Question for runners?

How many run on a treadmill and who runs outside?
I'm always seeing ppl who are running on here just want to know if they are using a treadmill.

I just bought a treadmill and am hoping to build up to run non stop. I find it hard to go for a walk/run outside as I'm a single mum to 2 young kids, thats why ive just bought the treadmill, so my aim was to start running when they go to bed.

Stupid question but is using a treadmill not as good as running outside?



  • rosieratbag
    rosieratbag Posts: 33 Member
    No idea which is best.

    Only ever run outdoors as no access to a treadmill however now its dark days And winter it'd be great to have one

  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Use the treadmill in the beginning but once you can run without stopping go outside on trails and streets. You will find it harder to run since you have the concrete on your foot and wind resistance. I found that the treadmill just got boring and was too repetitive so I go outside and run. Also once you're used to outdoor running, you will find that you will run faster on a treadmill.

    Best for running and losing weight is outdoors, its more natural on the body
  • tchrklm
    tchrklm Posts: 5 Member
    I prefer running outside and have better runs when I do. For me, I'm more likely to stop my workout on the treadmill when I feel like I can't go any further. When I'm outside, I seem to keep going since I still have to get home anyway. I'd switch it up a bit just to make your routine seem "different'.
  • amandal00
    amandal00 Posts: 59 Member
    I do both. I think whichever way will allow you to get up and move your body is better. I am a mom as well and there are a lot of days that I wouldn't get my run in if it weren't for the treadmill.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    How many run on a treadmill and who runs outside?
    I'm always seeing ppl who are running on here just want to know if they are using a treadmill.

    I just bought a treadmill and am hoping to build up to run non stop. I find it hard to go for a walk/run outside as I'm a single mum to 2 young kids, thats why ive just bought the treadmill, so my aim was to start running when they go to bed.

    Stupid question but is using a treadmill not as good as running outside?


    I strongly prefer to run outside, regardless of the weather. You recruit a lot of different stabilizer muscles and a treadmill can't really simulate the various ups and downs as well. Plus, if you go on long runs, treadmills can be B-O-R-I-N-G! Having said that, there are times when it's OK. I didn't want to miss a game on Saturday and because the only way I could fit in my long run (4+ hours) AND watch the game was to hop on my sisters dreadmill.

    OK, there's that. But in your case, it's perfectly fine!! You have little ones. You can't take them with you, and if running on the treadmill is your only option, then by all means go for it! Tip: 1% incline always, never flat. 1% isn't much, but it at least better simulates running outside since you don't have wind and undulations. You can do more when hill training, but for just a normal run, 1% is good.

    You are to be commended for embarking on journey. It is sooo worth it. You will get in a great shape and inspire those little ones of yours and everyone else in your circle of family/friends! Good luck. :)
  • michellebelle1
    michellebelle1 Posts: 34 Member
    I run short distances on the treadmill, because I seem to make myself go faster when I see the actual speed on the display in front of me. I run longer distances outside, just for some variety and hill work. I agree completely with Cyprian64; definitely keep at least a 1% incline.

    Happy running!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Whatever you will actuall DO is what is best for you! I would have killed for a treadmill when my son was little! The treadmill is easier on your body and you can do it in any weather. The treadmill belt pulls your leg behind you and you use less energy. If you increase the incline to 1% you will better mimic outdoor running. If you choose to move on to running outdoors from running on the treadmill you should do it gradually so your ligaments and joints can adjust to the new stress. (I hurt my IT band moving from treadmill to road too fast)
  • veganbabe133
    veganbabe133 Posts: 46 Member
    Running short distance is very easy on a treadmill, but I think when your running longer, as I am for marathon training, it gets so boring I have to go outside. I live in minnesota and its FREEEEZING here, so I will also run a track if the weather drops negative as it did this evening. Hope this helps! :]
  • rikorb
    rikorb Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone for your great advice! Can't wait to start running, or at least use my treadmill, it's getting installed tomorrow!!! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I "learned" to run on a treadmill last winter, and moved outside when the weather allowed. I prefer running outside and find it much, much easier. Both because it feel unnatural for me to run one exact consistent speed, and there's not enough air flow at the gym, even if I'm right under a ceiling fan. Outdoors, even if I'm running slow and there's no actual wind, I'm at least creating my own 5mph breeze! :tongue: If I had one at home, I'd prop a huge pedestal fan right in front of me and I'd be golden.

    But when Mother Nature is disagreeable, I'll run inside.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    What is "good" is the one you'll use! In your case it sounds like a treadmill will suit you perfectly.

    If your ultimate goal is to run outside or run a race, you can gradually progress when you get the chance and the weather's better. It's far more fun and though starts harder on the legs and lungs ends up far easier with all the distractions of outside.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I use both. I run outside for longer runs, for warm ups before strength training I use my treadmill. I mostly run outside, though, as I cannot stand the treadmill.

    What's best really depends on what your goals are. Are you strictly getting into this to lose weight or do you want to do races? If it's the later then you do need to be able to run outside as the surfaces are very different and cause different challenges.
  • Hollie_downunder
    I once fell off a treadmill backwards! i have stupidly long legs and it wasn't one of the big ones, very embarassing! :)

    so i def feel more comfortable running on solid ground! though on days where its too hot/too cold to run outside i do wish i had one!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I forgot to mention also that if your children are small enough you can always get a double jogging stroller. Or if you have one bigger one and one smaller one, go for a run w/ the smaller one in a jogger and the older one riding next to you on a bike.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I don't have a treadmill, so I only use one when I'm staying at a hotel with a gym and even then only if it's raining outside.
    I'd much rather run outside, because there is more to see, I find the treadmill pretty boring.
    However, if its not easy for you to get out with the kids, then the treadmill sounds like a great idea.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I despise running on a treadmill, but I will use one on occasion when extreme conditions dictate.

    It seems people are mixed as to which they feel is more difficult, they are definitnely different.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I use a treadmill at the gym as I'm "learning" to run, and learning to enjoy it as well. At some point, I'll take the running outside, when I feel ready for it. As people have said, if it works for you then that's the best thing to do.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I do both, and I prefer running outside if only because it's more interesting (less boring, more likely to stick with it) and it also has the benefit (especially in winter) of allowing you to get some sunlight which so far has helped me ward off SAD. So if you're running on a treadmill at home, at least put it near a window to get sunlight (at the gym it's all artificial lighting in the cardio room).
    The advantage of a treadmill is that it's easier to control your pace.
    When running on a treadmill I always try to vary the incline a little bit to help "simulate" a real, outdoor run. I always leave it at at least 1%.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Use the treadmill in the beginning but once you can run without stopping go outside on trails and streets. You will find it harder to run since you have the concrete on your foot and wind resistance. I found that the treadmill just got boring and was too repetitive so I go outside and run. Also once you're used to outdoor running, you will find that you will run faster on a treadmill.

    Best for running and losing weight is outdoors, its more natural on the body

    great advice here.

    I prefer to run outside. however, it get's dark too damn early where I live right now and if I want to run, I go on my treadmill.
    Treadmills are boring to me though, so I'm lucky if I can go more than 6 miles. lol
    I also put my treadmill on an incline of atleast 1 or 2 so I feel like i'm challenging myself like i'm running outside.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I do both, and I prefer running outside if only because it's more interesting (less boring, more likely to stick with it) and it also has the benefit (especially in winter) of allowing you to get some sunlight which so far has helped me ward off SAD. So if you're running on a treadmill at home, at least put it near a window to get sunlight (at the gym it's all artificial lighting in the cardio room).
    The advantage of a treadmill is that it's easier to control your pace.
    When running on a treadmill I always try to vary the incline a little bit to help "simulate" a real, outdoor run. I always leave it at at least 1%.

    I should have just said this ! LOL :)
    great post :)