Losing the weight- AGAIN-

I joined MFP last year around December, I lost over 20 lbs! Then in July alot of things happened, we started traveling more, I had a medical issue that prevented me from working out for a week, I simply feel off track. From them to now ive had family issues, a wedding, and alot of other things that just seem to be my excuse to work out and eat healthy later! I need people who will support me and that I can support. I have 100 lbs to lose and I really want people to add me who feel they can help motivate me as I will them! My family and I travel so much it's hard for me to eat healthy on the road, in the past year we have been to over 25 states, if anyone has any great travel foods please let me know, I find thats when I eat the worst! I have a 2 year old daughter who is my WORLD and I want to lost this weight to be forsure that I am around when shes older and that im actually able to participate in what she does along the way. If anyone would like to add me please feel free too, I think I am going to do a weekly weight loss goal to help my overall goal seem a bit less by weekly goals!! So for those of you who wish to join me please do so, by Monday I hope to lose 2 lbs let's do this together!!! :)


  • thebigbige
    thebigbige Posts: 99 Member
    I totally know what you are going through, I've lost and gained the same 20 lbs several times, this time though I'm determined to keep the weight off, I'm looking at losing 74 pounds total.
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  • Mr2Bfit
    Mr2Bfit Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free to add me I am in the same boat with the weight loss I also want ot lose 100lbs. Just started up last week after a long layoff . Good luck to you!
  • Jesusinme4life
    Jesusinme4life Posts: 105 Member
    We became friends today and I will do all I can to help encourage and motivate you. I wish I knew some good travel but I am a stay at home mom of 2 and don't really go anywhere beyond the store...lol...if I hear of any I will send the info your way:)
  • I started with the need to lose 125 lbs. It is so hard, but so worth it. Just keep up the good attitude. Some things I have found when I travel.
    1- If you have to eat fast food, find the healthiest thing on the menu. Burger king and McD have grilled sandwhich's that are only 6 grams of fat IF YOU LEAVE OFF THE MAYO. Eat a fruit and yogurt parfait at McD's, it only has 1 gram of fat and really satisfies my sweet tooth.
    2-When you stop at rest stops, (are you driving?) get out and walk.
    3-Staying at a hotel, take advantage of the work out room.
    4-Don't drink soda with sugar, that will pack on the weight. In fact, diet is not good for you either, drink water, it will flush your system, hydrate and do all around good things for you.
    5- Take things to do to keep your mind busy. If you are bored in a car etc.. you will want to snack. That is just added calories.

    Hope this helps and I would love to be your friend.
  • dvona125
    dvona125 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...losing and keeping it off is not easy. Especially as we get older. Plus food is just so darn good! I went from 220 to 135 by cutting out all flour and sugar. Wouldn't eat anything in a box or jar that had even traces of it. It was easy! Had major surgery last year for Crohns complications and even went down farther. I was malnourished and most vitamins were non existant in my body! After surgery I was able to eat again and feel good. It didn't take long for me to gain 30 lbs and end up back at 168. Every 10 I would say " You have to get serious and start now". Wish I would have gotten serious 20 lbs ago. Anyway here I am again. Now 50 and harder to lose. Counting 1200 a day but find my social life makes it difficult to stay there. I too need support because I AM NOT buying bigger clothes with closets full of small sizes. So yes "YOU CAN DO IT". But honestly you won't until you are good and ready to. No matter how many times you try. I a tired of it being a focus in my life. Want to get on with living a healthy and thin life. Can't expect to eat like you weigh now and weigh less!
  • I want to thank everyone for sharing your stories and posting! This is really motivating!!! After July (when I gained the weight back) I would wake up so disappointed in myself for not eating healthy the day before!! I am now ready, I mean if I can't look at my own self in the mirror then how should I expect my husband(who has no problem with my weight) to look at me as "sexy"!! I am not doing this for him, I am doing this for me, which I tell him often! I want to feel sexy, and most of all comfortmable in my own skin! I look forward to hearing for each of you, please keep in touch and stay focused! With a wonderful support team we can and will do this!!!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    I too am starting again. I watched what i ate/worked out religiously for about 7 months, then summer hit and i couldn't be bothered with it...

    well, 6 months and 25 lbs later, Im back.
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I need to lose total of 100lbs as well! I'm not sure about on the road things to eat. I have only traveled once out of state other than on band trips. And meals and snacks were provided. I will send you a request! I love having people close to starting their goal, and having the same set goal of roughly 100lbs! :)
  • I so understand the feeling of losing, then gaining some back.... In 09 I joint a gym I was sick of feeling like the plus size girl. Everyday I worked my butt off in the pool walking everything else watch everything I ate... Last yr I got to work with a personal trainer 4 days a week she work my butt off it was hard work. Now just over the summer I got lazy I went working out 5days aweek down to maybe 2-3 days. I don't go to the gym I take a walk or ride my bike....My trainer still begs me to do group workouts there are days I just wanna be alone.... No one said losing was easy! Least I know losing most of my body fat, & inches made me feel good . I lost over all 20pds which is good...Staying away from sugar foods, is important when trying to lose until you get to that almost goal I think alittle won't hurt... "If you fall you just get right back up dust your knees off and start again"
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    You can do this! I missed you! "happy losing" :happy:
  • Thanks everyone, im looking forward to share this journey with you!
  • Hi everyone,

    I just joined today and wanted to get on here this evening and get started meeting others who share the same trials and tribulations as I. :smile:

    Like a lot of folks, I have tried and tried and tried to lose the weight. I lose, gain and lose again. I'm so very frustrated. I have a hard time doing things like this alone and was so glad when my BCBS lady suggested I try this.

    I'm looking foward to sharing success stories with all of you!