Greetings from New York.

TheAngelmaker Posts: 3
edited October 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I'm not really sure how to start this thing, but anyways.

My name is Chelsea and I'm 21 years old. I've had problems with food my entire life, and have always been overweight.

I've tried what seems like everything in the past. I've had eating disorders. I've gone on crash diets. I've been on regular diets. Every time, lack of will power seems to get in the way. Emotions are my problem when it comes to eating. I'm an emotional eater. I'm psychologically addicted to food...I've reached a point in my life where eating is an activity that almost always results in negative feelings without fail. I feel sinful and guilty for enjoying my meals. If I don't feel physically sick after I'm finished eating, I don't feel as if I've properly eaten. I could give a whole synopsis of my life and why this is, but rather than dwell on how it came to be, I'm choosing to concentrate on how I can fix it.

I just got married several days ago. I'm thrilled and my husband loves me very much. We've been together for almost 3 years, and have been friends for many more. He supports me in everything I do, and getting healthy, losing weight and learning how to eat properly is no exception. So, I'm luckier than most, I have quite a bit of support. But I'm also around people who really, REALLY like to eat and it's hard for me to control myself around these people. I guess I need some motivation to get started.

To anyone who reads, thanks for reading. :) I guess I just wanted to say hi and get this off my chest.


  • Congrats on your marriage! It is so lovely to have a supportive husband and you are on your way to changing to want to live a long healthy life with that person! =)

    Great start on your journey with honesty and reflection. You'll do great! =)
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