Money is the Root of Evil

tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
Ok, so a friend and I visited her friend this past weekend. It was a ridiculously rich area, and I have never encountered such terribly stuck up rude people in my life, and I’m from West Palm Beach – so Palm Beachers can be pretty rude – ANYWAY, let me vent about this for a second.

We went out to eat with her and her friends and we asked if it was going to be expensive, because unlike them, we don’t have mommy and daddy paying for us anymore, they said no it’s a cheap place ... it ended up costing us each $50 for dinner. As we were figuring out the bill, they all said they weren't going to tip, and their excuse was “It’s ok because he won’t know until we leave anyway.” So my friend and I ended up paying whole tip – because that is absolutely ridiculous, especially when it was about a $200 check.

We went to a basketball game their school played against another team who wasn’t from a wealthy area. The other team was chanting something against them and one of the girls actually got up and yelled out that they had more money than the other team, so it didn’t matter if they lost.

We were talking about weddings because one of their friends was engaged and they actually laughed at the fact that my friend said hers couldn’t be more than $10,000.

Oh, and they are also all anorexic. One girl had an apple for breakfast and at noon we were talking about where we wanted to go for dinner. She said she was going to look for something for lunch and one of the other girls goes, well, we're going to dinner later so you might not want to fill was NOON and all she ate was an apple…like she couldn’t have both lunch and dinner.

Also, the only topic of discussion was who’s dating who. And they complained about their boyfriends, the WHOLE time. They don’t even like them. Aren’t you supposed to like the person you’re dating? Or is that just me…

Anyway, I just wanted to vent about my encounter with the future desperate housewives of America! And lesson learned - I'm happy I'm not a trust fund kid. I know there are ridiculously wealthy people that don't get caught up in having a false sense of entitlement and an elitist attitude - but I met a bunch of people this weekend who do. I'm glad I have the family I do who taught me that money isn't what's important in life, and it's not what makes you who are you, and to not judge other people based on their monetary status.

Vent over!


  • mrdee555
    mrdee555 Posts: 178
    *kitten* T as I said before don't let people like that bother you and yea to much money ruins anyone unless its self made glad you enjoyed friday nite and you seem abit happier today by your posts:)
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    *kitten* T as I said before don't let people like that bother you and yea to much money ruins anyone unless its self made glad you enjoyed friday nite and you seem abit happier today by your posts:)

    Yeah Friday was AWESOME, so it's ok that this Saturday sucked lol.

    Money does ruin people - it's sad cause a lot of good could be done, but instead it's mostly in the hands of selfish people. (there's always exceptions, but you knw what I'm saying)

    To whom much is given, much is expected.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Damn...and I always thought it was NOT having money that was the root of all evil.

    Sounds like a gaggle of stuck up skanks (no offense).

    I can't understand how anyone can feel good about riding the coat tails of someone elses accomplishments or old money. For instance, yeah...they're wealthy and all...but how does it feel to look in the mirror and realize that your life has no substance? Sucking off of the fiscal tit of someone else because yo haven't a clue as to how to provide for yourself...That's pathetic.

    I blame the parents...What ever happened to tough love and discipline? So you gave your kids everything they wanted and what exactly did that enable? A lifelong dependent, never satisfied with anything because it's all been given to them...Looks like a path to depression to me.
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    ^^^ AGREED!
  • nycko20
    Oh....I think I would have had a hard time being nice...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When you're busy spending someone else's money on fancy cars, trips, clothes, etc. you don't have time to honestly look at yourself.

    As for the point of the post, I'm not sure I agree... at least not from my perspective. I think people are *kitten* regardless of money. Yes, having more money can make them more socially visible, and as you saw it can give them another thing to make fun of others about... but they would still be *****es even if they didn't have money... it would just come out in other ways.
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    When you're busy spending someone else's money on fancy cars, trips, clothes, etc. you don't have time to honestly look at yourself.

    As for the point of the post, I'm not sure I agree... at least not from my perspective. I think people are *kitten* regardless of money. Yes, having more money can make them more socially visible, and as you saw it can give them another thing to make fun of others about... but they would still be *****es even if they didn't have money... it would just come out in other ways.

    I see your point, but I also think if these people lost their money...they'd be pretty humbled and more than likely change their attitude about most things. Like if they became a server for a year and had to live off of it - they'd prob be nicer to their servers and tip.

