Just getting started! Let's be friends.

Hi everyone!

Just signed up a couple hours ago, and my first official day using the site is going to be tomorrow. I'm psyched!

I've lost 30lbs this past summer on my own, with diet and exercise, but have been stuck at a frustrating 170lbs for the past three months. :( Definitely in search of some motivation and tips to get myself down those last 25lbs!

Anyone else here (new or not!) want to be buddies and help each other kick some *kitten*? :D


  • noturavgmom
    Hello! I signed up about 3 months ago, but never really participated with the site. I've decided to give it a go one more time.

    I am at 140lbs. I would like to be at 110-115. That's what I weighed pre kids and I would love to go back to that again. I work full time Monday- Friday, 9-5, and then do mommy stuff with the kids till about 9:30 pm. After all that I do in the day, by the time I get to do things by myself, I'm too exhausted to workout.

    I need the motivation to workout everyday ( and enjoy it) and I would love to start eating healthier. It might be too hard for me to count calories, but I plan on trying my best this time.

    Wish me luck and nice to meet you all!!!
  • kissoffools
    Wow, you have quite the busy schedule! You sound very motivated, though - best of luck to you! We can do this!
  • Kenpogyrl
    My names is Christine. Username kenpogyrl. I am the proud mom of 2 wonderful boys, 15 12. I just joined MFP last week, haven't weighed in yet,. but I have done very well tracking my food & exercise,. The exercise part, I have down: I teach adult fitness M,W,F, take kickboxing and karate class back to back on Tues & Thurs, and teach kickboxing Thurs & Fri night. By the end of the week, I workout 6-7 times a week. The main thing I need from people is motivation--- so I don't fall of the "tracking wagon". If you would like to be my fitness buddy, please send a request.

  • kissoffools
    Hi Christine. Best of luck with your tracking!
  • mkromer
    I just added Kissoffools and figured I might as well make some more friends. I'm a junior in college and have gained lots of weight from a back injury 5 years ago. I want to more towards making healthier food choices as well as working out and toning up my body! Add me if you want a friend with similar goals!
  • Gargoyle69
    Gargoyle69 Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome! Great support on this site!