New and need friends!

I need some motivation...I just downloaded this app on Saturday night with Sunday being my first offical day. I love how it keeps you accountable for what you are eating!
I'm 19 years old, 5'3" and currently weigh 130. I'm looking to get back to the 115 I was my senior year of high school, but my main goal is to just be healthy and look fit. I'd like to get a flat tummy (wouldn't we all?) for my husband, and currently that's what I'm aiming for - I rarely weigh myself because I have a pretty big fear of becoming a slave to the scale (as I have been in the past).
I look forward to meeting you all! :)


  • Hey girl. Welcome. I'm Natasha, 25, currently 140 after 4 babies (yikes!) and also looking to get back to my 115. I am not so new to the app, but very new to the boards:) I love the app, with that and a strict exercise program, I've lost 6 lb! Not a lot, but gets me siked. Hope to get to know ya!
  • Hey. You'll get pretty hooked pretty fast to being on track.
    I'm new to the boards as well, but I've loved how easy it is to stay healthy and on track. I'v even started to lose some weight so now my goal is drop a few pounds before my wedding.
    Feel free to friend me, good luck on getting back in shape.
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    6 lbs IS a big deal - congrats! :)
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    Congrats about the wedding! When is the big day!?
    I remember those days - going to the gym twice a day during the two weeks before my wedding ;-P Best of luck to you!
  • Aimee_21
    Aimee_21 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey :)

    I am pretty new to this as well, I have been doing it for about a week I think. I've just started doing the 30 day shred, on to day 2 now and hurting haha but I reckon it means its working :) Good luck, stick to it and you'll be back at your starting weight in no time!
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    Feel free to add me! 22 years old, started at 130 and maintaining between 110-115!
  • smitslmt
    smitslmt Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    Hey :)

    I am pretty new to this as well, I have been doing it for about a week I think. I've just started doing the 30 day shred, on to day 2 now and hurting haha but I reckon it means its working :) Good luck, stick to it and you'll be back at your starting weight in no time!
    I'm doing the 30 day shred as well! I just restarted it today...I was going strong for 3 weeks, but started my schooling and got too overwelmed and quit :-/
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Feel free to add me as well if you want. I am also new here (started this weekend). I'm a college student (which gets in the way at times) and I have a bit more to lose then you.

    Good luck!
  • I've had the app for a bit, lost a few pounds and got off track. I'm new to the message boards aspect of this and would love, to have some friends who are going threw the same challenges as I am. Add me if you like!