Resisting Temptation - Work Lunch Ideas?

I currently work at a place where lunch is provided (tons of options), and while yes free gourmet food is amazing, it is really hard to stick to low-calorie foods when there are so many crazy and tempting options.

Does anyone have any tips, experiences, or ideas for how to keep to low-cal lunches while working in a catered corporate environment?

Yes, there is a salad bar, but ideas for how to dress that up and make it delicious are welcome. My problem is that when I just eat salad, I don't feel satisfied and often end up hungry again very soon after.



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Usually the best way to deal with hunger is a blend of carbs and protein. Salad is good,but you need to add something to it with protein. IE: Lean meats, beans, fish, chicken etc.

    It is sauces and dressings that are usually the killer. Try lemon or lime juice instead of dressings.

    Me I would have ot get a new job!
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Lucky duck! ;) But I can imagine how hard that would be! We do put on trainings here and then will cater meals in for those days. I usually have a bag in our fridge that I keep perishables in and some non-perishable snacks in my desk. I will take some of what my company provides (veggie, lean entree if that's the option that day, fruit) and then supplement it with low-cal options I brought with me: spinach & turkey wraps, Greek yogurt, fruit, tuna, etc.
  • RhondaRowsell
    RhondaRowsell Posts: 33 Member
    Hard boiled eggs really help me feel full enough to resist temptations. Lots of protein.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I work at a university and while lunch isn't free, it only costs $5 and the food is excellent! (no crappy college food here!) Of course I don't know what options you have, but this is what my mom (who works at the same place) and I tend to do.

    Some kind of taco-ish salad: greens (lettuce, spinach, whatever you like), any other veggies that seem appetizing, top with salsa, beans, and taco meat when available.

    Soup and salad: We always have 2 soup options. Go with the less creamy of the two, eat with a half-size salad.

    Vegetarian: There is always a vegetarian option here. Sometimes it's pasta or something equally not-so-healthy, but other times it's something super healthy.

    Fish: If there is a broiled, boiled, or grilled fish option (and you are willing to eat fish, I am not).

    If all else fails, take small tastes of something that isn't so good for you. And try to fill up on whatever veggies they have available, provided they're not covered in tons of butter and/or sauce.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I work in a school with only crappy cafeteria food aside from being jealous of YOU, I typically bring things from home to supplement what I can get here. They have salad, but I bring my own homemade lemon dressing (olive oil, lemon, stevia packet, gorgonzola chees crumbles) and put it together with the veggies they offer. I always try to make sure there is a protein on there...but that doesn't always go well, as the meat is sometimes frightening! I keep raw almonds in my desk for a protein afternoon snack, if I'm not feeling full -- 20 almonds = 180 calories and keep me going til dinner!
  • KacieHetrick
    KacieHetrick Posts: 259 Member
    I found wraps at my local grocery store (Tops) I don't know what you have near you, I love in Western New York. The brand is Tex-I-mco's or something close to that. They have only 9 digestible carbs and I fill them with lots of spinach, a piece of turkey, a little honey mustard (1tbsp has only 3 carbs-Ken's). Also Frigo Light Cheese sticks and a fruit (usually clementines or a granny smith apple. I usually end up eating my fruit by 10 am and save my cheese stick for that 3 o'clock lull when everyone in the office is making popcorn! Also soups (homemade) are a great option, be careful with the cans of soup tons of sodium!
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Is there a soup option? Broth soups are a great way to fill up and keep the calories low. Just be careful if you are watching your sodium. Many comercially available soups are very high in sodium. Sadly a lot of catering establishments belive salt = flavor.
    You could bring your own add-ons for salads. If you buy some good quality chicken breasts and roast them all on Sunday then cut them up into strips and portion them out into baggies, you can add filling protien to the provided greens. Make and bring your own dressings.
    Another way to keep yourself full and away from the not-so-good-for-you foods is to drink two large glasses of water before you head for lunch. The water will take up space in your tummy and you won't eat as much because you're stomach will tell your brain that you are full faster.
    Good Luck!!!
  • KacieHetrick
    KacieHetrick Posts: 259 Member
    Ok, totally butchered that name! Found them they are called:


