Does 10lbs make an impact?



  • Every 10 pounds you lose slashes your risk of diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, etc., etc. So yes, I'd say it makes a HUGE difference.
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Read up on Dr. Ozs website, he has a challenge set for you to lose 10 pounds and discusses just how much of a difference lsoing 10 pounds can make to your health. It's really eye opening.
    I've lost almost 10 pounds now, and while no, i don't look in the mirror and say OMGOSH i look liek a compeltely new person, I can tell you that i feel so much better about myself than i did a month ago. I walk with more confidence and just feel lighter.
    With each pound you lose you need to focus on the small achievements and notice the 'small victories'
    With a loss of 9 lbs i've noticed that
    -I'm less bloated
    -I've lost 3 inches around my belly
    -I'm fitter, and can run for longer
    -my jeans aren't digging into my lovehandles
    - i have cheekbones

    I still have 15 more lbs to lose, but just think how great you'll be feeling then. EVERY pound makes a difference.
  • Think of carrying around a 10 lb. bag of rocks all day. It is the same thing. Of course, 10 lbs. counts. Go for the best you can be; you will nover be sorry.
  • Staceslim
    Staceslim Posts: 100 Member
    I think 10 lbs would make a big difference, my diabetes dietician said that I really only need to lose 10lbs. We will see how I feel & what I think when I get to that. I didn't weigh myself in the morning when I first came on so I really can't say that my starting weight is 157lbs. I did do some measurements though I did take some pictures I need to get my pictures on here although they are very scary as far as I am concerned. I think the pictures will be a push towards success though. I guess maybe for some people 10lbs may not make a difference but it depends on how much they are planning to lose. Well good luck & I'm sure you will be successful in your trip to a smaller & more healthier you.
  • Here's my story. My senior year in high school I topped out at 212. Depressed, I got a gym membership and it's been history. I dropped 52 lbs in 6 months. After that, It seemed like I couldn't loose anymore. Went to college. Gained the freshman 15, lost 20. and now since I'm out of the dorms I have been getting back into a proper eating and work out schedule, along with picking up some sports. Seems like my Plateau has ended. in the last month I have lost 11 lbs! I have extremely wide shoulders and baby barring hips so I can actually see the weight-loss. Im nervous that I will plateau again, Im currently 149, and trying to get to the healthy standard for my height, 142.:wink:
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