "Keep reading."
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I already stated in the last post that it's probably nothing to worry about, as she's not eating all her calories anyways.

    If you walk to the store and call it exercise and use it as an excuse to drink chocolate milk ... then yea, that's a bad idea. There are people who will do things like that regardless of their calorie count "because of the study". Luckily, that's not the case here.
  • bluekb1994
    bluekb1994 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for that! My daily goal is 1410 then when the workouts are added I can be short at the end of the day anywhere from 592 to 180 calories. So am I just not eating balanced?
  • bluekb1994
    bluekb1994 Posts: 32 Member
    I changed my recomended calorie intake from around 1600 to 1410. Still when my workout calories are added in I have anywhere from 592 to 180 left over. Maybe I just need to give it more time.
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