    But I do agree with you on a lot of people that are *kitten*, are just *kitten* regardless; but expecting everything to be handed to you - and then having it handed to you - doesn't help.
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    and like I said, there's always exceptions - not everyone that has a lot of money is rude and mean or anything like that....just unfortunately having money at your disposal often has those negative effects.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Ok, so a friend and I visited her friend this past weekend. It was a ridiculously rich area, and I have never encountered such terribly stuck up rude people in my life, and I’m from West Palm Beach – so Palm Beachers can be pretty rude – ANYWAY, let me vent about this for a second.

    We went out to eat with her and her friends and we asked if it was going to be expensive, because unlike them, we don’t have mommy and daddy paying for us anymore, they said no it’s a cheap place ... it ended up costing us each $50 for dinner. As we were figuring out the bill, they all said they weren't going to tip, and their excuse was “It’s ok because he won’t know until we leave anyway.” So my friend and I ended up paying whole tip – because that is absolutely ridiculous, especially when it was about a $200 check.

    We went to a basketball game their school played against another team who wasn’t from a wealthy area. The other team was chanting something against them and one of the girls actually got up and yelled out that they had more money than the other team, so it didn’t matter if they lost.

    We were talking about weddings because one of their friends was engaged and they actually laughed at the fact that my friend said hers couldn’t be more than $10,000.

    Oh, and they are also all anorexic. One girl had an apple for breakfast and at noon we were talking about where we wanted to go for dinner. She said she was going to look for something for lunch and one of the other girls goes, well, we're going to dinner later so you might not want to fill was NOON and all she ate was an apple…like she couldn’t have both lunch and dinner.

    Also, the only topic of discussion was who’s dating who. And they complained about their boyfriends, the WHOLE time. They don’t even like them. Aren’t you supposed to like the person you’re dating? Or is that just me…

    Anyway, I just wanted to vent about my encounter with the future desperate housewives of America! And lesson learned - I'm happy I'm not a trust fund kid. I know there are ridiculously wealthy people that don't get caught up in having a false sense of entitlement and an elitist attitude - but I met a bunch of people this weekend who do. I'm glad I have the family I do who taught me that money isn't what's important in life, and it's not what makes you who are you, and to not judge other people based on their monetary status.

    Vent over!

    Marry me???

    Jeff disclaimer. I'm happily married but throwing that out there as a sign of post approval.:bigsmile:
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    hahahha thanks for the approval!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Yes, money does change some peopIe who Iack a soIid foundation of moraIs and courtesy
    I'm not fithy rich by any means but I do my best to heIp others out when they are in need because I know what its Iike to not have money
    I'm a generous tipper when I go out to eat, I know how difficuIt their jobs are since I've worked in the restaurant industry in the past
  • BabyBubbles31
    I'm glad I have the family I do who taught me that money isn't what's important in life, and it's not what makes you who are you, and to not judge other people based on their monetary status.

    No it sure isn't... but sad to say many people in our world think it is. Sorry you had the time you did visiting. You know though your life will be better than theirs because you know where true happiness lies.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'm amazed that these people didn't tip. I mean come on.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I've always found that truly wealthy people don't place much importance on money. It's only the people who desperately wish they had infinite funds who act this way. They also run up ridiculous debts to convince everyone else of their wealth.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    If I was a gambler, I'd say that they *knew* the restaurant was expensive. They told YOU it wasn't so they could appear so nonchalant about it, and when the bill came, they didn't tip because they were already at the limit of their means (or beyond).
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I believe the saying is that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is merely paper.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Ick, people like that are awful. I have seen it on the other end and can say a friend of mine in college had rich parents that were super generous and kind. Always taking us out for dinners when they came to visit, and just wonderful people in general. So that's good to know too. And their daughter was always kind and never acted better than anyone else.

    I can't believe with all their money they didn't tip. I swear there is a kharma hell somewhere for people like that. They'll get there's somehow...some people have all the money in the world and no class.
  • Just_Bethy
    I believe the saying is that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is merely paper.
    Thank you!! Misquotes drive me crazy...LOL...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    There are plenty of nice people with money and plenty of poor people that act like assh*les.

    You just need to be more selective about who you hang around.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I still want to win Powerball though. :embarassed: