why is it that after the first 10kgs/pounds

you feel bigger and fatter than you did before you started losing the weight? i feel so big and yuck at the moment - maybe because im focussing on my body a lot more? i hope it passes.


  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    I actually feel the same way. Even though I have lost a lot of weight, I'm still not satisfied because I have so much more to go. I guess I'm just in denial......
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    Its going to pass, youre going to get smaller and smaller!
  • I felt much better after only 10lbs.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Don't just hope it passes - you can do things to improve your self-image or harm it, the power is in your hands.

    Take time to think (and even write down) how you feel about your body now. What are the things you think and do? Then see how many of those thoughts or actions could be replaced with healthier ones? (i.e. don't compare yourself with anyone else, focus on your progress through your weight, measurements, appearance in photos, other people's feedback etc.)

    Work on becoming aware of your negative self talk (i.e. you catch a glimpse of yourself in shop window and say 'gosh, I'm so fat') and deliberately replacing it with positive statements (i.e. I've come a long way and I'm still going strong on my weight loss').

    There's heaps more you can do - a quick Google should get you some ideas. This is a mental journey as well as a physical one!
  • I can agree with how you feel!! But I think it is all part of becoming more self aware...and before we started to make these changes I think denial was the name of the game....and now we are more focused on our bodies and the changes that we are making!

    Now I see that our bodies are trying to catch up to our change in mind!
  • gersoco
    gersoco Posts: 155 Member
    What helped me a lot was when I stopped thinking of an overweight person trying to get skinny and instead switched to thinking of myself as a skinny person, currently overweight, who is actively working on getting skinny again.

    Maybe kinda new-agey or psycho-bably, to some, but hey, it works for me.
  • stay positive ! focused & determined.. thats just negativity ..fuel it with positive thought !
  • Actually for me, it was after losing the first 12lbs that I started looking at pictures of myself from the pre-diet and realising just how unhealthy I looked. My arms looked like hams and my thighs like tree trunks. Luckily, they were the first thing that slimmed down for me. Then I felt a lot better about myself.

    I do understand the sudden focus on your body though. I'm down about 24lbs now, (2 off my target!) and I've found that I'm much more critical of myself, particularly in clothes. Before, if something didn't suit me, I didn't really care. Now I'm far more self-conscious about how I look - which is weird, having dropped a good three dress sizes.