    Calories 90
    Sodium 300 mg
    Total Fat 5 g
    Potassium 0 mg
    Saturated 0 g
    Total Carbs 9 g
    Polyunsaturated 1 g
    Dietary Fiber 4 g
    Monounsaturated 3 g
    Sugars 0 g
    Trans 0 g
    Protein 5 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg
    Vitamin A 0%
    Calcium 8%
    Vitamin C 0%
    Iron 4%

    *Feel free to add me, always looking for new MFP friends! :)
  • kristarablue
    You know I bring my luch everyday just to avoid poor choices. Even when they provide I still bring my own lunch. I know that it says money for you because it is provided, but you might want to consider just bringing pre measured stuff......OR...another option is before you arrive at work preplan what you are going to have for lunch. So you know exactly what your choice is going to be prior to being hungry or tempted. You will not be left with choices because you already made said choice. Salads are awesome, but can contain lots of extra calories in dressings, cheese and toppings. However they can also be the bomb if you do it correctly with high protein and lots of veggies. Good luck, I know you will do great!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    For me, trying ot hit my protein macro every day makes it so I tend not to make bad choices. (well i mean, bad by my standards).

    I'd load up on proteins first then add in whatever else you want to taste afterwards.
  • gumigal82
    dark green salad mix with chicken or turkey breast, and beans--plus lots of veggies! use very little oil&vinegar for a dressing. if crunch is needed, i like seeds (unsalted pumpkin or sunflower)
  • iamthevieve
    When I was in the military and had to eat at the D-FAC (dining facility), I usually got a grilled turkey sandwich on wheat and then loaded the rest of my plate with nothing but greens. I know lunchmeat is high in sodium, but it gave me something tasty and mostly healthy to eat.
  • Figuringoutme
    Do they have a nutritional facts? Usually someone will have a copy of them.
    Have a huge salad and then have a portion on something else.
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    You know what I have been doing and it really seems to help. I look at all the yummy delicious stuff and say "Skinney taste better!" And then figure out what I am going to eat that will give me that wonderful feeling of being healthy and skinney vs. feeling bloated and miserable just because I wanted to taste it. And if I do give in, I truly do feel terrible for the rest of the day. It took a while but I've learned now and feel great because of it. Good luck! (although one time I stared at the drive up menu and said "skinney taste better" about 10 times and didn't realize they could hear me on the speaker!)
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Hard boiled eggs really help me feel full enough to resist temptations. Lots of protein.

    +1 for the hard boiled eggs! Trader Joes has prepackaged, prepared, peeled HB eggs! Oh so nice... :)
  • devoralie
    Is there a soup option? Broth soups are a great way to fill up and keep the calories low. J

    Another way to keep yourself full and away from the not-so-good-for-you foods is to drink two large glasses of water before you head for lunch. The water will take up space in your tummy and you won't eat as much because you're stomach will tell your brain that you are full faster.
    Good Luck!!!

    Both of these are great pieces of advice! I do love soup, especially now that it's getting a little chillier (although for context, I do live in Northern California, so chilly is relative..).

    I always forget to drink enough water - such a good reminder.

    Thanks to you and everyone on this thread for the great support!

    I wanted to add - I go eat lunch with my coworkers every day so often they want to go to the places with less healthy foods for the yum-factor.. subtle peer pressure = hard to stay on track :(
  • devoralie
    You know what I have been doing and it really seems to help. I look at all the yummy delicious stuff and say "Skinney taste better!" And then figure out what I am going to eat that will give me that wonderful feeling of being healthy and skinney vs. feeling bloated and miserable just because I wanted to taste it.

    This is really smart, finding something to SAY to yourself that resonates with you personally. I really do feel horrible after lunch when I spend the morning stressing about what I'm going to eat and then overeat at lunch as a result of all the stress. I will definitely try out using Thoughts to help me remember why I WANT to stay on track.

    Also, your story made me smile :) Thanks so much!
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    I like to make my own rice, pasta, or veggie bowls. One of my favorites: about 3/4 of a cup brown rice (cooked with broth), a layer of frozen green beans, tomato sauce, and a little low fat mozzeralla on top. Microwave it for about a minute, and you have a sort of microwave casserole! Mine came out to be only about 250 calories, and kept me full until the end of the day.