weight wont come off.

What am I doing wrong, eating really well no sugar, really no carbs, mostly protein, exercising and the weight isn't coming off.
I weigh about 72kg from 75kgs in about 4 weeks, is that an ok amount to loose in that amount of time? Do I just need to be patient.?


  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Weight IS coming off! 3 kilos in 4 weeks? FANTASTIC! In fact, that is a very rapid loss, especially since you're only looking to lose a relatively small amount. 0.5 kilos per week is recommended, and sustainable.

    So cool, well done.
  • maggot09
    Thanks for that, was just having doubts about it all, cheers for the reply.
  • accidentalbaby
    accidentalbaby Posts: 2 Member
    sounds like you're doing well so far! keep it up :)
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    BTW, where does "maggot" come from? lol
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    That is great! You are doing awesome!
  • maggot09
    umm my husband listens to slipknot and they use the word maggot, it just popped into my head when i needed a user name, silly really.