hey I'm new

Hello everyone! I just started this by joining last night! Today is my first day figuring all this out!... Just looking to see if anyone has tips for a beginner and ways to stay on track at lunch time since that seems to be my hardest time of the day.


  • Hey!
    sorry that I don't have any tips for you,and would like some tips also.Tracking what I eat every day is the best thing that I have found.Its easy to forget what you've ate if you don't write it down. I used to go to WeightWatchers meetings but they didn't help me and the cost was too high so I changed to TOPS a few months ago.That's cheaper and the people are friendlier,in my opinion.
  • Im new here to. Dont know if ill be able to give tips but i can give encouragment! feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • roslynds9
    roslynds9 Posts: 139 Member
    Hey Katybeth, Welcome to MFP!

    The main change I had to make was portion size. At first I wasn't convinced because the food on the plate didn't look enough to satisfy but I've actually found that I do get full. Before I was just eating past the point where I was full to where I was stuffed and that's what was putting on the weight. As for some tips:

    1) Try planning out meals and snacks for the first while until you get used to the new way of eating and you learn what's low cal and what's high cal etc.
    2) When you're really hungry try having a larger portion of lower calories foods. So make a big vegetable stir fry, it'll fill you up but the calorie content will be low.
    3) Eat little and often, it'll help keep your blood sugar more stable so you don't get the highs and lows that affect your mood and make you crave sugary snacks.
    4) Keep an eye on the recipes section of the community forum, people post some great recipes and almost always tell you the calorie content of a portion.
    5) Don't deprive yourself or go hungry! If you are too strict 100% of the time you won't stick to it. I follow the 80/20 rule; I'm strict 80% of the time but allow myself the occasional splurge/treat (20%) of the time. On the days I'm being strict I can still eat chocolate, crisps, soda if I want to as long as I stay within my calorie limit and I'm losing weight and inches steadily. Just be sensible, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change.

    Hope this helped a bit, feel free to add me if you want and good luck with your weight loss!

    Roz =D
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Make a bag of low fat popcorn and take a couple cups with you to snack on during the hungry times. Welcome and good luck.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi! Here are my tips for lunch, but I don't know how effective they may be:
    1. Don't stress too much yet. Since it's your first day, eat what you want without going crazy to find your normal calorie intake. That will help you figure out the difference between what you actually take in and what you should be taking in.
    2. Say no to the really tempting stuff! I know it's hard, but it's possible. For example, I LOVE soda, but when I decided to start this journey (which was only two days ago) I decided no more soda because I realize it's a waste of calories, and I haven't even thought of it since then.
    3. If you don't want to say no, just pace yourself. If you want a snack, eat a smaller amount of calories at other meals in order to cheat a little, which won't even be cheating if you saved your calories.

    It's really surprising how easy it is to stay in your calorie range, as long as you are paying attention.
    Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to add me if you want. I'll offer a lot of support and encouragement! =)
  • Hello,

    I just joined a week ago and so far I have lost 8 lbs. I've been reading some of the other advice and its very practical. I especially like the thought of preparing a big bag of low cal popcorn and taking a couple cups to eat when hunger calls. What I'm finding out is that I have to record daily and plan ahead if I am going to eat a high calorie item. I was using the Weight Watchers online program before and made the mistake of not recording regularly so I ended up getting off track, so I eventually canceled the program. The key for me is to track all my meals and often. This will help me stay on track and it will help you as well. Check into the community often and you can receive a lot of encouragement and good advice whenever you need it. Above all else, relax and try to enjoy yourself. If you become to stressed, you may not stick with it. As it's been said before, it's not a diet, but a life style change. What I have come to realize is that I am making conscious decisions about what I eat.
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Hello everyone! I just started this by joining last night! Today is my first day figuring all this out!... Just looking to see if anyone has tips for a beginner and ways to stay on track at lunch time since that seems to be my hardest time of the day.

    Hi and welcome to MFP.
    I have been using this site for approx. 2 months now and I think it is great.
    I have the app on my cell phone, so I track everything I eat, when I eat it. Having the app on your phone is so much easier than having to use the computer to add what you have eaten, unless you sit infront of a computer all the time!

    This site makes you aware of how many calories are in each food group.
    I used to eat alot of cookies and when I found out how many calories were in cookies I quickly stopped inhaling them!!! and I changed to fruit, which has considerably less.

    So My advice to you, is start by adding all the food you are currently eating, and become aware of the foods that are higher and lower in cals... then start by making a few changes (opting for lower cal food).

    Hope this helps.

    Add me if you wish.

    Cheers :smile: